20 research outputs found

    System Dynamics Approach to model a Hybrid Manufacturing System

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    The aim of this work is to create a simulation model of a manufacturing system operating within the supply chain by system dynamics approach heeding dynamics of system-company and factors that may affect performance, so that management can have a useful tool for decision support. The results have shown interesting correlations between management choices and the system outputs

    A resilient approach to manage a Supply Chain Network

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    Today we depend more and more on logistic networks, which often know nothing, or worse, on which our power of control is almost zero. It is impossible to imagine a life without certain types of products or food, all of that to get us often follow long and complex network and therefore vulnerable. Let see how increase in energy costs has engulfed many small companies. Differently by rising energy costs, there are also changes that are not so easily predictable, so it is essential for the survival of a company to have “redundant” resources, able to operate strategies and proactive behavior. It’s important to be flexible and adapt better to the changes that are imposed by external or even internal conditions. More than on flexibility, it is necessary to focus on the concept of Resilience, which requires the ability to remain calm, to address a crisis, but maybe leave it weakened but with the strength, the ability and the confidence to create a tomorrow of own business, adapting to change

    A decision support tool, implemented in a system dynamics model, to improve the effectiveness in the hospital emergency department

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    The emergency department of a hospital is, among all areas in which lean policies are focused, the one that has received the most attention. The emergency room, in fact, plays a vital role in providing primary care to patients and is also recognized for the contribution it gives to society. The important results in terms of cost savings and improving the flow due to the reduction of the waiting time of the patients, obtained from major international hospitals, were crucial to assess whether it was possible and useful to implement similar improvements in Italy, certainly not without to many problems in the provision of health services. This paper explores what can be improved for the department to be more efficient, using simulation techniques based on dynamic and continuous logics (system dynamics)

    Sviluppo di un modello simulativo di Supply Network Sanitario

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    Una delle questioni più rilevanti, in seguito all'evoluzione culturale, organizzativa ed operativa delle modalità assistenziali, riguarda il ruolo dell'ospedale e la funzione ospedaliera di cura e di riabilitazione all'interno del sistema dei servizi sanitari. Da un lato, grazie alla ricerca e alla tecnologia, è possibile ricevere cure avanzate, usare presidi e rimedi sofisticati, dall'altro è cresciuta moltissimo la popolazione anziana con problemi di salute cronici, che necessitano di essere seguiti nel tempo, più che di un intervento urgente ed immediato. L'evoluzione in atto porta l'ospedale a trasformarsi da grande e indifferenziato luogo di degenza e assistenza a struttura di dimensioni medio-piccole ad alto contenuto tecnologico e scientifico, in grado di erogare un consistente numero di prestazioni di elevata complessità, differenziate e concentrate in periodi temporali molto limitati. L'ospedale, quindi, tende a spostarsi progressivamente sulle attività di trattamento diurno (day hospital e day surgery) e ambulatoriale, con una significativa attività di raccordo con il territorio, finalizzata a garantire la continuità assistenziale. La messa in rete degli ospedali, dunque, è uno strumento utile per garantire a tutti i cittadini equità di accesso a prestazioni e servizi sanitari efficaci ed appropriati in un contesto di risorse limitate. La creazione di una rete ospedaliera significa, quindi, riorganizzare tutte le risorse ospedaliere per attività assistenziali utili al bacino di utenza, favorendo le economie di scala e l'appropriatezza delle cure, in una logica d'interdipendenza con le strutture di riferimento dei secondo livello. Per analizzare le problematiche relative alla progettazione di una rete ospedaliera in grado di supportare il cambiamento richiesto dalla politiche comunitarie, si è partiti dall'analisi del design propria del sistema manifatturiero/produttivo, ovvero dall'analisi del Supply Netwok, l'applicabilità dei principi del Supply Chain Management oltre che al manufacturing anche all'ambito dei servizi

    Management of Check – in at Naples Port Terminal by DES Logic

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    The goal of this study is to produce a simulation decision support model for check-in desks in the port. In particular, this study develops a simulation model can be used to build a structure that helps predict delay and to produce a logical and rational management of check-in and security checkpoint inside the terminal port. The model was tested in the medium size Italian port (Naples)

    Dynamic simulation applied to support decision making

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    Decision Support System (DSS) is a system software to support decisions and to allow an effective analysis improvement. DSS support all people that have to decide about strategy in particular complex contest in which for human may be difficult establish what is the best choose, or what is the best decision-making strategy to carry out to achieve the objective. A fundamental step is the system conceptual model building. In simple problems basic mathematics is enough. In more complex problem it is impossible to manage the mathematic solution and for this reason the simulation is used. Scope of simulation is to schematize reality reflecting it faithfully. It can be discrete or continue. In the first case, dependent variables change discretely for particular time values simulated, in the second case dependent variables can change in continuous manner during the simulation range. Into this article we proceed by steps: in the first section literature review will be shown, referring literatures that have already shown this themes; in the second section we will proceed analyzing the integration among different models and, consequently, the building of model for simulation importance; in third section there will be a focus on simulation concept and difference between discrete and continuous simulation. Purpose In more complex problem it is impossible to manage the mathematic solution and for this reason the simulation is used. Scope of simulation is to schematize reality reflecting it faithfully. In this paper we propose a Hybrid Simulation Model based on the integration to DES and SD. Design/methodology/approach The project involves the construction of general logic, using the integration between SD and DES, takes advantage of the computational complexity and systemic analysis and resolution of real problems in different application fields. Originality/value The innovation added by the integration does not consist in the construction of models using two constructs together but using the logic des and sd in a single model

    An Integrating approach, based on simulation, to define optimal number of pallet in an Assembly Line

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    This paper presents a hybrid approach that use Simulation and Design of Experiment to analyze the production system and support decision making to define an optimal number of production resources. We developed a simulation model, implemented in System Dynamics Environment, that emulates a Petri Nets behavior and hat mimics the actual operation of the production system on which experiments were performed, through DOE, to determine possible evolutionary scenarios

    Healthcare Lean Thinking: Simulation of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

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    Hospital is an efficient company. To hack it, all hospitals are successfully implementing Lean Methods for benefits of patients, employees, physicians and hospital organizations in order to provide both better care, better quality and lower costs. This study’s purpose is to construct a simulation model of an Intensive Care Department; with the aim not only to simulate the behaviour but also to use it’s an optimal sizing tool. After a careful and heavy study about the Department’s functioning (from the perspective of the patient), we have built the model, using Powersim Studio software. Finally, we have validated the model, and to do it, we have required a hospital the opportunity to collect data in order to verify the goodness