452 research outputs found

    Modelling galaxy spectra in presence of interstellar dust. I. The model of ISM and the library of dusty SSPs

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    In this paper, the first of a series of two devoted to modelling the spectra of galaxies of different morphological type in presence of dust, we present our description of the dust both in the diffuse ISM and the molecular clouds. Our model for the dust takes into account three components, i.e. graphite, silicates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. We consider and adapt to our aims two prescriptions for the size distribution of the dust grains and two models for the emission of the dusty ISM. We cross-check the emission and extinction models of the ISM by calculating the extinction curves and the emission for the typical environments of the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and by comparing the results with the observational data. The final model we have adopted is an hybrid one which stems from combining the analysis of Guhathakurta et al (1989) for the emission of graphite and silicates and Puget et al. (1985) for the PAH emission, and using the distribution law of Weingartner et al. (2001a) and the ionization model for PAHs of Weingartner et al. (2001b). We apply the model to calculate the SED of SSPs of different age and chemical composition, which may be severely affected by dust in young, massive stars while they are still embedded in their parental MCs. We use the "Ray Tracing" method to solve the problem of radiative transfer and to calculate libraries of SSP SEDs. Particular care is paid to model the contribution from PAHs, introducing different abundances of C in the population of very small carbonaceous grains (VSGs) and different ionization states in PAHs. The SEDs of young SSPs are then compared with observational data of star forming regions of four local galaxies successfully reproducing their SEDs from the UV-optical regions to the mid and far infrared.Comment: 24 pages, 29 figure

    Model color-magnitude diagrams for Hubble Space Telescope observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies

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    In this paper, we discuss a method to conduct a quantitative study of the star formation history (SFH) of Local Group (LG) galaxies using (HST) data. This method has proven to be successful in the analysis of the SFH of the same kind of galaxies using ground-based observations. It is based on the comparison of observed CMDs with a set of model CMDs. The latter are computed assuming different evolutionary scenarios, and include a detailed simulation of observational effects. HST CMDs are ~3 mags deeper than typical ground-based CMDs, allowing the observation, for all LG galaxies, of a part of the CMD that up till now had remained accessible only for the very nearest galaxies. A very important feature that will become accessible is the HB+red-clump. The distribution of stars along this structure is quite sensitive to age and metallicity and should provide a very important improvement in the time resolution of the SFH for stars older than ~2-3 Gyr. We show and discuss four model CMDs which would be comparable with CMDs from deep HST observations. These model CMDs represent the following evolutionary scenarios corresponding to a wide range of dwarf galaxy sub-types from dI to dE: A) a constant SFR from 15Gyr ago to the present time; B) as A), but with the SFR stopped 0.5 Gyr ago; C) a constant SFR in the age range 10-9Gyr and D) as C) but in the age range 15-12 Gyr. In all four cases a range of metallicity from Z=0.0001 to Z=0.004 has been assumed. The present analysis is just a first qualitative approach to what one may expect to find in the CMDs of LG galaxies. However a complete set of model CMDs must be computed to analize the data for each galaxy, using the crowding effects derived for that particular galaxy.Comment: 2 fi

    New response functions for absorption-line indices from high-resolution spectra

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    Basing on the huge library of 1-A resolution spectra calculated by Munari et al. over a large range of logT, log g, [Fe/H] and both for solar and a-enhanced abundance ratios [a/Fe], we present theoretical absorption-line indices on the Lick system. First we derive the so-called response functions (RFs) of Tripicco & Bell for a wide range of logT, log g, [Fe/H] and [a/Fe]=+0.4 dex. The RFs are commonly used to correct indices with solar [a/Fe] ratios to indices with [a/Fe]>0. Not only the RFs vary with the type of star but also with the metallicity. Secondly, with the aid of this and the fitting functions (FFs) of Worthey et al., we derive the indices for single stellar populations and compare them with those obtained by previous authors, e.g. Tantalo & Chiosi. The new RFs not only supersede the old ones by Tripicco & Bell, but also show that Hb increases with the degree of enhancement in agreement with the results by Tantalo & Chiosi. The new indices for single stellar populations are used to derive with aid of the recursive Minimum Distance method the age, metallicity and degree of enhancement of a sample of Galactic Globular Clusters for which these key parameters have been independently derived from the Colour-Magnitude Diagram and/or spectroscopic studies. The agreement is remarkably good.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A chemical evolution model for galaxy clusters

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    We develop a toy-model for the chemical evolution of the intracluster medium, polluted by the galactic winds from elliptical galaxies. The model follows the "galaxy formation history" of cluster galaxies, constrained by the observed luminosity function.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop "Chemical Enrichment of Intracluster and Intergalactic Medium", Vulcano, Italy, 14-18 May 2001, ASP Conference Serie

    Spectro-photometric Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies. II. Models with infall

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    In this paper we present new chemo-spectro-photometric models of elliptical galaxies in which infall of primordial gas is allowed to occur. They aim to simulate the collapse of a galaxy made of two components, i.e. luminous material and dark matter. The mass of the dark component is assumed to be constant in time, whereas that of the luminous material is supposed to accrete at a suitable rate. They also include the effect of galactic winds powered by supernova explosions and stellar winds from massive, early-type stars. The models are constrained to match a number of properties of elliptical galaxies, i.e. the slope and mean colours of the colour-magnitude relation (CMR), V versus (V--K), the UV excess as measured by the colour (1550--V) together with the overall shape of the integrated spectral energy distribution (ISED) in the ultraviolet, the relation between the Mg2 index and (1550--V), the mass to blue luminosity ratio M/Lb as a function of the B luminosity, and finally the broad-band colours (U--B), (B--V), (V--I), (V--K), etc.Comment: pages 22, 20 postscript figures, 2 external table (tab2_infall using supertabular.sty and tab5_infall using supertabular1.sty

    Star Formation History of Early-Type Galaxies in Low Density Environments V. Blue line-strength indices for the nuclear region

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    We analyze the star formation properties of a sample of 21 shell galaxies and 30 early-type galaxies members of interacting pairs, located in low density environments (Longhetti et al 1998a, 1998b). The study is based on new models developed to interpret the information coming from `blue' Hδ\delta/FeI, H+K(CaII) and \D4000 line-strength indices proposed by Rose (1984; 1985) and Hamilton (1985). We find that the last star forming event that occurred in the nuclear region of shell galaxies is statistically old (from 0.1 up to several Gyr) with respect to the corresponding one in the sub-sample of pair galaxies (<0.1 Gyr or even ongoing star formation). If the stellar activity is somehow related to the formation of shells, as predicted by several dynamical models of galaxy interaction, shells have to be considered long lasting structures. Since pair members show evidence of very recent star formation, we suggest that either large reservoirs of gas have to be present to maintain active star formation, if these galaxies are on periodic orbits, or most of the pair members in the present sample are experiencing unbound encounters.Comment: 12 pages, including 7 figures - Accepted for publication in A&
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