21 research outputs found

    Mechanism and specificity of pentachloropseudilin-mediated inhibition of myosin motor activity.

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    Here, we report that the natural compound pentachloropseudilin (PClP) acts as a reversible and allosteric inhibitor of myosin ATPase and motor activity. IC(50) values are in the range from 1 to 5 μm for mammalian class-1 myosins and greater than 90 μm for class-2 and class-5 myosins, and no inhibition was observed with class-6 and class-7 myosins. We show that in mammalian cells, PClP selectively inhibits myosin-1c function. To elucidate the structural basis for PClP-induced allosteric coupling and isoform-specific differences in the inhibitory potency of the compound, we used a multifaceted approach combining direct functional, crystallographic, and in silico modeling studies. Our results indicate that allosteric inhibition by PClP is mediated by the combined effects of global changes in protein dynamics and direct communication between the catalytic and allosteric sites via a cascade of small conformational changes along a conserved communication pathway

    Vinculin controls talin engagement with the actomyosin machinery

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    The link between extracellular-matrix-bound integrins and intracellular F-actin is essential for cell spreading and migration. Here, we demonstrate how the actin-binding proteins talin and vinculin cooperate to provide this link. By expressing structure-based talin mutants in talin null cells, we show that while the C-terminal actin-binding site (ABS3) in talin is required for adhesion complex assembly, the central ABS2 is essential for focal adhesion (FA) maturation. Thus, although ABS2 mutants support cell spreading, the cells lack FAs, fail to polarize and exert reduced force on the surrounding matrix. ABS2 is inhibited by the preceding mechanosensitive vinculin-binding R3 domain, and deletion of R2R3 or expression of constitutively active vinculin generates stable force-independent FAs, although cell polarity is compromised. Our data suggest a model whereby force acting on integrin-talin complexes via ABS3 promotes R3 unfolding and vinculin binding, activating ABS2 and locking talin into an actin-binding configuration that stabilizes FAs

    Isozyme-Specific Ligands for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase, a Novel Antibiotic Target

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    Conceived and designed the experiments: FS PC BC ES AM. Performed the experiments: FS RS ES PF SR. Analyzed the data: FS BC ES PF GEK PFC AM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: PC PB GC. Wrote the paper: FS GEK BC AM.The last step of cysteine biosynthesis in bacteria and plants is catalyzed by O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase. In bacteria, two isozymes, O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A and O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B, have been identified that share similar binding sites, although the respective specific functions are still debated. O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase plays a key role in the adaptation of bacteria to the host environment, in the defense mechanisms to oxidative stress and in antibiotic resistance. Because mammals synthesize cysteine from methionine and lack O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase, the enzyme is a potential target for antimicrobials. With this aim, we first identified potential inhibitors of the two isozymes via a ligand- and structure-based in silico screening of a subset of the ZINC library using FLAP. The binding affinities of the most promising candidates were measured in vitro on purified O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A and O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B from Salmonella typhimurium by a direct method that exploits the change in the cofactor fluorescence. Two molecules were identified with dissociation constants of 3.7 and 33 µM for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A and O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B, respectively. Because GRID analysis of the two isoenzymes indicates the presence of a few common pharmacophoric features, cross binding titrations were carried out. It was found that the best binder for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B exhibits a dissociation constant of 29 µM for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A, thus displaying a limited selectivity, whereas the best binder for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A exhibits a dissociation constant of 50 µM for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B and is thus 8-fold selective towards the former isozyme. Therefore, isoform-specific and isoform-independent ligands allow to either selectively target the isozyme that predominantly supports bacteria during infection and long-term survival or to completely block bacterial cysteine biosynthesis.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    Mechanistic insights into the active site and allosteric communication pathways in human nonmuscle myosin 2C

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    Despite a generic, highly conserved motor domain, ATP turnover kinetics and their activation by F actin vary greatly between myosin 2 isoforms. Here, we present a 2.25 pre powerstroke state ADP amp; 8901;VO4 crystal structure of the human nonmuscle myosin 2C motor domain, one of the slowest myosins characterized. In combination with integrated mutagenesis, ensemble solution kinetics, and molecular dynamics simulation approaches, the structure reveals an allosteric communication pathway that connects the distal end of the motor domain with the active site. Disruption of this pathway by mutation of hub residue R788, which forms the center of a cluster of interactions connecting the converter, the SH1 SH2 helix, the relay helix, and the lever, abolishes nonmuscle myosin 2 specific kinetic signatures. Our results provide insights into structural changes in the myosin motor domain that are triggered upon F actin binding and contribute critically to the mechanochemical behavior of stress fibers, actin arcs, and cortical actin based structure