

研究目的は,退院促進支援により退院し,退院支援施設で生活した精神障害者の生活能力を明らかにし,看護のあり方を検討することである.調査対象者は,施設入所後1年が経過した長期入院であった精神障害者17名(男性12名,女性5名)で,平均年齢は,52.5歳,平均入院期間は11.3年であった.データ収集は,調査対象者一人ずつに約20分程度の半構成的面接を行った.その結果,逐語録から255のラベルが得られ,11のサブカテゴリーに分類された.これらから「自分自身のペースに合わせた生活リズムの獲得」,「病気を悪化させないための自己管理」,「施設退所後の生活のための心の準備」,「良好な対人関係の構築」という4つのカテゴリーが抽出された.これらの結果から,施設利用者は自分なりのペースで社会復帰に向けての準備をしながら,着実に生活能力を身につけていることが示唆された.The aim of this survey is to describe the life ability of people with mental disorders who entered the Discharge Support Center for People with Mental Disorders(DSC), also to examine how best to help them. Participants were 17 people who had been long-term patients(12 men and 5 females)living in the DSC for about a year. Their average ages were 52.5 years old, and the average length of hospital stay was 11.3 years. Semi-structured interviews were conducted approximately12months after discharged from the psychiatric hospital, transcribed verbatim and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Sentences of 255 were obtained, and they were classified into 11 subcategories. Finally, 4 categories were identified from these subcategories : “Acquisition of life rhythm matched to self-pace”, “Self-care to prevent aggravation of disease”, “Mental preparedness for social life after discharge from the DSC”, and “Creation of good interpersonal relationship”. From these results, it was suggested that people with mental disorders had social ability for social living by preparing with their own pace

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