127 research outputs found

    Import demand with product differentiation: disaggregated estimation of italian sectoral elasticities.

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    This paper focuses on the estimation of sectoral import demand for Italy with European Union Countries, Japan, Canada and the United States. A strong evidence of two-way flows and product differentiation is an accepted regularity of the international trade. Given that, we have tried to include considerations of differentiation in the empirical analysis. Starting from the very disaggregated bilateral trade data (5 digit Sitc Rev. 3) we have classified every and each flow as homogeneous, quality differentiated and non-quality differentiated, using the methodologies developed by Abd-El-Rahman (1986) and Freudenberg and MĂĽller (1992). Then we have included this classification in our econometric estimates of the sectoral import demands. That should increase precision of the estimate, because allow to divide homogeneous from not homogeneous goods in the estimation procedures. Our results suggest a dynamic reaction of italian imports in many sectors, pointing to possible competitive problems for the firms and external balance constraint for the country.

    Trade of quality differentiated goods and import elasticities.

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    This paper focus on the analysis of import demand functions in presence of quality differentiated products. This issue is more and more relevant because of the strong evidence of such kind of differentiation. Here we first derive individual elasticities, then we aggregate them to the national level without referring to the representative consumer hypothesis. We find that quality reduces reaction to prices without affecting that to income. Interestingly at the national level it seems to emerge that richer country should have imports less reactive to prices. That imply that they could be easily able to move towards high quality-high price production without external balance and competitive problems. The opposite seems to be true for poorer countries. Finally, we show that overlooking quality variables in the estimation generate underestimates of the elasticities to relative prices and to income.

    Risk of the Chinese trade integration for the Italian trade specialisation

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    The move towards export-oriented development strategies by China has increased concerns about the ability of Italian manifactures to effectively face price competition from emerging economies. This paper explores the hypothesis that the superior quality of Italian goods could support Italian competitiveness, using Spain as a benchmark. The data confirm that, although Italian and Chinese specialisation patterns are very similar, there is no widespread overlapping at the product level, and when there is, Italian goods show a higher quality level. Nonetheless, during the last decade, trade overlap increased and quality gap narrowed, suggesting that China is putting increasing competitive pressures on Italian manufacturing. In order to maintain its qualitative advantage, there is urgent need in Italy for an increase in investment in product upgrading and innovation.

    New comparative advantages in the Central and Eastern European countries

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    Central and Eastern European Countries have increased the weight of international trade on their GDP and the role of Foreign Direct Investment. Some are key final market for EU companies. Their integration, though, has been triggered by outsourcing and offshoring. Data show that their industrial structure is evolving towards new specialisation in the backward phase of the production process. Central European countries’ competitiveness in traditional clothing and fashion sectors is decreasing, while Eastern countries are improving. The comparative advantage in some advanced sectors, instead, are on the rise. This happen, mainly, in the “parts and intermediates” categories both as for import and as for export. Such division of labour suggest that Central and Eastern European countries are complementary to EU competitiveness. They contribute to keep costs under control. This may harm Italian firms’ competitiveness if the don’t follow the same practices as other companies. Finally, the Italian firms engaged in assemblying activities without own brands might be hit by such practices.

    Promouvoir la déclaration dans la profession vétérinaire‎ : étude prospective et analyse du système de pharmacovigilance vétérinaire en milieu universitaire

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    Dans ce manuscrit, nous exposons dans un premier temps la nécessité d’un système tel que celui de la Pharmacovigilance. Nous expliquons et rappelons son fonctionnement en France ainsi que les différents termes techniques relatifs à la déclaration. Par la suite, une étude prospective menée au service de Dermatologie de l’Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse pendant 10 semaines met en lumière les difficultés pratiques lors de l’utilisation d’un des moyens de déclaration : la télédéclaration. A cette occasion, nous proposons aussi une première approche quantitative de ce qui devrait être observé en France en matière de déclaration. Enfin, la dernière partie est consacrée à une réflexion sur le système de Pharmacovigilance dans le cursus vétérinaire et en France afin de le promouvoir

    Un'azienda signorile nella prima metĂ  del Trecento: la gestione del Molare di Bricherasio (dai conti dei castellani dei principi di Savoia-Acaia)

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    Facendo leva sulla ineasauribile miniera documentaria costituita dai conti di castellania di ambito sabaudo, il presente contributo fornisce una descrizione dettagliata e vivace della conduzione di un'azienda signorile nella prima metĂ  del XIV secolo

    Un'azienda signorile nella prima metĂ  del Trecento: la gestione del Molare di Bricherasio (dai conti dei castellani dei principi di Savoia-Acaia)

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    Facendo leva sulla ineasauribile miniera documentaria costituita dai conti di castellania di ambito sabaudo, il presente contributo fornisce una descrizione dettagliata e vivace della conduzione di un'azienda signorile nella prima metĂ  del XIV secolo

    Tratado sobre el cultivo de la vid y la elaboración de los vinos : fundado en lo que aconseja la teoria, establece la práctica é indica la naturaleza

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    Marcas: Sello de la Biblioteca Provincial de LeĂłnCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn. ConsejerĂ­a de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Enc. hol
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