43 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitude and behaviours towards recommended vaccinations among healthcare workers

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    Healthcare workers (HCWs) are an important group of professionals exposed to biological risk during their work activities. So, the aim of this study is to perform a survey on the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of Italian HCWs towards the vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of Health. A cross-sectional study was carried out during the period September 2014-August 2015 in the Lazio region. The study was conducted by recruiting HCWs and biomedical students. The sample was comprised of 571 responders, of whom 12.4% were physicians, 18.9% were nurses, 34.3% were other HCW, and 34.3% were biomedical students (medical and nurses students). Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is perceived as a risk for personal health by 457 (80%) participants; TB is also worrying (434; 76%). Moreover, HBV (70.9%) and tuberculosis (TB) (79.2%) are perceived as a risk for health, while influenza is not considered so by most participants (46.2%). There is an underestimation of the role of influenza, perceived as a risk for 137 respondents (24%). The vaccination rate among these HCWs is highest for Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (82%), and lowest for influenza (28.5%) and varicella (40.3%). The vast majority of responders are in favour of HBV (77.8%) and TB (64.8%) vaccines. For other vaccinations there is less interest (between 33% and 40% for measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and influenza). This study shows that knowledge of recommended occupational vaccinations is insufficient in HCWs, with few exceptions represented by HBV and TB. There is a need for novel approaches in this field, with the aim of enhancing vaccine coverage among HCW

    The concept of professional identity in nursing students and practitioners: a research protocol of a cross-sectional study

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    Background: social identity plays an important role in the development of a society. Social identity refers to individual perception of the single person, based on membership in a particular social group. Professional identity is a subcategory of social identity, it is linked to interaction and professionalism of the group. It includes the best practice, the creation of ideals and professional values. It can be defined like attitudes, values, knowledge, beliefs and skills that are common among a special professional category. Professional identity is also connected to social roles of a particular profession. Therefore, professional identity includes individual experience and self-image of a particular category about its profession and its social image. Professional identity is the foundation for operation and conception of professional role. Studies show that nurses who have obtained professional identity are more flexible when facing with role changes and this is reflected on best practice and the patient’s welfare. Aim: the aim of this document is to present a research protocol of a cross-sectional study for assessing the concept of professional identity in nursing students of Bachelor’s Degree and in nursing students/practitioners of Master’s Degree on Sapienza University of Rome. Methods: a review of the literature regarding professional identity was performed. The search strategy included electronic databases CINAHL and PubMed. Use of Nurses Professional Values Scale – Revised questionnaire for assessing the concept of professional identity. Traslation and validation in Italian language of Nurses Professional Values Scale – Revised

    Reliability and use of Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in italian sample of university professors

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    Academics often have to face with burnout syndrome at work. This cross-sectional study evaluates the reliability of the Italian version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) in a sample of Academics of Sapienza University of Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, through an online questionnaire composed of the CBI, SF12 Health Survey, and Positivity Scale. Univariate, bivariate, multivariate analyses, and Cronbach α coefficients of CBI were performed. Ninety-five participants completed the questionnaire (response rate 85%). Cronbach’s α of the three domains were high (0.892, 0.868, and 0.836). Women, younger and part time professors reported higher score in personal (p = 0.025; 0.060) and work burnout. In multivariate analysis decreasing age (β = −0.263; p = 0.001); being a professor in environmental technicians (β = −0.120; p = 0.098); and low mental (β = −0.263; p = 0.020), physical (β = −0.319; p ≤ 0.001) and positivity scores (β = −0.237; p = 0.031) predict significantly higher personal burnout. Low physical (β = −0.346; p < 0.001) and mental (β = − 0.249; p = 0.013) positivity (β = −0.345; p = 0.001) scores; fewer years of work (β = −0.269; p ≤ 0.001); and being a medical or nursing professor (β = 0.169; p = 0.016) predicts high work burnout. Low MCS predicts a high level of student burnout. Results suggest that the Italian version of the CBI is a reliable instrument. Further research should focus on the prevalence of burnout in academics

    Quality assessment of medical record as a tool for clinical risk management: a three year experience of a teaching hospital Policlinico Umberto I, Rome

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    Introduction: The medical record was defined by the Italian Ministry of Health in 1992 as "the information tool designed to record all relevant demographic and clinical information on a patient during a single hospitalization episode". Retrospective analysis of medical records is a tool for selecting direct and indirect indicators of critical issues (organizational, management and technical). The project’s aim being the promotion of an evaluation and self-evaluation process of medical records as a Clinical Risk Management tool to improve the quality of care within hospitals. Methods: The Authors have retrospectively analysed, using a validated grid, 1,184 medical records of patients admitted to the Teaching Hospital “Umberto I” in Rome during a three-year period (2013-2015). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows © 19:00. All duly filled out criteria (92) were examined. “Strengths” and "Weaknesses" were identified through data analysis and Best and Bad Practice were identified based on established criteria. Conclusion: The data analysis showed marked improvements (statistically significant) in the quality of evaluated clinical documentation and indirectly upon behaviour. However, when examining some sub-criteria, critical issues emerge; these could be subject to future further corrective action

    DigesTip: A new device for a rapid and efficient in-solution protein digestion

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    DigesTip is a new device for in-solution protein digestion, based on a patent pending technology, able to immobilize enzymes (trypsin, in this case) on a solid surface, keeping their activity preserved. DigesTip is a standard pipette tip, usable both by human and by robots. Its main performances are: very short digestion time (1 min) and usability with low protein sample concentrations (5 μg/mL). DigesTip obtains a clear signal in MS measurements and its usage rules out several preparative steps

    Validation of a questionnaire to assess knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards smoking among nursing students: a pilot study in Piedmont region

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    Aim: Healthcare professionals have an important role to play both as advisers influencing smoking cessation and as role models. Despite this many of them continue to smoke. In this pilot study we have evaluated the reliability and validity of the Global Health Professional Students Survey questionnaire to examine smoking prevalence, in the Piedmont region. Methods: Reliability analysis was tested and content validity was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha to check internal consistency with the intention to obtain no misunderstanding with the results. The questionnaire composed of 6 sections for a total of 36 items, was administered among nursing students in Piedmont's hospitals and data were collected in the period between January and July 2013. Statistical analysis was performed through SPSS Statistics for Windows version 19 (IBM Corp. Released 2010. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 19.0.Armonk, NY: IBM Corp, USA). Results: Questionnaire was administered to 265 nursing students: 77 (29.1%) men and 188 (70.9%) women. Only 37 (14%) students were over 30 year old, 57 (21.5) were in a range of 25-29 and 171 (64.5%) were in a range of 18-24 years old. Students had attended the 3th year of the course. The prevalence of current smokers was 25.3% (67). The higher value of Cronbach's Alpha resulted on the selection of 14 items (0.841), while on the other all sections (34 items in total) resulted in a value (0.786) meaning that the questionnaire has a satisfactory internal validity. Conclusion: This pilot study demonstrated that the questionnaire has very good reliability properties in the study and this needs to be taken into account for future extensive studies needed due to the high percentage of students in nursing who currently smoke (about a quarter of the total in our study). In addition, this study revealed that the education of students on smoking cessation is highly associated with their positive perception of their role as health model. This is a fact which may indicate the importance of adopting a core-curriculum related to the prevention and treatment of tobacco addiction among nursing students.Keywords: smoking, Global Health Professional Students Survey, nursing students, Cronbach's alpha, reliability  Validazione di un questionario per valutare conoscenze, attitudini e comportamenti nei confronti del fumo di tabacco negli studenti di infermieristica: uno studio pilota in PiemonteABSTRACTScopo: Gli operatori sanitari giocano un ruolo importante nell'influenzare i propri pazienti a smettere di fumare essendo considerati un modello da seguire. Nonostante ciò molti di loro continuano a fumare. In questo studio pilota abbiamo valutato l'affidabilití  e la validití  del questionario Global Health Professional Students Survey (GHPSS) per esaminare la prevalenza del fumo, in Piemonte. Metodo: E' stata effettuata un'analisi di affidabilití  e validití  utilizzando l'Alpha di Cronbach, al fine di verificare la coerenza interna del questionario. Il questionario è composto da 6 sezioni per un totale di 36 items. È stato somministrato agli studenti di infermieristica negli ospedali del Piemonte e i dati sono stati raccolti nel periodo compreso tra gennaio e luglio 2013. L'analisi statistica è stata effettuata mediante SPSS Statistics for Windows version 19 (IBM Corp. Released 2010. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 19.0.Armonk, NY: IBM Corp, USA). Risultati: Il questionario è stato somministrato a 265 infermieri: 77 (29,1%) uomini e 188 (70,9%) donne. Solo 37 (14%) avevano un'etí  superiore ai 30 anni, 57 (21.5%) avevano un'etí  tra 25-29, mentre 171 (64,5%) avevano un'etí  compresa tra 18-24 anni. Tutti gli studenti frequentavano il 3° anno di corso. La prevalenza dei fumatori è del 25,3% (67). Relativamente all'Alfa di Cronbach, il valore più elevato è risultato prendendo in considerazione solo 14 items del questionario (0.841), mentre per tutte le sezioni, l'Alfa di Cronbach è risultato di 0.786, dunque il questionario ha una validití  interna soddisfacente. Conclusioni: Lo studio pilota ha dimostrato che il questionario ha ottime proprietí  di affidabilití  e per tale motivo dovrebbe essere preso in considerazione per la conduzione di studi simili futuri. L'elevata percentuale di studenti infermieri fumatori (nel nostro studio circa un quarto sul campione totale) evidenzia l'importanza della formazione in tema di prevenzione e cessazione al fumo: lo studio ha rivelato infatti che la formazione degli studenti sulla cessazione del fumo (nonostante appaia alquanto limitata) è fortemente associata con la loro percezione positiva del loro ruolo di modello sanitario.Parole chiave: fumo, Global Health Professional Students Survey, studenti in infermieristica, alfa di Cronbach, validazione Parole chiave: fumo, Global Health Professional Students Survey, studenti in infermieristica, alfa di Cronbach, validazion

    Rhodium-and Palladium-Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Propargylic Amines with Arylboronic Acids

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    Abstract: The hydroarylation of 3-arylprop-2-yn-1-amine derivatives with arylboronic acids has been studied in the presence of rhodium or palladium catalysts. By using a rhodium-based catalytic system, b,g-diarylallylamines were isolated in good yields. By contrast, the formation of the regiosomeric g,g-diar- A C H T U N G T R E N N U N G ylallylamines was achieved by means of a palladium catalyst in the presence of acetic acid. The complementary regioselectivity displayed by these two processes is a consequence of different catalytic cycles, involving respectively carborhodation or hydropalladation of the coordinated alkyne as key steps. Calculated charge distributions in the p-complexes are in accord with the results obtained

    Structure and solvation properties of aqueous sulfobetaine micelles in the presence of organic spin probes: a Molecular Dynamics simulation study

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    Structural and mechanical-dynamical information on a micelle formed by 72 monomers of N-dodecyl-N,N- dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (SB 3–12) in water solution have been obtained through Molecular Dynamics simulations. Additional simulations have been carried out to evaluate whether and to what extent the structural features of the micelle are affected by the pres- ence of a spin probe, typically utilized for the experimental characterization of these, rather complex, systems. Results indicate that the micelle shows a spherical shape not heavily influenced by the presence of the probe which only produces a slight volume increase. Further analysis also indicates that the probe, although inducing scarce altera- tions at the micelle-solvent interface, heavily influences the micelle core which appears less stable (more fluctuating) and less hydrated. Finally, analysis of residence times of water indicate—in line with many previous studies—the presence of a dual population characterized by different interactions with micelle interior

    Pollen and macrofossil analyses of Pliocene lacustrine sediments (Salto river valley, Central Italy)

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    The study of two sedimentary records sampled in the fluvio-lacustrine succession of high Salto river valley (Rieti, central Italy) was originated in the frame of the Geomorphologic Map of Italy (APAT, 2008) field survey and improved with a multidisciplinary approach addressed to a better knowledge of the Plio-Pleistocene continental environments of central Apennines. The two successions are associated to different sedimentary facies, with lateral heteropic relations: the deposits cropping out at Marano de' Marsi are thought to represent deposition in the distal portion of a lacustrine delta, while those of Borgorose took place in a frankly lacustrine environment. The sediment succession from Marano de' Marsi (11 m) was sampled from an outcrop, the one from Borgorose (24.5 m) from a drillhole. Palaeomagnetic investigations carried out on both sediment records indicate a normal magnetic polarity and very low magnetic susceptibility values. In the record from Marano de' Marsi section, gymnosperm pollen is prevailing. Four main and short angiosperm arboreal pollen oscillations can however be observed, the oldest of which more marked. The gymnosperms are mainly represented by Pinus haploxylon type, Pinta sylvestris type, Cedrus, Picea, Abies, Cathaya, Tsuga, Taxodium type. Among angiosperms the dominant taxa, some of which at present extinct in Italy, are Quercus, Zelkova, Ulmus, Carya and Pterocarya. The presence of pollen of subtropical taxa as Nyssa, cfr. Rhoiptelea, Liquidambar, Engelhardia is worth to be mentioned. The investigation was integrated also by a preliminary study of macrofossils. Fossil impressions with some organic matter of angiosperm and gymnosperm leaves and seeds/fruits were ascribed to Acer cfr. monspessulanum, Carpinus cfr. orientalis, Engelhardia, Fagus, Hedera, Liquidambar, Quercus, Rosa, Abies and Pinus. The 24.5 m long sediment core from Borgorose resulted very poor in pollen, with the same list of arboreal taxa, at present extinct in Italy, found at Marano de' Marsi, and a diagram was drawn only for the stretch of the core between 3 and 8.2 m. Gymnosperms (P. haploxylon type is dominant, and accompanied by P. sylvestris type, Picea, Taxodium type, Cedrus, and Tsuga) are always prevailing. The results obtained by this interdisciplinary investigation indicate that Marano de' Marsi and Borgorose successions can be possibly attributed to the Upper Pliocene (normal polarity Olduvai subchron) even if an older age, considering the present state of the art on Pliocene continental records, and the peculiarity of the site and of the region, cannot be excluded. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved

    Ethyl 2-(12-Oxo-10,12-dihydroisoindolo[1,2-b] Quinazolin-10-yl) Acetate

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    The title compound has been synthetized using a one-pot cascade process of ethyl (E)-3-(2-aminophenyl) acrylate and 2-formylbenzonitrile in the presence of Cs2CO3 as the catalyst. The synthetic route has been rationalized as a base-catalyzed tandem addition/cyclization/rearrangement initiated by the aniline molecule, followed by sequential aza-Michael addition/dehydrogenation. A theoretical investigation also provided a rationale for its fluorescence properties