455 research outputs found


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    京都大学新制・課程博士博士(人間・環境学)甲第24916号人博第1090号京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻(主査)教授 内田 由紀子, 教授 船曳 康子, 教授 月浦 崇, 教授 宮本 百合学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Human and Environmental StudiesKyoto UniversityDGA

    Orderly Spanning Trees with Applications

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    We introduce and study the {\em orderly spanning trees} of plane graphs. This algorithmic tool generalizes {\em canonical orderings}, which exist only for triconnected plane graphs. Although not every plane graph admits an orderly spanning tree, we provide an algorithm to compute an {\em orderly pair} for any connected planar graph GG, consisting of a plane graph HH of GG, and an orderly spanning tree of HH. We also present several applications of orderly spanning trees: (1) a new constructive proof for Schnyder's Realizer Theorem, (2) the first area-optimal 2-visibility drawing of GG, and (3) the best known encodings of GG with O(1)-time query support. All algorithms in this paper run in linear time.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2001), Washington D.C., USA, January 7-9, 2001, pp. 506-51

    Temporal distancing during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Letter writing with future self can mitigate negative affect

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    未来への手紙がネガティブ感情を軽減させることの効果を検証 --パンデミック下における実験データから--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-03-02.[ETHICAL STATEMENTS] All study participants provided informed consent, and the study design was approved by the ethics review board in Kyoto University (Ref. 30-P-24).Novel coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) is spreading across the world, threatening not only physical health but also psychological well‐being. We reasoned that a broadened temporal perspective may attenuate current mental distress and tested a letter‐writing manipulation designed to connect people to their post‐COVID‐19 future selves. We conducted an online experiment with 738 Japanese participants recruited from two common survey platforms. They were randomly assigned to either send a letter to their future self (letter‐to‐future) condition, send a letter to present self from the perspective of future self (letter‐from‐future) condition, or a control condition. Participants in both letter‐writing conditions showed immediate decrease in negative affect and increase in positive affect relative to the control condition. These effects were mediated by temporal distancing from the current situation. These findings suggest that taking a broader temporal perspective can be achieved by letter writing with a future self and may offer an effective means of regulating negative affect in a stressful present time such as the COVID‐19 pandemic

    Hypolipidemic Effects of Three Purgative Decoctions

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    In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), purgation is indicated when a person suffers an illness due to the accumulation of evil internal heat. Obese individuals with a large belly, red face, thick and yellow tongue fur, constipation, and avoidance of heat are thought accumulates of evil internal heat, and they are also treated with purgatives such as Ta-Cheng-Chi-Tang (TCCT), Xiao-Chen-Chi-Tang (XCCT), and Tiao-Wei-Chen-Chi-Tang (TWCCT) by TCM doctors. In previous studies, our group found that TCCT has potent anti-inflammatory activity, and that XCCT is an effective antioxidant. Since rhubarb is the principle herb in these three prescriptions, we will first present a thorough review of the literature on the demonstrated effect (or lack of effect) of rhubarb and rhubarb-containing polyherbal preparations on lipid and weight control. We will then continue our research with an investigation of the anti-obesity and lipid-lowering effect of TCCT, XCCT, TWCCT, and rhubarb extracts using two animal models. TWCCT lowered the serum triglyceride concentration as much as fenofibrate in Triton WR-1339-treated mice. Daily supplementation with XCCT and TWCCT significantly attenuated the high-fat-diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in rats. In addition, TWCCT also significantly lowered the high-fat-diet-induced hypertriglycemia. Although feeding high-fat diet rats with these extracts did not cause loose stools or diarrhea or other deleterious effects on renal or hepatic function. None of these extracts lowered the body weight of rats fed on high-fat diet. In conclusion, the results suggest that XCCT and TWCCT might exert beneficial effects in the treatment of hyperlipidemia

    Socio-Economic Marginalization and Compliance Motivation Among Students and Freeters in Japan

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    This study examines the compliance motivation of students and Freeters when facing a marginalization risk situation evoked by priming. Freeter (part-time employers), NEET (not in education, employment, or training), and Hikikomori (social withdrawal) represent the socio-economically marginalized population in Japan. People at higher risk of becoming NEET and Hikikomori have shown a motivation pattern deviant from mainstream Japanese culture, including lower willingness to conform to in-group members, thus showing less cultural fit (Norasakkunkit and Uchida, 2014). In this study we explore the effect of the macro socio-economic situation (job-hunting prospects being good or bad) on individual's compliance motivation in both students and Freeters. Sixty-five Kyoto University students and 74 Freeters were randomly assigned to one of the two priming conditions (marginalization risk or non-marginalization) before completing the NEET-Hikikomori Risk (NHR) scale and measurements of compliance motivation to conform to in-group members or to be self-consistent (Cialdini et al., 1999). Twenty-three control group students and 22 control group Freeters were also recruited online for comparison. Results showed that marginalization risk priming led to lower tendency to be self-consistent among students, but did not lead to lower tendency to conform to in-group members. For Freeters, marginalization risk priming led to higher compliance motivation to conform to in-group members. The results confirmed the framework proposed by Toivonen et al. (2011) that both Freeters and students in Japan have ritualist reactions, continuing to maintain the cultural norms despite the difficulty of attaining the cultural goals

    Learn to Play: From Knowledge to Repeated Gameplay

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    Online games are popular computer applications around the globe. Games are frequently designed to require extensive in-game knowledge to attain in-game goals, so it may be central to continued gameplay. Little is known about how players seek knowledge, internalize knowledge, and subsequently use it to attain in-game goals. We used theories of flow and learning to build a theoretical framework and examined it by using responses from more than four thousand players. We found that encouraging players to seek and internalize in-game knowledge is an effective strategy to increase gameplay. Interestingly, learning satisfaction was more important than knowledge internalization in predicting goal progress, showing a novel insight for game providers to nudge their players in their knowledge searching. We concluded that asking players to search and internalize in-game knowledge may be a more effective strategy than creating their focused immersion to encourage repeated gameplay