34 research outputs found

    Chaos Synchronization Using Adaptive Dynamic Neural Network Controller with Variable Learning Rates

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    This paper addresses the synchronization of chaotic gyros with unknown parameters and external disturbance via an adaptive dynamic neural network control (ADNNC) system. The proposed ADNNC system is composed of a neural controller and a smooth compensator. The neural controller uses a dynamic RBF (DRBF) network to online approximate an ideal controller. The DRBF network can create new hidden neurons online if the input data falls outside the hidden layer and prune the insignificant hidden neurons online if the hidden neuron is inappropriate. The smooth compensator is designed to compensate for the approximation error between the neural controller and the ideal controller. Moreover, the variable learning rates of the parameter adaptation laws are derived based on a discrete-type Lyapunov function to speed up the convergence rate of the tracking error. Finally, the simulation results which verified the chaotic behavior of two nonlinear identical chaotic gyros can be synchronized using the proposed ADNNC scheme

    Birth time/order-dependent neuron type specification

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    Neurons derived from the same progenitor may acquire different fates according to their birth timing/order. To reveal temporally guided cell fates, we must determine neuron types as well as their lineage relationships and times of birth. Recent advances in genetic lineage analysis and fate mapping are facilitating such studies. For example, high-resolution lineage analysis can identify each sequentially derived neuron of a lineage and has revealed abrupt temporal identity changes in diverse Drosophila neuronal lineages. In addition, fate mapping of mouse neurons made from the same pool of precursors shows production of specific neuron types in specific temporal patterns. The tools used in these analyses are helping to further our understanding of the genetics of neuronal temporal identity

    Hierarchical deployment of factors regulating temporal fate in a diverse neuronal lineage of the Drosophila central brain

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    The anterodorsal projection neuron lineage of Drosophila melanogaster produces 40 neuronal types in a stereotypic order. Here we take advantage of this complete lineage sequence to examine the role of known temporal fating factors, including Chinmo and the Hb/Kr/Pdm/Cas transcriptional cascade, within this diverse central brain lineage. Kr mutation affects the temporal fate of the neuroblast (NB) itself, causing a single fate to be skipped, whereas Chinmo null only elicits fate transformation of NB progeny without altering cell counts. Notably, Chinmo operates in two separate windows to prevent fate transformation (into the subsequent Chinmo-indenpendent fate) within each window. By contrast, Hb/Pdm/Cas play no detectable role, indicating that Kr either acts outside of the cascade identified in the ventral nerve cord or that redundancy exists at the level of fating factors. Therefore, hierarchical fating mechanisms operate within the lineage to generate neuronal diversity in an unprecedented fashion

    Selection of guided surgery dental implant systems using network data envelopment analysis

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    All dental implant system suppliers typically claim the advantages and superiority of their product's specific attributes and functions. However, as assessment criteria are often inconsistent and conflicting, clinical dentists find it difficult to choose the most appropriate dental implant system. The present study used two-stage data envelopment analysis to measure the overall efficiency of individual dental implant systems and the relative efficiency of each phase of the selection process. The results of the present study can not only provide decision-making information for users, such as medical organizations, dentists, and patients, but may also inform guidelines for system producers to improve dental implant performance

    The lAL PNs can be grouped into five classes based on neuron morphology.

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    <p>Single PNs labeled by ts-MARCM with <i>nSyb-GAL4</i> (magenta). Their LN sibs are not shown. Brains were co-stained with nc82 mAb (blue). Based on their morphology, the lAL PNs are grouped into classical monoglomerular PN (mPN), unilateral PN (unPN), bilateral PN (biPN), antennal mechanosensory and motor center (AMMC) PN, or suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) PN. The dendrites of each mPN innervate a single glomerulus in AL and its axon project to mushroom body (MB) and lateral horn (LH) through inner antennocerebral tract (iACT). The unPNs and biPNs also have proximal innervations in AL, but unPNs innervate ipsilateral AL only and biPNs innervate both ipsilateral and contralateral ALs. Different from mPNs that project axons exclusively to MB and LH, unPNs and biPNs have distal projections targeting many other brain regions, often not through iACT. The AMMC and SOG PNs do not innervate AL but instead innervate AMMC and SOG, respectively. The brain regions innervated by each type of the lAL neurons are marked (arrows). The 12 types of mPN are named according to the glomeruli they innervate in AL, and their AL and lateral horn (LH) innervation are shown separately. Scale bar: 40 Β΅m. Except for the AL region of mPNs, the background clones in these images were masked as described in Materials and Methods. AL, antennal lobe; cAL, contralateral AL; PLP, posteriorlateral protocerebrum; PVLP, posterior ventrolateral protocerebrum; cPVLP, contralateral posterior ventrolateral protocerebrum; SOG, suboesophageal ganglion; IB, inferior bridge; Ca, mushroom body calyx; LH, lateral horn; AMMC, antennal mechanosensory and motor center; cAMMC, contralateral antennal mechanosensory and motor center; IVLP, inferior ventrolateral protocerebrum; cIVLP, contralateral inferior ventrolateral protocerebrum; SMP, superior medial protocerebrum; CRE, crepine.</p

    lAL neurons are born as LN/PN pairs.

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    <p>(A) A lAL NB clone (green), generated upon larval hatching and labeled by <i>nSyb-GAL4</i>, a pan-neural driver, in an adult brain. The brain was counterstained with nc82 mAb to reveal synaptic neuropiles (blue). The brain regions densely innervated by the lAL neurons are indicated by white arrowheads. Two background processes are indicated by yellow arrowheads. AL, antennal lobe; IVLP, inferior ventrolateral protocerebrum; AMMC, antennal mechanosensory and motor center; LH, lateral horn; SMP, superior medial protocerebrum. The major tracts are indicated by arrows. iACT, inner antennocerebral tract; oACT, outer antennocerebral tract; ACdT, antennocerebral descending tract; sAMMCc, superior AMMC commissure; iAMMCc, inferior AMMC commissure. The stars mark the cell bodies of the lAL neurons. Scale bar: 40 Β΅m. (B) The illustration shows the proliferation mode of the lAL NB/GMCs and how ts-MARCM labels the twin-cells born at different times. The ts-MARCM was induced in the dividing GMCs by mild heat shock; the two daughter cells from each of the dividing GMCs were then labeled by different fluorescent proteins. The images at the bottom are examples of the ts-MARCM clones induced at 0–2 h, 62–64 h, and 86–88 h ALH. The LNs and PNs were pseudocolored in green and magenta, respectively. Note the sister cells from a GMC were one PN and one LN, and the neurons with different birthdates showed different morphologies. Scale bar: 40 Β΅m. The background clones in these images were masked as described in Materials and Methods.</p

    Annotation of lAL LNs based on birth order and neuron morphology.

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    <p>(A–D) Representative images of the four major classes of lAL LNs: pan-glomeruli (pan) (A), lavish (B), patchy (C), and sparse (D). The LNs (green) were labeled by ts-MARCM with <i>nSyb-GAL4</i>. Their PN sibs are not shown. Brains were counterstained with nc82 mAb (blue). Scale bar: 20 Β΅m. (E) The table shows the glomeruli innervation patterns of the LNs paired with different PN types. Each row represents one glomerulus. Each column, separated by the dashed lines, represents the average glomerular innervation pattern for the LNs that are paired with the PN type shown on top (<i>n</i> indicates how many LNs were averaged). The LNs of different classes are labeled in different colors (pan, green; lavish, yellow; patchy, pink; sparse, blue). The chance for the LNs paired with the same PN type to innervate a particular glomerulus is color-coded as shown on the top-right corner of the figure. The LNs and their associated PNs are arranged by their birth order with early born on the left and later born on the right. Note the presence of several developmental windows where morphologically indistinguishable LNs can be associated with multiple sequentially produced PN types (two such examples are marked by β€œI” on the top of the table). A different window shows the association of one PN type (DA1 mPN) with two sequentially produced LN classes (marked by β€œII” on the top of the table).</p

    The temporal transition from Chinmo to Br-C is not affected by loss of Notch signaling.

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    <p>(A) The <i>asense-GAL4</i>-labeled wild-type, <i>spdo</i>, and <i>Su(H)</i> lAL clones (white) immunostained for Chinmo (magenta) and Br-C (blue). Single confocal planes at superficial, middle, and deep layers are shown. The white signals indicated by arrows are background clones. Scale bar: 10 Β΅m. (B) The illustration shows the composition of the lAL lineage at 70 h ALH based on the Chinmo and Br-C antibody staining. At the superficial layer, the NB, GMCs, and newly generated neurons are negative for both Chinmo and Br-C. At the middle layer, the young neurons are positive for Br-C but negative for Chinmo. The neurons located slightly deeper are positive for Chinmo and Br-C, and the earlier born neurons in the deep layer are only positive for Chinmo. (C) The table shows the numbers of cells positive for Chinmo, Br-C, or both in <i>asense-GAL4</i>-labeled wild-type (WT), <i>spdo</i>, and <i>Su(H)</i> lAL clones at 70 h ALH.</p