177 research outputs found

    Real-Time Measurement of Business Conditions

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    We construct a framework for measuring economic activity in real time (e.g., minute-by-minute), using a variety of stock and flow data observed at mixed frequencies. Specifically, we propose a dynamic factor model that permits exact filtering, and we explore the efficacy of our methods both in a simulation study and in a detailed empirical example.Business cycle, Expansion, Recession, State space model, Macroeconomic forecasting, Dynamic factor model

    Real-Time Measurement of Business Conditions, Second Version

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    We construct a framework for measuring economic activity at high frequency, potentially in real time. We use a variety of stock and flow data observed at mixed frequencies (including very high frequencies), and we use a dynamic factor model that permits exact filtering. We illustrate the framework in a prototype empirical example and a simulation study calibrated to the example.Business cycle, Expansion, Recession, State space model, Macroeconomic forecasting, Dynamic factor model, Contraction, Turning point

    Markov Switching Garch Models of Currency Crises in Southeast Asia

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    This paper develops a model which is able to forecast exchange rate turmoil. Our starting point relies on the empirical evidence that exchange rate volatility is not constant. In fact, the modeling strategy adopted refers to the vast literature of the GARCH class of models, where the variance process is explicitly modeled. Further empirical evidence shows that it is possible to distinguish between two different regimes: “ordinary” versus “turbulence”. Low exchange rate changes are associated with low volatility (ordinary regime) and high exchange rate devaluations go together with high volatility. This calls for a regime switching approach. In our model we also allow the transition probabilities to vary over time as functions of economic and financial indicators. We find that real effective exchange rate, money supply relative to reserves, stock index returns and bank stock index returns and volatility are the major indicators.Currency crises, Markov Switching Models, Volatility

    Evaluating Asset-Market Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Comparison

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    This discussion paper is available for download from the Social Science Research Network electronic library. To view this article in its entirety please see the related resources section above

    The COVID-19 Crisis and the Federal Reserve\u27s Policy Response

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    Markov Switching GARCH Models of Currency Crises in Southeast Asia

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    revision presented at the annual meeting of the Econometric Society, Washington, D.C., ( 01/2003 : 01/2003

    Efficacy of the additional use of subgingival air‑polishing with erythritol powder in the treatment of periodontitis patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Part II: effect on sub‑gingival microbiome

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    Objectives. To date, scarce evidence exists around the application of subgingival air-polishing during treatment of severe periodontitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on the health-related and periodontitis-related subgingival microbiome of air-polishing during non-surgical treatment of deep bleeding pockets in stage III–IV periodontitis patients. Materials and methods. Forty patients with stage III–IV periodontitis were selected, and pockets with probing depth (PD) 5–9 mm and bleeding on probing were selected as experimental sites. All patients underwent a full-mouth session of erythritol powder supragingival air-polishing and ultrasonic instrumentation. Test group received additional subgingival air-polishing at experimental sites. Subgingival microbial samples were taken from the maxillary experimental site showing the deepest PD at baseline. Primary outcome of the first part of the present study was the 3-month change in the number of experimental sites. Additional analysis of periodontal pathogens and other sub-gingival plaque bacteria sampled at one experimental site at baseline and 3 months following treatment was performed through a real-time quantitative PCR microarray. Results. In the test group, a statistical increase of some health-related species was observed (Abiotropha defectiva, Capnocytophaga sputigena, and Lautropia mirabilis), together with the decrease of pathogens such as of Actinomyces israelii, Catonella morbi, Filifactor alocis, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Sele-nomonas sputigena, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, and Treponema socranskii. In the control group, statistical significance was found only in the decrease of Filifactor alocis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema socranskii. Conclusions. The addition of erythritol-chlorhexidine powder seems to cause a shift of the periodontal microbiome toward a more eubiotic condition compared to a conventional treatment. The study was registered on Clinical Trials.gov (NCT04264624). Clinical relevance. Subgingival air-polishing could help re-establishing a eubiotic microbioma in deep bleeding periodontal pockets after initial non-surgical treatment

    ABCA1/ABCB1 Ratio Determines Chemo- and Immune-Sensitivity in Human Osteosarcoma

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    The ATP Binding Cassette transporter B1 (ABCB1) induces chemoresistance in osteosarcoma, because it effluxes doxorubicin, reducing the intracellular accumulation, toxicity, and immunogenic cell death induced by the drug. The ATP Binding Cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) effluxes isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), a strong activator of anti-tumor V\u3b39V\u3b42 T-cells. Recruiting this population may represent an alternative strategy to rescue doxorubicin efficacy in ABCB1-expressing osteosarcoma. In this work, we analyzed how ABCA1 and ABCB1 are regulated in osteosarcoma, and if increasing the ABCA1-dependent activation of V\u3b39V\u3b42 T-cells could be an effective strategy against ABCB1-expressing osteosarcoma. We used 2D-cultured doxorubicin-sensitive human U-2OS and Saos-2 cells, their doxorubicin-resistant sublines (U-2OS/DX580 and Saos-2/DX580), and 3D cultures of U-2OS and Saos-2 cells. DX580-sublines and 3D cultures had higher levels of ABCB1 and higher resistance to doxorubicin than parental cells. Surprisingly, they had reduced ABCA1 levels, IPP efflux, and V\u3b39V\u3b42 T-cell-induced killing. In these chemo-immune-resistant cells, the Ras/Akt/mTOR axis inhibits the ABCA1-transcription induced by Liver X Receptor \u3b1 (LXR\u3b1); Ras/ERK1/2/HIF-1\u3b1 axis up-regulates ABCB1. Targeting the farnesylation of Ras with self-assembling nanoparticles encapsulating zoledronic acid (NZ) simultaneously inhibited both axes. In humanized mice, NZ reduced the growth of chemo-immune-resistant osteosarcomas, increased intratumor necro-apoptosis, and ABCA1/ABCB1 ratio and V\u3b39V\u3b42 T-cell infiltration. We suggest that the ABCB1 high ABCA1 low phenotype is indicative of chemo-immune-resistance. We propose aminobisphosphonates as new chemo-immune-sensitizing tools against drug-resistant osteosarcomas

    Identification of a high affinity binding site for abscisic acid on human lanthionine synthetase component C-like protein 2

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    Lanthionine synthetase component C-like protein 2 (LANCL2) has been identified as the mammalian receptor mediating the functional effects of the universal stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA) in mammals. ABA stimulates insulin independent glucose uptake in myocytes and adipocytes via LANCL2 binding in vitro, improves glucose tolerance in vivo and induces brown fat activity in vitro and in vivo. The emerging role of the ABA/LANCL2 system in glucose and lipid metabolism makes it an attractive target for pharmacological interventions in diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of ABA binding site(s) on LANCL2 and identify the amino acid residues involved in ABA binding. Equilibrium binding assays ([3H]-ABA saturation binding and surface plasmon resonance analysis) suggested multiple ABA-binding sites, prompting us to perform a computational study that indicated one putative high-affinity and two low-affinity binding sites. Site-directed mutagenesis (single mutant R118I, triple mutants R118I/R22I/K362I and R118I/S41A/E46I) and equilibrium binding experiments on the mutated LANCL2 proteins identified a high-affinity ABA-binding site involving R118, with a KD of 2.6 nM ± 1.2 nM, as determined by surface plasmon resonance. Scatchard plot analysis of binding curves from both types of equilibrium binding assays revealed a Hill coefficient >1, suggesting cooperativity of ABA binding to LANCL2. Identification of the high-affinity ABA-binding site is expected to allow the design of ABA agonists/antagonists, which will help to understand the role of the ABA/LANCL2 system in human physiology and disease
