12 research outputs found


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    Les veus silenciades del superhome de Nietzsche

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    Treball Final de Grau en Humanitats: Estudis Interculturals. Codi: HU1036. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015Les primeres interpretacions de Nietzsche provocaren la perpetuació d’una mala fama als seus conceptes bàsics com, per exemple, l’axial Superhome. En aquest treball el que es pretén és mostrar com lluny del poder negatiu atribuït al concepte de superhome, el que vol Nietzsche, és apoderar a la humanitat possibilitant la veu a les veus històricament silenciades (dona, natura i cultura oriental). És per això que s’exposaran, a través de tres capítols, els arguments que donen peu a aquesta tesi que canvia la mirada que posseïm de l’autor alemany, el qual a ell mateix s’autodenominaria: Pacific Nil.The first interpretations of Nietzsche’s philosophy had given a bad name at their basics concepts like, the important, Superman. On this work I try to show that really this concept is too far of a negative idea of power and, however, it’s an empowerment idea. Nietzsche wants to empower the humanity for give voice to all the subjects around the world. He allows the voice at the historical silenced voices which are the woman, the nature and the oriental culture. Although another new silenced voice that is the self-voice. In summary, this work is distributed in three chapters that argue the new view of concept Superman in Nietzsche. In all of them is explained how Nietzsche, self-named Pacific Nil, had looked for empower the humanity. All the chapters are focused at different voices. Before these chapters there is a little introduction at Nietzsche’s life and works that is named Chapter 0. The first chapter talk about the own voice of the Superman, how it’s silenced by the environment and the hegemonic and wrong reading that was being done since Heidegger. The Superman sees his life like an artwork and he looks for the beauty in the reality. Also explain how the Superman is and in which ways he goes beyond the occidental human. At the second chapter we will read about that this Superman is empty without the others. He needs social ties for live. These social ties are conformed by mates with similar souls at the Superhuman soul. Nietzsche is against Hegelian’s system of contraries, because that, on this chapter is inserted an important silenced voice what is woman voice. Women are also Superhuman mates. There isn’t a gender difference and, by contrast, women became empowermented with the Superhuman philosophy. They would became Superhuman. Furthermore, at third chapter, we find other silenced voice that is the nature. The relation between humans and nature have changed throught the years. We live in a world where we have forgotten that we’re part of the nature. Because that, on this chapter, is explained the strong relation between humans and nature. In fact that we’re animals and we cannot forget this. The culture is the jump, the element that means the difference at the rest of animals. We need be more conscientious and perform our relations with the nature to improve it. Although the third historical voice, oriental voice, isn’t really present on this work, at this third chapter we will read a little the Superhuman opinion about it. Moreover, we know that Nietzsche philosophy it’s a big critic at occidental culture because of this we can suppose that all the actions performed by the Superhuman are aimed on this way. To finish, there is an annex about the relation between the child on the Triple Metamorphosis and the cerebral dualism. In my opinion, this work allows purchase a critic, conscious and equalitarian character really useful nowadays in our world

    Extramurs: street art com eina altermundista

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    Treball final de Grau en Història i Patrimoni. Codi: HP1036. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016El present treball és un estudi de l’street art com a ferramenta performativa. L’objectiu és donar a conèixer l’ús d’aquest art des d’una òptica altermundista o antisistema i, al mateix temps, fer una reflexió sobre la seua presència en l’espai públic, la qual no és per a res casual. Per fer l’estudi s’empren tres autors com axials, els quals són Shepard Fairey, Laila Ajjawi i Roc BlackBlock. El treball s’articula en cinc capítols, els quals pretenen definir aquesta mena d’art, donar a conèixer els autors escollits com vertebrals, fer una reflexió sobre la presència dels murs en la realitat global així com de la presència de les dones en l’espai públic i, per últim, l’assimilació de l’street art dintre de la cultura i com aquest ha sabut salvaguardar la seua posició subversiva dintre d’ella.This work is an studio about street art like a performative tool. The aim is to know the street art like an useful tool for change the world and, at the same time, reflect about his presence on the public space. This presence isn’t casual. I have choosen three artists for the work. They are Shepard Fairey, Laila Ajjawi and Roc BlackBlock. The work has five chapters. The first one defines what means for me street art. The second is to know the chosen artists. Next chapters are for reflecting about issues such as the walls in the global area or the women in the public space. Al the last one, I talk about how the street art is nowadays into the culture and which ways it has thought to be, anyway, subversive


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    Cómo ser mujer, Caitlin Moran

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    Reseña libro Cómo ser mujer de Caitlin Mora


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    SUBJECTES ACTIUS: Una proposta d’adaptació a l’assignatura de Geografia i Història de 4t d’ESO del Teatre de l’Oprimit

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP139. Curs: 2016/2017El projecte que s’exposa a continuació és una investigació-acció per tal de proposar millores metodològiques en l’aula a l’hora d’abordar els continguts d’Història i Geografia. La metodologia que proposa està basada en el Teatre de l’Oprimit d’Augusto Boal, tot i que és adaptada als temps, espais i recursos de l’aula. El treball s’articula d’una manera que contempla també elements de caràcter transversal com són l’educació de gènere, la història social, l’educació patrimonial, la memòria i empatia històrica. Es planteja una unitat didàctica que va ser realitzada en dues aules de 4t d’ESO i, d’aquesta posada en pràctica, és d’on s’extrau en les conclusions per a la investigació-acció. Els resultats d’aquestes investigacions es contemplen en l’annex junt a les unitats didàctiques desenvolupades.This is investigation-action that promotes the innovation in the classrooms. Exactly, it wants to change the methodology used in History. For that, it proposes a methodology based on Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. Furthermore, this methodology is adapted at the times, resources and spaces in the secondary school. The project involves cross-sectional contents like gender studies, social history, patrimonial education, historic memory and historic empatetic. I made a didactic unit whit in two 4th secondary school level groups. Of them, I could know the results of the investigation-action. These results are in the annexed information with the didactic unit