536 research outputs found

    New options for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (narrative review)

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    AbstractModerate weight loss (>5%), which has been associated with improvements in glycemic parameters in patients with dysglycemia, also reduces the presence of other comorbidities, including dyslipidemia and hypertension, culminating in a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle changes are the recommended preliminary approach to weight loss, with an initial weight-loss goal of 10% of body weight achieved over 6 months at a rate of 1–2 pounds per week selected as an appropriate target to decrease the severity of obesity-related risk factors. Implementing and maintaining the lifestyle changes associated with weight loss can, however, be challenging for many patients. Therefore, additional interventions sometimes may be necessary. Bariatric surgery can also be a highly effective option for weight loss and comorbidity reduction, but surgery carries considerable risks and is still applicable only to selected patients with type 2 diabetes. Thus, attention is turning to the use of weight-loss medications, including 2 recently approved compounds: twice-daily lorcaserin and a once-daily combination of phentermine and topiramate extended-release, both shown to be safe and effective therapies in the management of obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes

    A Weight Comparison of Several Attitude Controls for Satellites

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    A brief theoretical study has been made for the purpose for estimating and comparing the weight of three different types of controls that can be used to change the attitude of a satellite. The three types of controls are jet reaction, inertia wheel, and a magnetic bar which interacts with the magnetic field of the earth. An idealized task which imposed severe requirements on the angular motion of the satellite was used as the basis for comparison. The results showed that a control for one axis can be devised which will weigh less than 1 percent of the total weight of the satellite. The inertia-wheel system offers weight-saving possibilities if a large number of cycles of operation are required, whereas the jet system would be preferred if a limited number of cycles are required. The magnetic-bar control requires such a large magnet that it is impractical for the example application but might be of value for supplying small trimming moments about certain axes

    TurKit: Tools for iterative tasks on mechanical Turk

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    Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is an increasingly popular web service for paying people small rewards to do human computation tasks. Current uses of MTurk typically post independent parallel tasks. We are exploring an alternative iterative paradigm, in which workers build on or evaluate each other's work. We describe TurKit, a new toolkit for deploying iterative tasks to MTurk, with a familiar imperative programming paradigm that effectively uses MTurk workers as subroutines.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number IIS-0447800)Quanta Computer (Firm)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Collective Intelligenc

    Are interactions between epicardial adipose tissue, cardiac fibroblasts and cardiac myocytes instrumental in atrial fibrosis and atrial fibrillation?

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    Atrial fibrillation is very common among the elderly and/or obese. While myocardial fibrosis is associated with atrial fibrillation, the exact mechanisms within atrial myocytes and surrounding non-myocytes are not fully understood. This review considers the potential roles of myocardial fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in fibrosis and modulating myocyte electrophysiology through electrotonic interactions. Coupling with (myo)fibroblasts in vitro and in silico prolonged myocyte action potential duration and caused resting depolarization; an optogenetic study has verified in vivo that fibroblasts depolarized when coupled myocytes produced action potentials. This review also introduces another non-myocyte which may modulate both myocardial (myo)fibroblasts and myocytes: epicardial adipose tissue. Epicardial adipocytes are in intimate contact with myocytes and (myo)fibroblasts and may infiltrate the myocardium. Adipocytes secrete numerous adipokines which modulate (myo)fibroblast and myocyte physiology. These adipokines are protective in healthy hearts, preventing inflammation and fibrosis. However, adipokines secreted from adipocytes may switch to pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic, associated with reactive oxygen species generation. Pro-fibrotic adipokines stimulate myofibroblast differentiation, causing pronounced fibrosis in the epicardial adipose tissue and the myocardium. Adipose tissue also influences myocyte electrophysiology, via the adipokines and/or through electrotonic interactions. Deeper understanding of the interactions between myocytes and non-myocytes is important to understand and manage atrial fibrillation

    Task search in a human computation market

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    In order to understand how a labor market for human computation functions, it is important to know how workers search for tasks. This paper uses two complementary methods to gain insight into how workers search for tasks on Mechanical Turk. First, we perform a high frequency scrape of 36 pages of search results and analyze it by looking at the rate of disappearance of tasks across key ways Mechanical Turk allows workers to sort tasks. Second, we present the results of a survey in which we paid workers for self-reported information about how they search for tasks. Our main findings are that on a large scale, workers sort by which tasks are most recently posted and which have the largest number of tasks available. Furthermore, we find that workers look mostly at the first page of the most recently posted tasks and the first two pages of the tasks with the most available instances but in both categories the position on the result page is unimportant to workers. We observe that at least some employers try to manipulate the position of their task in the search results to exploit the tendency to search for recently posted tasks. On an individual level, we observed workers searching by almost all the possible categories and looking more than 10 pages deep. For a task we posted to Mechanical Turk, we confirmed that a favorable position in the search results do matter: our task with favorable positioning was completed 30 times faster and for less money than when its position was unfavorable.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality & Social Policy) (Grant Number 033340

    Flight Investigation of a Mechanical Feel Device in an Irreversible Elevator Control System of a Large Airplane

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    Report presents the results of measurements of the longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a large airplane using a mechanical feel device in combination with a booster incorporated in the elevator-control system. Tests were made to investigate the feasibility of eliminating the aerodynamic control forces through use of a booster and of providing control-feel forces mechanically. The feel device consisted of a centering spring which restrained the control stick through a linkage which was changed as a function of the dynamic pressure. Provisions were made for trimming and for manual adjustment of the force gradient. The system was designed to approximate the control-force characteristics that would result with a conventional elevator control with linear hinge-moment characteristics
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