10,918 research outputs found

    Context sensitive formulations of antenna pattern correction and side lobe compensation for NOSS/LAMMR real time processing

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    Large antenna multi-channel microwave radiometer (LAMMR) software specifications were written for LAMMR ground processing. There is a need to determine more computationally-efficient antenna temperature correction methods in compensating side lobe contributions especially near continents, islands and weather fronts. One of the major conclusions was that the antenna pattern corrections (APC) processes did not accomplish the implied goals of compensating for the antenna side lobe influences on brightness temperature. A-priori knowledge of land/water locations was shown to be needed and had to be incorporated in a context sensitive APC process if the artifacts caused by land presence is to be avoided. The high temperatures in land regions can severely bias the lower ocean response

    On the Analytic Structure of the Quark Self-Energy in Nambu-Jona- Lasinio Models

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    The self-energy of quarks is investigated for various models which are inspired by the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. Including, beyond the Hartree-Fock approximation, terms up to second-order in the quark interaction, the real and imaginary parts of scalar and vector components of the self-energy are discussed. The second-order contributions depend on the energy and momentum of the quark under consideration. This leads to solutions of the Dirac equation which are significantly different from those of a free quark or a quark with constant effective mass, as obtained in the Hartree-Fock approximation.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, 6 figures can be obtained from author

    Observation of Feshbach-like resonances in collisions between ultracold molecules

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    We observe magnetically tuned collision resonances for ultracold Cs2 molecules stored in a CO2-laser trap. By magnetically levitating the molecules against gravity, we precisely measure their magnetic moment. We find an avoided level crossing which allows us to transfer the molecules into another state. In the new state, two Feshbach-like collision resonances show up as strong inelastic loss features. We interpret these resonances as being induced by Cs4 bound states near the molecular scattering continuum. The tunability of the interactions between molecules opens up novel applications such as controlled chemical reactions and synthesis of ultracold complex molecules
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