6,953 research outputs found

    On the limits of measuring the bulge and disk properties of local and high-redshift massive galaxies

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    A considerable fraction of the massive quiescent galaxies at \emph{z} ā‰ˆ\approx 2, which are known to be much more compact than galaxies of comparable mass today, appear to have a disk. How well can we measure the bulge and disk properties of these systems? We simulate two-component model galaxies in order to systematically quantify the effects of non-homology in structures and the methods employed. We employ empirical scaling relations to produce realistic-looking local galaxies with a uniform and wide range of bulge-to-total ratios (B/TB/T), and then rescale them to mimic the signal-to-noise ratios and sizes of observed galaxies at \emph{z} ā‰ˆ\approx 2. This provides the most complete set of simulations to date for which we can examine the robustness of two-component decomposition of compact disk galaxies at different B/TB/T. We confirm that the size of these massive, compact galaxies can be measured robustly using a single S\'{e}rsic fit. We can measure B/TB/T accurately without imposing any constraints on the light profile shape of the bulge, but, due to the small angular sizes of bulges at high redshift, their detailed properties can only be recovered for galaxies with B/TB/T \gax\ 0.2. The disk component, by contrast, can be measured with little difficulty

    The Optimal Decoupled Liabilities: A General Analysis

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    The ā€œdecoupledā€ liability system awards the plaintiff an amount that differs from what the defendant pays. The previous approach to the optimal decoupling design is based on the assumption of complete information, which results in an optimal liability for the defendant ā€œas much as he can afford.ā€ This extreme conclusion may hinder the acceptability of the decoupling system. This paper proposes an alternative design based on the assumption that agents in the post-accident subgame have asymmetric information. Our model indicates that the optimal penalty faced by the defendant is generally greater than the optimal award to the plaintiff. When the potential harm is sufficiently large, the optimal penalty can be approximated by a multiple of the harm, but the plaintiff receives only a finite amount of the damages regardless of the loss suffered. Such a decoupling scheme deters frivolous lawsuits without reducing the defendantsā€™ incentives to exercise care. Additionally, this paper derives comparative static results concerning how the trial costs of the plaintiff and defendant affect the optimal design of decoupling.

    How Robust Are the Size Measurements of High-redshift Compact Galaxies?

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    Massive quiescent galaxies at zā‰ˆ2z \approx 2 are apparently much more compact than galaxies of comparable mass today. How robust are these size measurements? We perform comprehensive simulations to determine possible biases and uncertainties in fitting single-component light distributions to real galaxies. In particular, we examine the robustness of the measurements of the luminosity, size, and other structural parameters. We devise simulations with increasing realism to systematically disentangle effects due to the technique (specifically using GALFIT) and the intrinsic structures of the galaxies. By accurately capturing the detailed substructures of nearby elliptical galaxies and then rescaling their sizes and signal-to-noise to mimic galaxies at different redshifts, we confirm that the massive quiescent galaxies at zā‰ˆ2z \approx 2 are significantly more compact intrinsically than their local counterparts. Their observed compactness is not a result of missing faint outer light due to systematic errors in modeling. In fact, we find that fitting multi-component galaxies with a single S\'ersic profile, the procedure most commonly adopted in the literature, biases the inferred sizes higher by up to 10% - 20%, which accentuates the amount of size evolution required. If the sky estimation has been done robustly and the model for the point-spread function is fairly accurate, GALFIT can retrieve the properties of single-component galaxies over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios without introducing any systematic errors.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 8 tables; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Multilevel semantic analysis and problem-solving in the flight domain

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    A computer based cockpit system which is capable of assisting the pilot in such important tasks as monitoring, diagnosis, and trend analysis was developed. The system is properly organized and is endowed with a knowledge base so that it enhances the pilot's control over the aircraft while simultaneously reducing his workload

    Stellar Photometric Structures of the Host Galaxies of Nearby Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We present detailed image analysis of rest-frame optical images of 235 low-redshift (zā‰¤z \leq 0.35) type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. The high-resolution images enable us to perform rigorous two-dimensional image modeling to decouple the luminous central point source from the host galaxy, which, when warranted, is further decomposed into its principal structural components (bulge, bar, and disk). In many cases, care must be taken to account for structural complexities such as spiral arms, tidal features, and overlapping or interacting companion galaxies. We employ Fourier modes to characterize the degree of asymmetry of the light distribution of the stars, as a quantitative measure of morphological distortion due to interactions or mergers. We examine the dependence of the physical parameters of the host galaxies on the properties of the AGNs, namely radio-loudness and the width of the broad emission lines. In accordance with previous studies, narrow-line (HĪ²\beta FWHM ā‰¤2000\leq 2000 km~sāˆ’1^{-1}) type 1 AGNs, in contrast to their broad-line (HĪ²\beta FWHM >2000> 2000 km~sāˆ’1^{-1}) counterparts, are preferentially hosted in later type, lower luminosity galaxies, which have a higher incidence of pseudo-bulges, are more frequently barred, and are less morphologically disturbed. This suggests narrow-line type 1 AGNs experienced a more quiescent evolutionary history driven primarily by internal secular evolution instead of external dynamical perturbations. The fraction of AGN hosts showing merger signatures is larger for more luminous sources. Radio-loud AGNs generally preferentially live in earlier type (bulge-dominated), more massive hosts, although a minority of them appears to contain a significant disk component. We do not find convincing evidence for enhanced merger signatures in the radio-loud population.Comment: Published in ApJ

    The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. III. The Three-Component Structure of Nearby Elliptical Galaxies

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    Motivated by recent developments in our understanding of the formation and evolution of massive galaxies, we explore the detailed photometric structure of a representative sample of 94 bright, nearby elliptical galaxies, using high-quality optical images from the Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. The sample spans a range of environments and stellar masses, from M* = 10^{10.2} to 10^{12.0} solar mass. We exploit the unique capabilities of two-dimensional image decomposition to explore the possibility that local elliptical galaxies may contain photometrically distinct substructure that can shed light on their evolutionary history. Compared with the traditional one-dimensional approach, these two-dimensional models are capable of consistently recovering the surface brightness distribution and the systematic radial variation of geometric information at the same time. Contrary to conventional perception, we find that the global light distribution of the majority (>75%) of elliptical galaxies is not well described by a single Sersic function. Instead, we propose that local elliptical galaxies generically contain three subcomponents: a compact (R_e < 1 kpc) inner component with luminosity fraction f ~ 0.1-0.15; an intermediate-scale (R_e ~ 2.5 kpc) middle component with f ~ 0.2-0.25; and a dominant (f = 0.6), extended (R_e ~ 10 kpc) outer envelope. All subcomponents have average Sersic indices n ~ 1-2, significantly lower than the values typically obtained from single-component fits. The individual subcomponents follow well-defined photometric scaling relations and the stellar mass-size relation. We discuss the physical nature of the substructures and their implications for the formation of massive elliptical galaxies.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal; 36 pages, 2 tables, 38 figures; For the full resolution version, see: http://users.obs.carnegiescience.edu/shuang/PaperIII.pdf ; For the atlas of all selected models, see http://users.obs.carnegiescience.edu/shuang/AppendixE.pd
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