67 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は,新人教員が認識している教育および研究活動に対する悩みを明らかにすることである. 調査対象は,全国の看護系大学に勤務する新人教員とした.調査方法は,郵送による自由記載方式の質問紙調査である.倫理的配慮として,調査の趣旨,守秘義務および調査目的以外の使用,個人情報等の保護を調査依頼文で説明し,調査に同意を得られた場合に記入後,返送してもらった.69名から回答があり,平均年齢31.7歳であった.分析は,教育および研究活動に対する悩みが記載されている文章を対象とした.記載内容については,文章単位とし,意味内容の類似性に従いカテゴリ化し,タイトルをつけた.分析の結果,カテゴリは20抽出した.≪教育活動に対する悩み≫6カテゴリ,≪実習に対する悩み≫8カテゴリ,≪研究活動に対する悩み≫6カテゴリに分類できた.教育活動では,講義,演習,実習に関わらず教育方法や指導方法などの具体的な方法に関する悩みを抱えていた.またそれ以外に,上司などとの関係の悩みがあった.研究活動では,研究方法に関するものが最も多く,不本位な研究を行うこと,研究者としての経験および力不足に関する悩みが上位を占めた. 新人教員は,教育・研究活動を行うための具体的な方法に自信がみられなかった.また上司との関係や関係機関との調整と,教育・研究の両方の役割を担う者としての経験不足と力不足に悩んでいることが推察された.それらを視野に入れた支援の必要性が示唆された.PURPOSE : This study was designed to identify the problems in teaching and research that novice faculty members face in university nursing programs. METHODS : A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to novice faculty members holding appointments in university nursing programs. Mean age of the subjects (n=69) was 31.7 years. A semi-structured instrument was developed to identify difficulties encountered by the subjects in teaching and research activities. Also their unstructured written comments were analyzed. The cover letter to potential respondents clearly indicated that informed consent was assumed on completion and return of the questionnaire. RESULTS : The subjects’ responses sorted into the following categories : six for educational activity, eight for student advising in clinical practice, and six for research activities-a total of 20 categories. Data analysis revealed that in their educational activity and student advising, novice teachers had difficulties with instructional methods including lectures, class exercises, and clinical practices. They also faced problems in their personal relationships with senior staff and others. In research activities, most subjects revealed lack of knowledge and experience, i.e., applying scientific methodology, doing research reluctantly, and lacking the ability and experience to conduct research. CONCLUSIONS : Novice faculty members lacked confidence not only in teaching and conducting research but also in fulfilling other aspects of an unfamiliar role to them. These concerns included problematic relationships with a senior colleague and other staff. University administrators and experienced faculty members might plan an institutional program and/or procedure to mentor and support their junior colleagues

    Gender differences of the influential factors on the mental health condition of teachers in the A university

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the gender differences of the influential factors on the mental health condition among university teachers in the A university in Japan. A questionnaire survey was mailed to 924 university teachers in Japan, with a survey return rate of 43.8% (N=405). The General Health Questionnaire 28 (GHQ-28), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), the Japanese version of the Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE) and the Work Situation Questionnaire (WSQ) developed by the authors were administered to subjects. The GHQ-28 total score and all of sub-score of the woman was significantly higher than men. In the correlated factor of mental health, level of job satisfaction and job control, social support of significant others was observed in the both sexes. However, gender differences was observed in the coping style. Some copings including self-distraction and self-blame were related to the men, but the woman was related to the substance use. University teachers had some gender differences in the factors affecting their mental health condition. In order to improve university teacher’s mental health condition, it is necessary to increase their level of job satisfaction and feeling of job control in the workplace. Especially, it was considered women’s coping using substance use was important


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    研究目的は,退院促進支援により退院し,退院支援施設で生活した精神障害者の生活能力を明らかにし,看護のあり方を検討することである.調査対象者は,施設入所後1年が経過した長期入院であった精神障害者17名(男性12名,女性5名)で,平均年齢は,52.5歳,平均入院期間は11.3年であった.データ収集は,調査対象者一人ずつに約20分程度の半構成的面接を行った.その結果,逐語録から255のラベルが得られ,11のサブカテゴリーに分類された.これらから「自分自身のペースに合わせた生活リズムの獲得」,「病気を悪化させないための自己管理」,「施設退所後の生活のための心の準備」,「良好な対人関係の構築」という4つのカテゴリーが抽出された.これらの結果から,施設利用者は自分なりのペースで社会復帰に向けての準備をしながら,着実に生活能力を身につけていることが示唆された.The aim of this survey is to describe the life ability of people with mental disorders who entered the Discharge Support Center for People with Mental Disorders(DSC), also to examine how best to help them. Participants were 17 people who had been long-term patients(12 men and 5 females)living in the DSC for about a year. Their average ages were 52.5 years old, and the average length of hospital stay was 11.3 years. Semi-structured interviews were conducted approximately12months after discharged from the psychiatric hospital, transcribed verbatim and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Sentences of 255 were obtained, and they were classified into 11 subcategories. Finally, 4 categories were identified from these subcategories : “Acquisition of life rhythm matched to self-pace”, “Self-care to prevent aggravation of disease”, “Mental preparedness for social life after discharge from the DSC”, and “Creation of good interpersonal relationship”. From these results, it was suggested that people with mental disorders had social ability for social living by preparing with their own pace

    Peripheral Blood CD64 Levels Decrease in Crohn's Disease following Granulocyte and Monocyte Adsorptive Apheresis

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    Granulocyte and monocyte adsorptive apheresis (GMA) is reportedly useful as induction therapy for Crohn's disease (CD). However, the effects of GMA on CD64 have not been well characterized. We report here our assessment of CD64 expression on neutrophils before and after treatment with GMA in two patients with CD. The severity of CD was assessed with the CD activity index (CDAI). The duration of each GMA session was 60 min at a flow rate of 30 ml/min as per protocol. CD64 expression on neutrophils was measured by analyzing whole blood with a FACScan flow cytometer. In case 1, CD64 levels after each session of GMA tended to decrease compared to pretreatment levels, whereas in case 2, CD64 levels dropped significantly after treatment. The CDAI decreased after GMA in both cases 1 and 2. A significant correlation was noted between CDAI scores and CD64 levels in both cases. In conclusion, GMA reduced blood CD64 levels, which would be an important factor for the decrease of CDAI scores

    Static and dynamic hypergravity responses of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in medaka scales

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    Fish scales are a form of calcified tissue similar to that found in human bone. In medaka scales, we detected both osteoblasts and osteoclasts and subsequently developed a new scale assay system. Using this system, we analyzed the osteoblastic and osteoclastic responses under 2-, 3-, and 4-gravity (G) loading by both centrifugation and vibration. After loading for 10 min, the scales from centrifugal and vibration loading were incubated for 6 and 24 hrs, respectively, after which the osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities were measured. Osteoblastic activity significantly increased under 2- to 4-G loading by both centrifugation and vibration. In contrast, we found that osteoclastic activity significantly decreased under 2- and 3-G loading in response to both centrifugation and vibration. Under 4-G loading, osteoclastic activity also decreased on centrifugation, but significantly increased under 4-G loading by vibration, concomitant with markedly increased osteoblastic activity. Expression of the receptor activator of the NF-αB ligand (RANKL), an activation factor of osteoclasts expressed in osteoblasts, increased significantly under 4-G loading by vibration but was unchanged by centrifugal loading. A protein sequence similar to osteoprotegerin (OPG), which is known as an osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor, was found in medaka using our sequence analysis. The ratio of RANKL/OPG-like mRNAs in the vibration-loaded scales was significantly higher than that in the control scales, although there was no difference between centrifugal loaded scales and the control scales. Accordingly, medaka scales provide a useful model by which to analyze bone metabolism in response to physical strain. © 2013 Zoological Society of Japan

    A prospective compound screening contest identified broader inhibitors for Sirtuin 1

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    Potential inhibitors of a target biomolecule, NAD-dependent deacetylase Sirtuin 1, were identified by a contest-based approach, in which participants were asked to propose a prioritized list of 400 compounds from a designated compound library containing 2.5 million compounds using in silico methods and scoring. Our aim was to identify target enzyme inhibitors and to benchmark computer-aided drug discovery methods under the same experimental conditions. Collecting compound lists derived from various methods is advantageous for aggregating compounds with structurally diversified properties compared with the use of a single method. The inhibitory action on Sirtuin 1 of approximately half of the proposed compounds was experimentally accessed. Ultimately, seven structurally diverse compounds were identified