172 research outputs found

    Incubação de Cooperativas de Reciclagem para suporte jurídico, contábil e administrativo sob a ótica da Economia Solidária

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: TrabalhoNo cenário atual vivenciamos uma crise do trabalho assalariado e formal. Como conseqüência disto ocorre uma alta precarização do trabalho, que agora encontra-se regulamentada pela reforma trabalhista que excluiu direitos anteriormente conquistados pela classe dos trabalhadores. Diante disso, surge um novo modo de pensar a economia, a Economia Solidária (ES), que preconiza uma nova forma de viver, produzir e consumir valorizando o ser humano e não o capital. Uma das formas de organização mais presentes deste modelo são as cooperativas de catadores de materiais recicláveis. Neste sentido, o Núcleo/Incubadora Unitrabalho – UEM, enquanto entidade de apoio, vem desenvolvendo acompanhamentos sistemáticos às cooperativas Coopercanção, Cooperecológica, Cooperambiental e Copmar na região metropolitana de Maringá. Tal trabalho é realizado através do projeto “Suporte jurídico, administrativo e contábil, aos Empreendimentos Econômicos Solidários (EES), constituídos por catadores de materiais recicláveis de Maringá, Sarandi e Paiçandu. – CAJUEES”, que conta com uma equipe multidisciplinar que desenvolve atividades adequadas para capacitar as(os) catadoras(es)/separadoras(es) com vistas a proporcionar a eles recursos para aprimorar a gestão dos seus empreendimentos, como também, há a troca de saberes científicos e tradicionais que implementam os resultado

    NF-Y activates genes of metabolic pathways altered in cancer cells

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    The trimeric transcription factor NF-Y binds to the CCAAT box, an element enriched in promoters of genes overexpressed in tumors. Previous studies on the NF-Y regulome identified the general term metabolism as significantly enriched. We dissect here in detail the targeting of metabolic genes by integrating analysis of NF-Y genomic binding and profilings after inactivation of NF-Y subunits in different cell types. NF-Y controls de novo biosynthetic pathways of lipids, teaming up with the master SREBPs regulators. It activates glycolytic genes, but, surprisingly, is neutral or represses mitochondrial respiratory genes. NF-Y targets the SOCG (Serine, One Carbon, Glycine) and Glutamine pathways, as well as genes involved in the biosynthesis of polyamines and purines. Specific cancer-driving nodes are generally under NF-Y control. Altogether, these data delineate a coherent strategy to promote expression of metabolic genes fuelling anaerobic energy production and other anabolic pathways commonly altered in cancer cells


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    Neste artigo duas diferentes parametriazações da turbulência são utilizadas em um modelo Gaussianopara simular a dispersão de um poluente passivo emitido durante o experimento Copenhagen. Comparaçõessão realizadas entre valores de concentração previstos pelo modelo e observados durante o experimento.Os resultados são avaliados através de uma análise estatística.Palavras-chave: poluição atmosférica, modelo gaussiano, parametrização da turbulênci

    Re-establishing Apoptosis Competence in Bone Associated Cancers via Communicative Reprogramming Induced Through Notch Signaling Inhibition

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    Notch and its ligands on adjacent cells are key mediators of cellular communication during developmental choice in embryonic and adult tissues. This communication is frequently altered in the pathological interaction between cancer cells and healthy cells of the microenvironment due to the aberrant expression of tumor derived Notch receptors or ligands, that results in homotypic or heterotypic Notch signaling activation in tumor cells or surrounding stromal cells. A deadly consequence of this pathological communication is pharmacological resistance that results in patient’s relapse. We will provide a survey of the role of Notch signaling in the bone marrow (BM), a microenvironment with a very high capacity to support several types of cancer, including primary cancers such as osteosarcoma or multiple myeloma and bone metastases from carcinomas. Moreover, in the BM niche several hematological malignancies maintain a reservoir of cancer stem cells, characterized by higher intrinsic drug resistance. Cell–cell communication in BM-tumor interaction triggers signaling pathways by direct contact and paracrine communication through soluble growth factors or extracellular vesicles, which can deliver specific molecules such as mRNAs, miRNAs, proteins, metabolites, etc. enabling tumor cells to reprogram the healthy cells of the microenvironment inducing them to support tumor growth. In this review we will explore how the dysregulated Notch activity contributes to tumor-mediated reprogramming of the BM niche and drug resistance, strengthening the rationale of a Notch-directed therapy to re-establish apoptosis competence in cancer

    Burden of pediatrics hospitalizations associated with Rotavirus gastroenteritis in Lombardy (Northern Italy) before immunization program

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    Aim. Rotavirus is recognized as the main cause of acute gastroenteritis in children under 5 years old, representing a considerable public health problem with a great impact on social and public health costs in developed countries. This study aims to assess the frequency and the epidemiological aspect of the hospitalization associated with Rotavirusgastroenteritis  in Lombardy, Northern Italy, from 2005 to 2011. Methods. The Lombardy Hospital Discharge Database was inquired from the official data of the Italian Ministry of Health and investigated for acute gastroenteritis (ICD9-CM code for bacteria, parasitic, viral and undetermined etiologic diarrhea) in primaryn and secondary diagnosis in children ≤ 5 years, between 2005 and 2011. Results. Out of the 32 944 acute-gastroenteritis hospitalizations reported in Lombardy, the 50.8% was caused by Rotavirus infection; of these, the 65.5% were reported in primary diagnosis. The peak of Rotavirus-gastroenteritis hospitalization was observed in February-March in children < 2 years old, with a cumulative prevalence of 64.5%. Patients admitted to hospital with diarrhea of undetermined etiology (about 14% of overall acute-gastroenteritis) showed epidemiological characteristics similar to the Rotavirusgastroenteritis, suggesting that the virus infection could also be involved in at least some of these. Conclusion. Our data confirm that Rotavirus are the most important agents involving in acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations. The use of Hospital Discharge Database had proved to be a simple tool to estimate the burden and to describe the epidemiological characteristics of Rotavirus gastroenteritis and could be used as a surveillance activity before and after the introduction of mass vaccination at national and regional level in Italy

    Effects of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA) in COVID-19 Early Stages: A Case-Control Study

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    Ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA), a compound with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, appears to be a potential adjuvant treatment for early stages of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In our study, we enrolled 90 patients with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 that were randomized into two groups, homogeneous for age, gender and BMI. The first group received oral supplementation based on um-PEA at a dose of 1800 mg/day for a total of 28 days; the second group was the control group (R.S. 73.20). At baseline (T0) and after 28 days of um-PEA treatment (T1), we monitored: routine laboratory parameters, inflammatory and oxidative stress (OS) biomarkers, lymphocytes subpopulation and COVID-19 serological response. At T1, the um-PEA-treated group presented a significant reduction in inflammation compared to the control group (CRP p = 0.007; IL-6 p = 0.0001; neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio p = 0.044). At T1, the controls showed a significant increase in OS compared to the treated group (FORT p = 0.05). At T1, the um-PEA group exhibited a significant decrease in D-dimer levels (p = 0.0001) and higher levels of IgG against SARS-CoV-2 (p = 0.0001) compared to the controls. Our data demonstrated, in a randomized clinical trial, the beneficial effects of um-PEA in both asymptomatic and mild-symptomatic patients related to reductions in inflammatory state, OS and coagulative cascade alterations