68 research outputs found

    Studies on Balneotherapy of Gynecological Chronic Inflammations

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    The effects of balneotherapy on gynecological chronic inflammations were examined both clinically and experimentally. Clinical study. Statistical observations were made on the patients with gynecological diseases who visited the spa of Misasa. It was ascertained that, among them, the patients with gynecological chronic inflammati on whose chief complains were hypogastric and Lumbar pains were most common and that, by balneotherapy, their conditions were frequently improved both subjectively and objectively. Experimental study. An experimental foreign body inflammation was evoked by inserting a Sponge into the abdominal cavity of an adult female rat and the effects of hot-spring bath were examined. Acceleration of the absorption of the inflammation, enhancement of phagocytosis of the subcutaneous histiocytes, activation of the fibrohistiocytic system of the subcutaneous connective tissue, and acceleration of return of the free cells in the abdominal cavity were proved. Furthermore, comparative studies were made on the effects of various artificial mineral waters and ultra short waves. It was found that, though they were less effective than natural mineral water, artificial strong saline water, artificial sulfur water, artificial sulfate water, artificial iron water and ultra short waves were effective and that artificial weak saline water, artificial bicarbonate water, artificial humimic acid water, artificial alkaline water, and artificial acidic water were as effective as fresh water. Compared with hot bath, insensible bath was more effective. No significant difference of therapeutic effect was found by bathing once a day or three times a day. In short, balneotherapy had a facilitatory action on the absorption of the inflammatory changes in the abdominal cavity. This should be ascribed not only to the increase in the deep blood flow by warming but also to the general defence mechanism enhanced by cutaneous stimulation. Some differences were also assumed depending on the ions contained in the mineral waters

    Spin-Wave Excitations of Half-Filled Kondo Lattice Model

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    The spin excitations in the antiferromagnetic phase of half-filled Kondo lattice model are studied by means of the decoupling approximation for spin Green's function. The spin-wave spectrum is calculated as a function of Kondo coupling, and this is used to calculate the thermodynamic quantities at low temperatures. The N\'{e}el temperature of the form TN=0.087J2ln(1/J)T_{\rm N}=0.087{J}^2\ln{(1/J)} is obtained for the 3-dimensional case in the weak-coupling limit. It is pointed out that the ratio of the spin-wave velocity to the N\'{e}el temperature vs/TNv_s/T_{\rm N} is enhanced as the Kondo coupling becomes small, reflecting the long-range nature of effective interactions between localized spins.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Low-energy excitations in a one-dimensional orthogonal dimer model with the Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction

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    Effects of the Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) interaction on low-energy excitations in a one-dimensional orthogonal-dimer model are studied by using the perturbation expansions and the numerical diagonalization method. In the absence of the DM interaction, the triplet excitations show two flat spectra with three-fold degeneracy, which are labeled by magnetization M=0,±1M=0,\pm{1}. These spectra split into two branches with M=0 and with M=±1M=\pm{1} by switching-on of the DM interaction and besides the curvature appears in the triplet excitations with M=±1M=\pm 1 more strongly than those of M=0.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceeding for The 9th ISSP International Symposium (ISSP-9) on Quantum Condensed System (Nov. 2004

    Long Rayleigh length confocal microscope: A fast evaluation tool for obtaining quantum properties of color centers

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    Color centers in wide band-gap semiconductors, which have superior quantum properties even at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, have been actively applied to quantum sensing devices. Characterization of the quantum properties of the color centers in the semiconductor materials and ensuring that these properties are uniform over a wide area are key issues for developing quantum sensing devices based on color center. In this article, we will describe the principle and performance of a newly developed confocal microscope system with a long Rayleigh length (LRCFM). This system can characterize a wider area faster than the confocal microscope systems commonly used for color center evaluation

    Linked-Stick: Conveying a Physical Experience using a Shape-Shifting Stick

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    We use sticks as tools for a variety of activities, everything from conducting music to playing sports or even engage in combat. However, these experiences are inherently physical and are poorly conveyed through traditional digital mediums such as video. Linked-Stick is a shape-changing stick that can mirror the movements of another person's stick-shape tool. We explore how this can be used to experience and learn music, sports and fiction in a more authentic manner. Our work attempts to expand the ways in which we interact with and learn to use tools