113 research outputs found


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    Propulsion apparatus (10) for space vehicles, comprising a solid state oxygen-rich source layer (11), means (12) for extracting oxygen from said solid state oxygen-rich source layer (11), means (16, 14, 17) for accelerating correspondingly extracted oxygen ions into vacuum. According to the invention, it comprises a stack including said solid state oxygen-rich source layer (11), an active layer (16) being deposited above said solid state oxygen-rich source layer (11), in contact with said solid state oxygen-rich source layer, said active layer (16) being formed with a material different from said solid state oxygen-rich source layer (11), said material being an oxide presenting impedance hysteresis behavior, i.e. a memristor, wherein in a low resistance state oxygen ions (22) are expelled through the active layer (16) and wherein in a high resistance state the active layer (16) ceases expelling oxygen ions (22)


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    A propulsion apparatus for space vehicles, includes a solid state oxygen-rich source layer, means for extracting oxygen from said solid state oxygen-rich source layer, means for accelerating correspondingly extracted oxygen ions into vacuum. A stack includes the solid state oxygen-rich source layer, an active layer being deposited above the solid state oxygen-rich source layer, in contact with the solid state oxygen rich source layer, the active layer being formed with a material different from the solid state oxygen-rich source layer, the material being an oxide presenting impedance hysteresis behavior

    On the Pyroelectric and Triboelectric Phenomena in Ferrofluids

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    Owing to the waste of energy originated by any physical or chemical process, approaches for reducing the energy losses have been conceived and, nowadays, energy recovery and conversion systems represent a worldwide-recognized solution. The advent of colloidal-based cybernetic systems highlights the essential role of energy harvesting, storage, and management capabilities coped by colloidal energetic systems. In this work, an alternative to thermoelectricity generation is demonstrated by means of a magnetic colloid based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs). The ferrofluid (FF) tribo- and pyroelectric features are explored in order to increase the amount of harvested energy. The findings suggest that the FF shows both triboelectric and pyroelectric charge displacement. A capacitive electrode is more efficient for accumulating potentials up to 48 V developed by triboelectricity while a resistive one is essential to collect pyroelectric charges up to 22 nA, which helped to estimate the FF pyroelectric coefficient, reaching the remarkable value of 25.2 μCm−2 K−1. A simplified equivalent model of the inductive setup is proposed, suggesting that increasing the fluid temperature a reduction of FF inductance due to demagnetization effects occurs

    Triboelectric characterization of colloidal TiO2 for energy harvesting applications

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    Nowadays, energy-related issues are of paramount importance. Every energy transformation process results in the production of waste heat that can be harvested and reused, representing an ecological and economic opportunity. Waste heat to power (WHP) is the process of converting the waste heat into electricity. A novel approach is proposed based on the employment of liquid nano colloids. In this work, the triboelectric characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in pure water and flowing in a fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) pipe was conducted. The idea is to exploit the waste heat to generate the motion of colloidal TiO2 through a FEP pipe. By placing an Al ring electrode in contact with the pipe, it was possible to accumulate electrostatic charges due to the triboelectric effect between the fluid and the inner pipe walls. A peristaltic pump was used to drive and control the flow in order to evaluate the performances in a broad fluid dynamic spectrum. The system generated as output relatively high voltages and low currents, resulting in extracted power ranging between 0.4 and 0.6 nW. By comparing the power of pressure loss due to friction with the extracted power, the electro-kinetic efficiency was estimated to be 20%

    Liquid-state pyroelectric energy harvesting

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    Increasing the sustainability of energy generation can be pursued by harvesting extremely low enthalpy sources: low temperature differences between cold and hot reservoirs are easily achieved in every industrial process, both at large and small scales, in plants as well as in small appliances, vehicles, natural environments, and human bodies. This paper presents the assessment and efficiency estimate of a liquid-state pyroelectric energy harvester, based on a colloid containing barium titanate nanoparticles and ferrofluid as a stabilizer. The liquid is set in motion by an external pump to control velocity, in a range similar to the one achieved by Rayleigh–Bénard convection, and the colloid reservoir is heated. The colloid is injected into a Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene pipe where titanium electrodes are placed to collect electrical charges generated by pyroelectricity on the surface of the nanoparticles, reaching 22.4% of the ideal Carnot efficiency of a thermal machine working on the same temperature drop. The maximum extracted electrical power per unit of volume is above 7 mW/m3 with a ΔT between electrodes of 3.9 K


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    La presente descrizione è relativa a tecniche per la propulsione di veicoli nel vuoto, in particolare nello spazio, mediante un apparato di propulsione per veicoli spaziali, comprendente uno strato di sorgente di ossigeno, mezzi per estrarre ossigeno da detto strato di sorgente di ossigeno, mezzi per accelerare in modo corrispondente gli ioni ossigeno estratti nel vuoto

    Lead-free piezoelectrics: V3+ to V5+ ion conversion promoting the performances of V-doped Zinc Oxide

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    Vanadium doped ZnO (VZO) thin films were grown by RF magnetron sputtering, starting from a ZnO:V ceramic target. The crystal structure, chemical composition, electric and piezoelectric properties of the films were investigated either on the as-grown thin films or after a post-deposition rapid thermal annealing (RTA) treatment performed at 600 °C for different lengths of time (1 and 5 min) in an oxygen atmosphere. Substitutional doping of Zn2+ with V3+ and V5+ ions strongly deteriorated the hexagonal wurtzite ZnO structure of the as-grown thin films due to lattice distortion. The resulting slight amorphization led to a poor piezoelectric response and higher resistivity. After the RTA treatment, strong c-axis oriented VZO thin films were obtained, together with a partial conversion of the starting V3+ ions into V5+. The improvement of the crystal structure and the stronger polarity of both V3+ – O and V5+ – O chemical bonds, together with the corresponding easier rotation under the application of an external electric field, positively affected the piezoelectric response and increased conductivity. This was confirmed by closed-loop butterfly piezoelectric curves, by a maximum d33 piezoelectric coefficient of 85 pm·V−1, and also by ferroelectric switching domains with a well-defined polarization hysteresis curve, featuring a residual polarization of 12.5 μC∙cm−2

    Waste heat to power conversion by means of thermomagnetic hydrodynamic energy harvester

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    Energy harvesting from extremely low enthalpy sources can play an important role in increasing the sustainability of future energy applications: low temperature differences are common and offer an abundant source, available both in the natural environment and as the result of a many industrial process. This paper presents the first closed-loop thermomagnetic hydrodynamic energy harvester, based on thermomagnetic advection and exploiting a commercial ferrofluid. The lab-scale prototype has a toroidal geometry adopted from the well-known tokamak inertial machines. Peltier modules are used to control the thermal gradient that is harvested and converted directly to electric energy, while permanent magnets trigger the advection. Temperature sensors are installed along the toroidal walls (thermistors) and are placed in contact with the rotating fluid (thermocouples). To extract and ensure the electrical energy output, the structure is wrapped-up with induction coils. Two coil configurations (purely poloidal and mixed poloidal/toroidal windings) are tested, in a heterogeneous two-phase flow from the combination of water carrier and ferrofluid packets, reaching a maximum extracted electrical power per unit of temperature difference of 10.4 μW/K. This positions the device close to 20% of the ideal Carnot efficiency of a thermal machine working on the same temperature drop. Numerical analysis of the system has been performed developing a Fortran™ code in a Eulerian framework, using a mixed Fourier-Galerkin/finite difference spatial discretization. The harvester is suitable for producing electricity from running engines, appliances, warm gas exhausts, exothermic processes

    Inkjet printed doped polyaniline: navigating through physics and chemistry for the next generation devices

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    Innovative benzidine-free PANI-based inks for electrically conducive inkjet printed devices were developed and tested and the results compared with those obtained by traditional PANI. NMR investigations evidenced the presence of quinones and phenolic groups on the backbone of the innovative PANIs that are thought being responsible for the higher solubility in DMSO. A mechanism of reaction was proposed. The numerous characterizations (NMR, UV-Vis, FTIR, XPS and electrical investigations) allowed to compare protonation level, doping level, valence band maximum for both the type of PANI. The correlation among structural properties, printability, conductivity and solubility was discussed

    Thermally evaporated Cu-Co top spin valve with random exchange bias

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    A cobalt-copper top spin valve was prepared by thermal evaporation of a stack of ferromagnetic thin films separated by thin layers of the diamagnetic metal, with a cap layer containing an antiferromagnetic AFM exchange-biasing material. A nonconventional top AFM layer was used, in order to optimize the multilayer roughness and to avoid electrical interference with metallic layers; it consists of a composite material easily processed by means of optical lithography, basically a polymeric matrix composite with a dispersion of nickel oxide microparticles. Magnetization and magnetoresistance measurements were performed from 4 to 300 K. The measurements of both quantities indicate random pinning action of the top AFM layer, resulting in a small exchange-bias field and in asymmetric magnetization and magnetoresistance curves. A simple model explains the observed physical effect
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