202 research outputs found

    Genuine lab experiences for students in resource constrained environments: The RealLab with integrated intelligent assessment.

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    Laboratory activities are indispensable for developing engineering skills. Computer Aided Learning (CAL) tools can be used to enhance laboratory learning in various ways, the latest approach being the virtual laboratory technique that emulates traditional laboratory processes. This new approach makes it possible to give students complete and genuine laboratory experiences in situations constrained by limited resources in the provision of laboratory facilities and infrastructure and/or where there is need for laboratory education, for large classes, with only one laboratory stand. This may especially be the case in countries in transition. Most existing virtual laboratories are not available for purchase. Where they are, they may not be cost friendly for resource constrained environments. Also, most do not integrate any form of assessment structure. In this paper, we present a very cost friendly virtual laboratory solution for genuine laboratory experiences in resource constrained environments, with integrated intelligent assessment

    Microfinance – One of the Key Drivers of Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

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    Abstract: This study tries to establish the microfinance and financial inclusion nexus in Nigeria from 1981 to 2017. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, co-integration test and Error Correction Model (ECM), as well as diagnostics and stability test were employed in the analysis. The research findings revealed that microfinance has positive significant effect on financial inclusion in Nigeria in the short–run and long–run. This finding is in line CBN objectives for the establishment of microfinance banks. The effect of lending interest rate has a positive but has no significant with financial inclusion in the model one while it is statistically significant with poverty in Nigeria in the mode two. The positive lending interest rate has a statistically significant effect on the level of financial inclusion and national poverty index used as a proxy for poverty rate in the long run in the models. Also, the research also found that microfinance has really a tool to fight against poverty in Nigeria in the short-run, while it’s not really a tool to fight against poverty in the long-run in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that Government agency and regulatory authority policies and practices need to play a key role in making micro-credit available to the economically-active poor people who are not being served by the formal financial sector. Also, apart from monitoring lending interest rates, the government needs to establish frameworks to prevent undercapitalization, fraudulent practices, and unwarranted interference from bank board members in Nigeria

    Analisis Rasio Keuangan Pada PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk Tahun 2015 – 2017

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    Analyzing financial statements can help stakeholders choose and evaluate information about the condition of the company. Financial ratio analysis can be compared using financial statements for at least the last 2 (two) years. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of liquidity ratio, solvency, profitability and activity at PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk in 2015 – 2017. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method and uses techniques of liquidity ratio analysis, solvability, profitability and activity. The results of this study are the liquidity ratios of 2015 – 2017 each always increasing and the company is in good condition. Solvability ratios during 2015 – 2017 always increase and the company is in good condition, even though in DER 2015 and 2016 the company is in a bad condition. The profitability ratio of 2015 – 2017 always increases and the company is said to be in good condition. While the activity ratios of 2015 – 2017 always increase but the company is said to be less good, but the inventory turnover in 2015 and 2016 and the total assets turnover in 2015 is said to be good Overall data analysis of the four ratios shows the growth of company value every year, namely 2015 – 2017 always increases and the company tends to be in good condition. This means that indirectly PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) has no financial problems. Keyword : liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, profitability ratio, activity rati

    Formation of N-heterocyclic, donor-stabilized borenium ions

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Cationic and zwitterionic boryl bromide species and a borenium–boryl bromide cation have been synthesised which represent new N-donor stabilised cationic boron compounds with β-diketiminate ligands. The unexpected borenium–boryl bromide results from a head-to-tail dimerisation of the corresponding zwitterionic boryl bromide accompanied by proton migration. The electronic nature of these new species was studied by DFT calculations


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    Inflation is a major problem facing Nigeria as a country today. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), however, has made efforts to fight it using different policy measures, of which monetary policy is one of them. Thus, this study focuses on the impact of monetary policy on inflation control in Nigeria. The study is based on time series data from 1980 to 2019. The Augmented Dickey Fuller test, Johansen’s co-integration test, the Error Correction model (ECM) estimation was employed in the analysis. The variables include – exchange rate, inflation rate, money supply (% GDP), Treasury bill rate and monetary policy rate. The research findings showed that monetary policy has no significant impact on inflation control in Nigeria both in the short – run and long – run. Money supply has negative and insignificant impact on inflation control in Nigeria both in the short – run and long – run. Again, exchange rate has negative and insignificant effect on inflation control in Nigeria both in the short – run and long – run. The Treasury bill rate has negative but significant effect on inflation control in Nigeria in the short – run, while in the long – run it has positive but insignificant effect on inflation control in Nigeria. The study, therefore, recommends that, Government should provide monetary policies that will preferred efficient provider of favourable environment in terms of the implementation of the appropriate monetary policy rate, exchange rate etc in order to attract both domestic and foreign investment which will create employment opportunities for the Nigerian populace and in turn lead to the expansion of the industries in the country. JEL: E42; E52; E3

    Thermal Treatment Effects on the Calcium Oxalate and Mineral Contents of Xanthosoma Atrovirens (ede ocha): a Cocoyam Species

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    The extent to which the irritant in cocoyam can be destroyed and removed during thermal treatment and the resultant effect of the treatment on the mineral content and influence of tuber thickness are investigated in this study. Wholesome tubers of cocoyam (Xanthosoma atrovirens) were selected and subsequently cleaned, peeled, washed and size reduced into various dimensions (1cm, 3cm and 5cm thickness). The various dimensions were subjected to boiling and samples were withdrawn at intervals of 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. The boiled samples were further sliced into smaller sizes; dried in an air- oven at a temperature of 55°C to a constant weight, milled into flour and packed in polythene material and stored in dry condition. The design of the study fitted into 3 (dimension) x 5 (boiling duration) factors. The flours generated were subjected to calcium oxalate and mineral loss or gain analyses. Significant reduction in calcium oxalate occurred at p< 0.05 as the boiling time interval increased. The highest removal of calcium oxalate occurred for the 1.0 cm thickness in which the acrid taste was found to disappear after boiling for 60 min. However the oxalate in the 3.0 cm and 5.0cm thickness were found to disappear after boiling for 120 min. Similarly, mineral losses were significant at intervals of boiling time used for the study. The 1.0 cm thickness showed the highest loss of potassium from the initial value of 1099.27mg/100g flour at 0.0 min to 586.77mg/100g after 120 min. The 3.0 cm, with the initial potassium value 1100.30 mg/100g was reduced to a value of 598.20 mg/100g after 120 min boiling, while the 5.0 cm thickness had potassium value reduced to 607.97 mg/100g at 120 min boiling from the initial potassium value of and 1101.77mg/100g. Also, reductions in minerals were observed for magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Tuber thickness and boiling duration are the controlling factors in calcium oxalate and mineral loss. It might be recommended that cocoyam be cut to size thickness of 1.0cm since it gave reduced time of cooking of 60 min which resulted to the disappearance of calcium oxalate in the cooked material and energy saving.. Keywords: Xanthosoma Atrovirens; tuber thickness; boiling time; calcium oxalate; mineral loss

    Does Terms of Trade Matter for Economic Growth? A Focus on Natural Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries

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    The contention that deteriorating terms of trade exists in countries that rely heavily on the exploitation and export of natural resources motivated us in this study. We therefore sought to investigate the impact of terms of trade on economic growth in natural resource-rich sub-Saharan African countries. We carried out the study using annual series that span a period of 1990-2019 under the framework of panel Random and Fixed effects. Our findings indicate that a long run relationship exists between GDP and the explanatory variables used in the study. Results also show that, while cross-section random effects indicates that terms of trade positively impacts on GDP, period fixed effects shows that terms of trade negatively impacts on GDP even though it is not significant. Results of our study also show that in all the models, labour force total and FDI have positive impact on GDP, while trade openness impacts on GDP negatively. We therefore recommend that the SSA natural resource-rich countries should diversify their economies away from the traditional natural resources base. Also human capital should be improved through sound education and training, while all the bottlenecks that constrain the inflow of foreign direct investment should be dismantled

    Histopathological Alterations in the Liver and Kidney of the Fish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus due to Heavy Metals in Niger River

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    Surveillance and monitoring of concentrations of heavy metals in water bodies may serve as an early alert system on bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic food chain therein.  Histopathological examination of target tissues of the fish would reveal harmful effects of chemical pollutants like heavy metals in fish. This study determined the concentrations of heavy metals in water columns and in the fish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus of Niger River at Onitsha as well as pathological alterations in liver and kidney tissues of the fish. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was used in determination of concentrations (mg/l) of heavy metals namely, Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and Arsenic (As) in water and fish samples from the Niger River during the dry season of 2011 and proceeding wet season of 2012. Annual mean concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu, Hg, Cd, and Arsenic in water columns were significantly lower (P<.05) than those in the fish. Annual mean concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Hg, and Arsenic in fish however complied with WHO Standards in Aquatic Foods but Fe and Pb exceeded the WHO Standards. Extensive hyperaemia, oedematous sinusoids, hepatocytes in apoptosis with pyknotic nuclei, and wide spread necrotic hepatocytes with mononuclear leucocytes infiltrations and pigment deposits in liver tissues, as well as severe hyperaemia of the interstices with degenerating and necrotic tubular epithelial cells in kidney tissues were the major characteristic histopathological findings in the fish. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the fish indicated that Niger River at Onitsha was experiencing impairment, and that prolonged exposure of fish to heavy metals in the river may result in increased morbidity and mortality as well as reduced productivity in fish. Potential health risks associated with human consumption of heavy metal-contaminated fish and other aquatic food chain need not be over emphasized. Similar studies should be carried out in other Nigerian water bodies in order to increase the national information bank on chemical pollution which will help in the formulation of evidence-based policy decisions on methods of achieving sustainable environment. Keywords: Niger River, pollution, heavy metals, fish, bioaccumulation, liver and kidney, histopatholog
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