3 research outputs found

    Allelic variants of a potato HEAT SHOCK COGNATE 70 gene confer improved tuber yield under a wide range of environmental conditions

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    Funding: This work was funded by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division as part of the Strategic Research Programme 2016‐2022, by a GCRF Foundation Awards for Global Agricultural and Food Systems Research funded by the BBSRC project BB/P022553/1 (Quickgro) and EPSRC Reference: EP/T01525X/1, GCRF Global Research Translation Awards, Food Security and Health for East Africa, 2019‐2021, and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme ADAPT (Accelerated Development of Multiple‐Stress Tolerant Potato), grant agreement No GA 2020 862‐858 and G2P‐SOL (Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops) grant agreement No 677379.Previously, we developed and applied a glasshouse screen for potato tuber yield under heat stress and identified a candidate gene (HSc70) for heat tolerance by genetic analysis of a diploid potato population. Specific allelic variants were expressed at high levels on exposure to moderately elevated temperature due to variations in gene promoter sequence. In this study, we aimed to confirm the results from the glasshouse screen in field trials conducted over several seasons and locations including those in Kenya, Malawi and the UK. We extend our understanding of the HSc70 gene and demonstrate that expression level of HSc70 correlates with tolerance to heat stress in a wide range of wild potato relatives. The physiological basis of the protective effect of HSc70 was explored and we show that genotypes carrying the highly expressed HSc70 A2 allele are protected against photooxidative damage to PSII induced by abiotic stresses. Overall, we show the potential of HSc70 alleles for breeding resilient potato genotypes for multiple environments.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    TB morbidity estimates overlook the contribution of post-TB disability : evidence from urban Malawi

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    Introduction Despite growing evidence of the long-term impact of tuberculosis (TB) on quality of life, Global Burden of Disease (GBD) estimates of TB-related disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) do not include post-TB morbidity, and evaluations of TB interventions typically assume treated patients return to pre-TB health. Using primary data, we estimate years of life lost due to disability (YLDs), years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and DALYs associated with post-TB cardiorespiratory morbidity in a low-income country. Methods Adults aged ≥15 years who had successfully completed treatment for drug-sensitive pulmonary TB in Blantyre, Malawi (February 2016–April 2017) were followed-up for 3 years with 6-monthly and 12-monthly study visits. In this secondary analysis, St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire data were used to match patients to GBD cardiorespiratory health states and corresponding disability weights (DWs) at each visit. YLDs were calculated for the study period and estimated for remaining lifespan using Malawian life table life expectancies. YLL were estimated using study mortality data and aspirational life expectancies, and post-TB DALYs derived. Data were disaggregated by HIV status and gender. Results At treatment completion, 222/403 (55.1%) participants met criteria for a cardiorespiratory DW, decreasing to 15.6% after 3 years, at which point two-thirds of the disability burden was experienced by women. Over 90% of projected lifetime-YLD were concentrated within the most severely affected 20% of survivors. Mean DWs in the 3 years post-treatment were 0.041 (HIV-) and 0.025 (HIV+), and beyond 3 years estimated as 0.025 (HIV-) and 0.010 (HIV+), compared with GBD DWs of 0.408 (HIV+) and 0.333 (HIV-) during active disease. Our results imply that the majority of TB-related morbidity occurs post-treatment. Conclusion TB-related DALYs are greatly underestimated by overlooking post-TB disability. The total disability burden of TB is likely undervalued by both GBD estimates and economic evaluations of interventions, particularly those aimed at early diagnosis and prevention