12 research outputs found

    Determinants of the use of bike in the city: between practical motivations and social cultural values

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    Introduction Bike is a possible means of transportation, alternative to private cars, which could contribute to the reduction of CO2 emission and to the achievement of a more sustainable mobility within the city. However, its use in many western countries is still limited and deserves to be fostered throughout appropriate communication and educational campaigns. Most of the studies in this domain have focused on the structural factors (availability and quality of cycle tracks, bikes structural characteristics, climate conditions, etc.) able to increase or reduce bike use in the city. A few studies have also focused on individual attitudes towards cycling. Nevertheless, more research work is needed in order to deepen the understanding of the social-cultural motivations (values and worldviews) which support bike use and to clarify the way these interact with the structural and practical factors. Methods Some preliminary results of a set of studies addressing these issues will be presented. The studies focused on two different sources of social cultural motivations such as the mass-media, and the perceived normative influence from familiar and non-familiar others. Results Findings reveals a complex interaction between practical motivations, personal fears and social cultural values at the base of bike use choices. Discussion Implications for the structuring of possible communication and educational campaigns will be also synthetically sketched

    Editorial: Outside the comfort zone. What can psychology learn from tourism (and vice versa)

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    This paper is an introduction to the Topic issue titled: Outside the Comfort Zone: What Can Psychology Learn From Tourism (and Vice Versa

    Tenoplasty in suspension with or without tendon interposition: A prospective randomized study in the treatment of advanced thumb carpometacarpal arthritis

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    Introduction: the aim of this prospective and randomized study is to analyze and compare the outcomes of two surgical techniques for trapeziometacarpal joint osteoarthritis (Eaton-Littler grade III and IV). materials and methods: 52 consecutive patients underwent surgical intervention by two different surgical techniques and checked for subjective outcomes (DASH, NPRS), objective outcomes (ROM, opposition test, grinding test, pulp pinch, hand grip) and radiographic outcomes. surgical time was calculated. results: 26 patients underwent suspension arthroplasty using abductor pollicis longus tendon interposition (ceruso procedure) and 26 patients underwent arthroplasty using suspension tenoplasty of the flexor radialis carpi (altissimi procedure). both techniques were performed by a single surgeon and showed good and satisfactory results, with best outcome reported in altissimi procedure regarding DASH and ROM (p = 0.011 and p = 0.012, respectively), with reduced surgical time (about 6 min less, p = 0.03). the proximal shift between scaphoid and the base of first metacarpal did not influence the final results of the cases treated. conclusion: this study provides evidence that trapeziectomy in combination with both tendon suspension arthroplasty and tendon interposition are two surgical procedures useful to solve advanced basal joint arthritis. patients who underwent suspension tenoplasty without tendon interposition seemed to be generally more satisfied with significantly better symptomatic and functional outcomes

    IL-23A, IL-23R, IL-17A and IL-17R polymorphisms in different psoriatic arthritis clinical manifestations in the northern Italian population

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    To investigate the genetic variability of IL-17A, IL17-RA, IL-23A and IL-23R genes on an in-depth phenotypically characterized northern Italian Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) case-control cohort, in search for associations specific to different PsA clinical sub-phenotypes. We examined 118 patients with PsA according to CASPAR criteria (mean age 57 \ub1 13, female 38.4 %, mean disease duration 13.9 \ub1 8.6 years, peripheral disease 83.8 %, axial manifestations 34.5 %, radiological erosive disease 49 %) compared with 248 controls of the same ethnic origin matched for age and sex. The presence of axial disease was defined by the clinical axial involvement and/or the presence of radiological alteration consistent with spondyloarthropathy according to New York criteria. The presence of peripheral disease (arthritis and/or enthesitis) was defined only on clinical basis. A total of 40 SNPs, mapping within the genes mentioned above, were genotyped in both groups and used to perform association analyses by subdividing the PsA sample into subgroups according to different clinical manifestations on the basis of axial and peripheral involvements. No differences between patients and controls were found in the distribution of the IL-17A, IL17-RA, IL-23A and IL-23R genes allelic variants. Comparing patients with axial disease versus those without, we found that axial manifestations were significantly associated with the presence of IL-23R rs12401432 GG homozygosity (26.8 % vs. 5.3 %, p (corr) = 0.019, OR 2.63 [95 % CI 1.13-6.16]). No differences in distribution of the allelic variants were found comparing patients with versus those without peripheral disease or patients with versus without radiological peripheral erosions. In PA patients of northern Italian origin, IL-17A, IL17-RA, IL-23A and IL-23R genes allelic variants are not associated with disease susceptibility. However, a strong association with the IL-23RA rs12401432 GG genotype is associated with axial involvement of the disease


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    Il volume contiene le riflessioni sul mutamento delle condizioni di vita e di benessere in un’area rappresentativa della parte più sviluppata e moderna del paese. L’occasione è fornita dalla seconda indagine sulla condizione economica e sociale delle famiglie della provincia di Modena (ICESmo2), svolta nel 2006 dal Centro di Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (CAPP). La precedente indagine del 2002 aveva evidenziato alcuni tratti peculiari della provincia: anche a confronto con le regioni più ricche del nord del Paese, Modena presentava un reddito medio sensibilmente più elevato e più bassi livelli di diseguaglianza e povertà. Una fotografia che aveva indotto ad assimilare il modello di welfare modenese più a quello dei paesi del nord Europa che a quello dei paesi dell’area mediterranea . A quattro anni di distanza diverse cose sono cambiate. Pur mantenendosi il reddito medio dei modenesi su livelli più elevati e gli indici di povertà su livelli più bassi, il quadro distributivo è peggiorato, certamente in misura maggiore di quanto non sia accaduto in media nel nord Italia; anche la povertà è aumentata. Dopo un quadriennio (2002-2006) di sostenuta crescita economica internazionale, Modena risulta ancora una città ricca, ma è diventata più diseguale. La prima parte del volume documenta questo cambiamento, ne valuta le conseguenze sul benessere delle famiglie e indaga le possibili ragioni. Nella seconda parte del volume si approfondiscono, facendo ricorso a diversi approcci metodologici, gli aspetti del well-being della comunità: salute, istruzione, cultura, chil-care, capitale sociale e mobilità. La terza parte documenta aspetti metodologici dell’indagine e problemi connessi alla sua rappresentatività. Al di là del contenuto tecnico, essa contribuisce ad arricchire la riflessione sulla portata e sull’uso delle indagini campionarie locali

    Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries

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    A correction has been published: Erratum to Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship ... available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/02654075211061907American Psychological Association’s Office of International Affair