347 research outputs found

    How a sensitive analysis on the coupling geology and borehole heat exchanger characteristics can improve the efficiency and production of shallow geothermal plants

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    Knowledge of the thermal behaviour around and throughout borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) is essential for designing a low enthalpy geothermal plant. In particular, the type of grout used in sealing the space between BHE walls and the pipes is fundamental for optimizing the heat transfer and minimizing the thermal resistance, thereby promoting the reduction of total drilling lengths and installation costs. A comparison between grouts with different thermal conductivities coupled with common hydrogeological contexts, was modelled for a typical one-year heating for continental climates. These data have been used for a sensitivity analysis taking into account different flow rates through pipes. The results highlight that in groundwater transient conditions, porous lithologies allow for greater heat power extractions to be obtained with an increasing grout thermal conductivity than limestone or clayey silt deposits do. Moreover, increasing the inlet flow rates through the pipe greatly improves the final heat power extraction. As a result, when the underground allows for high extraction rates, the use of high performing grouts is warmly suggested ensuring greater productions

    The Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) is more informative than Cohen's kappa and Brier score in binary classification assessment

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    Even if measuring the outcome of binary classifications is a pivotal task in machine learning and statistics, no consensus has been reached yet about which statistical rate to employ to this end. In the last century, the computer science and statistics communities have introduced several scores summing up the correctness of the predictions with respect to the ground truth values. Among these scores, the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) was shown to have several advantages over confusion entropy, accuracy, F 1 score, balanced accuracy, bookmaker informedness, markedness, and diagnostic odds ratio: MCC, in fact, produces a high score only if the majority of the predicted negative data instances and the majority of the positive data instances are correct, and therefore it results being very trustworthy on imbalanced datasets. In this study, we compare MCC with two other popular scores: Cohen’s Kappa, a metric that originated in social sciences, and the Brier score, a strictly proper scoring function which emerged in weather forecasting studies. After explaining the mathematical properties and the relationships between MCC and each of these two rates, we report some use cases where these scores generate different values, which lead to discordant outcomes, where MCC provides a more truthful and informative result. We highlight the reasons why it is more advisable to use MCC rather that Cohen’s Kappa and the Brier score to evaluate binary classifications

    The coefficient of determination R-squared is more informative than SMAPE, MAE, MAPE, MSE and RMSE in regression analysis evaluation

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    Regression analysis makes up a large part of supervised machine learning, and consists of the prediction of a continuous independent target from a set of other predictor variables. The difference between binary classification and regression is in the target range: in binary classification, the target can have only two values (usually encoded as 0 and 1), while in regression the target can have multiple values. Even if regression analysis has been employed in a huge number of machine learning studies, no consensus has been reached on a single, unified, standard metric to assess the results of the regression itself. Many studies employ the mean square error (MSE) and its rooted variant (RMSE), or the mean absolute error (MAE) and its percentage variant (MAPE). Although useful, these rates share a common drawback: since their values can range between zero and +infinity, a single value of them does not say much about the performance of the regression with respect to the distribution of the ground truth elements. In this study, we focus on two rates that actually generate a high score only if the majority of the elements of a ground truth group has been correctly predicted: the coefficient of determination (also known as R-squared or R 2) and the symmetric mean absolute percentage error (SMAPE). After showing their mathematical properties, we report a comparison between R 2 and SMAPE in several use cases and in two real medical scenarios. Our results demonstrate that the coefficient of determination (R-squared) is more informative and truthful than SMAPE, and does not have the interpretability limitations of MSE, RMSE, MAE and MAPE. We therefore suggest the usage of R-squared as standard metric to evaluate regression analyses in any scientific domain
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