14 research outputs found

    A Ciliary View of the Immunological Synapse

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    The primary cilium has gone from being a vestigial organelle to a crucial signaling hub of growing interest given the association between a group of human disorders, collectively known as ciliopathies, and defects in its structure or function. In recent years many ciliogenesis proteins have been observed at extraciliary sites in cells and likely perform cilium-independent functions ranging from regulation of the cytoskeleton to vesicular trafficking. Perhaps the most striking example is the non-ciliated T lymphocyte, in which components of the ciliary machinery are repurposed for the assembly and function of the immunological synapse even in the absence of a primary cilium. Furthermore, the specialization traits described at the immunological synapse are similar to those seen in the primary cilium. Here, we review common regulators and features shared by the immunological synapse and the primary cilium that document the remarkable homology between these structures

    Learning from TCR Signaling and Immunological Synapse Assembly to Build New Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs).

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    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell immunotherapy is a revolutionary pillar in cancer treatment. Clinical experience has shown remarkable successes in the treatment of certain hematological malignancies but only limited efficacy against B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and other cancer types, especially solid tumors. A wide range of engineering strategies have been employed to overcome the limitations of CAR T cell therapy. However, it has become increasingly clear that CARs have unique, unexpected features; hence, a deep understanding of how CARs signal and trigger the formation of a non-conventional immunological synapse (IS), the signaling platform required for T cell activation and execution of effector functions, would lead a shift from empirical testing to the rational design of new CAR constructs. Here, we review current knowledge of CARs, focusing on their structure, signaling and role in CAR T cell IS assembly. We, moreover, discuss the molecular features accounting for poor responses in CLL patients treated with anti-CD19 CAR T cells and propose CLL as a paradigm for diseases connected to IS dysfunctions that could significantly benefit from the development of novel CARs to generate a productive anti-tumor response

    New insights into the basal autophagic machinery: the adaptor p66SHC and the ciliogenesis protein IFT20 are novel regulators of lymphocyte autophagy

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    Autophagy is the cellular process responsible for degrading various cellular components and damaged organelles within the lysosome. This process has emerged as central for many lymphocyte functions, ranging from homeostasis to the generation of a productive immune response. In addition to the core machinery, other molecules participate in the fine modulation of the autophagic pathway and their identification contributes to fill the gaps in our fragmented understanding of the molecular mechanisms of autophagy. Here we investigated the role of the Src homologous and collagen (SHC) family adaptor p66 and the ciliary protein intraflagellar transport 20 (IFT20) in lymphocyte autophagy. First, we show that the pro-oxidant activity of p66SHC impacts on mitochondrial integrity leading to impaired ATP production, which results in enhanced autophagic flux in B cells through the activation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Moreover, a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent dissipation of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential triggers the degradation of mitochondria through mitophagy, which relies on the ability of p66SHC to locally recruit LC3-II and AMPK. Second, we demonstrate that IFT20 is required for lysosomal function and autophagic clearance by controlling the targeting of acid hydrolases to the lysosome in T cells. This is achieved by the recruitment of the microtubule motor dynein to the cation-independent mannose-phosphate-receptor (CI-MPR) that undergoes retrograde transport to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Collectively, our findings provide the first evidence of mitochondrial p66SHC and a component of the IFT system as novel regulators of autophagy in B and T cells, respectively

    Lymphocyte Polarization During Immune Synapse Assembly: Centrosomal Actin Joins the Game

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    Interactions among immune cells are essential for the development of adaptive immune responses. The immunological synapse (IS) provides a specialized platform for integration of signals and intercellular communication between T lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells (APCs). In the T cell the reorganization of surface molecules at the synaptic interface is initiated by T cell receptor binding to a cognate peptide-major histocompatibility complex on the APC surface and is accompanied by a polarized remodelling of the cytoskeleton and centrosome reorientation to a subsynaptic position. Although there is a general agreement on polarizing signals and mechanisms driving centrosome reorientation during IS assembly, the primary events that prepare for centrosome repositioning remain largely unexplored. It has been recently shown that in resting lymphocytes a local polymerization of filamentous actin (F-actin) at the centrosome contributes to anchoring this organelle to the nucleus. During early stages of IS formation centrosomal F-actin undergoes depletion, allowing for centrosome detachment from the nucleus and its polarization towards the synaptic membrane. We recently demonstrated that in CD4(+) T cells the reduction in centrosomal F-actin relies on the activity of a centrosome-associated proteasome and implicated the ciliopathy-related Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1 protein in the dynein-dependent recruitment of the proteasome 19S regulatory subunit to the centrosome. In this short review we will feature our recent findings that collectively provide a new function for BBS proteins and the proteasome in actin dynamics, centrosome polarization and T cell activation

    The Expanding Arsenal of Cytotoxic T Cells

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    Cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) are the main cellular mediators of the adaptive immune defenses against intracellular pathogens and malignant cells. Upon recognition of specific antigen on their cellular target, CTLs assemble an immunological synapse where they mobilise their killing machinery that is released into the synaptic cleft to orchestrate the demise of their cell target. The arsenal of CTLs is stored in lysosome-like organelles that undergo exocytosis in response to signals triggered by the T cell antigen receptor following antigen recognition. These organelles include lytic granules carrying a cargo of cytotoxic proteins packed on a proteoglycan scaffold, multivesicular bodies carrying the death receptor ligand FasL, and the recently discovered supramolecular attack particles that carry a core of cytotoxic proteins encased in a non-membranous glycoprotein shell. Here we will briefly review the main features of these killing entities and discuss their interrelationship and interplay in CTL-mediated killing

    The intraflagellar transport protein IFT20 controls lysosome biogenesis by regulating the post-Golgi transport of acid hydrolases

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    The assembly and function of the primary cilium depends on multimolecular intraflagellar transport (IFT) complexes that shuttle their cargo along the axonemal microtubules through their interaction with molecular motors. The IFT system has been moreover recently implicated in a reciprocal interplay between autophagy and ciliogenesis. We have previously reported that IFT20 and other components of the IFT complexes participate in the assembly of the immune synapse in the non-ciliated T cell, suggesting that other cellular processes regulated by the IFT system in ciliated cells, including autophagy, may be shared by cells lacking a cilium. Starting from the observation of a defect in autophagic clearance and an accumulation of lipid droplets in IFT20-deficient T cells, we show that IFT20 is required for lysosome biogenesis and function by controlling the lysosomal targeting of acid hydrolases. This function involves its ability to regulate the retrograde traffic of the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) to the trans-Golgi network, which is achieved by coupling recycling CI-MPRs to the microtubule motor dynein. Consistent with the lysosomal defect, an upregulation of the TFEB-dependent expression of the lysosomal gene network can be observed in IFT20-deficient cells, which is associated with defective tonic T-cell antigen receptor signaling and mTOR activity. We additionally show that the lysosome-related function of IFT20 extends to non-ciliated cells other than T cells, as well as to ciliated cells. Our findings provide the first evidence that a component of the IFT system that controls ciliogenesis is implicated in the biogenesis of lysosomes

    The pro-oxidant adaptor p66SHC promotes B cell mitophagy by disrupting mitochondrial integrity and recruiting LC3-II

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    Macroautophagy/autophagy has emerged as a central process in lymphocyte homeostasis, activation and differentiation. Based on our finding that the p66 isoform of SHC1 (p66SHC) pro-apoptotic ROS-elevating SHC family adaptor inhibits MTOR signaling in these cells, here we investigated the role of p66SHC in B-cell autophagy. We show that p66SHC disrupts mitochondrial function through its CYCS (cytochrome c, somatic) binding domain, thereby impairing ATP production, which results in AMPK activation and enhanced autophagic flux. While p66SHC binding to CYCS is sufficient for triggering apoptosis, p66SHC-mediated autophagy additionally depends on its ability to interact with membrane-associated LC3-II through a specific binding motif within its N terminus. Importantly, p66SHC also has an impact on mitochondria homeostasis by inducing mitochondrial depolarization, protein ubiquitination at the outer mitochondrial membrane, and local recruitment of active AMPK. These events initiate mitophagy, whose full execution relies on the role of p66SHC as an LC3-II receptor which brings phagophore membranes to mitochondria. Importantly, p66SHC also promotes hypoxia-induced mitophagy in B cells. Moreover, p66SHC deficiency enhances B cell differentiation to plasma cells, which is controlled by intracellular ROS levels and the hypoxic germinal center environment. The results identify mitochondrial p66SHC as a novel regulator of autophagy and mitophagy in B cells and implicate p66SHC-mediated coordination of autophagy and apoptosis in B cell survival and differentiation. Abbreviations: ACTB: actin beta; AMPK: AMP-activated protein kinase; ATP: adenosine triphosphate; ATG: autophagy-related; CYCS: cytochrome c, somatic; CLQ: chloroquine; COX: cyclooxygenase; CTR: control; GFP: green fluorescent protein; HIFIA/Hif alpha: hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha; IMS: intermembrane space; LIR: LC3 interacting region; MAP1LC3B/LC3B: microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta; MTOR/mTOR: mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase; OA: oligomycin and antimycin A; OMM: outer mitochondrial membrane; PHB: prohibitin; PBS: phosphate-buffered saline; PINK1: PTEN induced putative kinase 1; RFP: red fluorescent protein; ROS: reactive oxygen species; SHC: src Homology 2 domain-containing transforming protein; TMRM: tetramethylrhodamine, methyl ester; TOMM: translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane; ULK1: unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 1; WT: wild-type

    SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein suppresses CTL-mediated killing by inhibiting immune synapse assembly

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    CTL-mediated killing of virally infected or malignant cells is orchestrated at the immune synapse (IS). We hypothesized that SARS-CoV-2 may target lytic IS assembly to escape elimination. We show that human CD8+ T cells upregulate the expression of ACE2, the Spike receptor, during differentiation to CTLs. CTL preincubation with the Wuhan or Omicron Spike variants inhibits IS assembly and function, as shown by defective synaptic accumulation of TCRs and tyrosine phosphoproteins as well as defective centrosome and lytic granule polarization to the IS, resulting in impaired target cell killing and cytokine production. These defects were reversed by anti-Spike antibodies interfering with ACE2 binding and reproduced by ACE2 engagement by angiotensin II or anti-ACE2 antibodies, but not by the ACE2 product Ang (1-7). IS defects were also observed ex vivo in CTLs from COVID-19 patients. These results highlight a new strategy of immune evasion by SARS-CoV-2 based on the Spike-dependent, ACE2-mediated targeting of the lytic IS to prevent elimination of infected cells

    The Intraflagellar Transport Protein IFT20 Recruits ATG16L1 to Early Endosomes to Promote Autophagosome Formation in T Cells

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    Lymphocyte homeostasis, activation and differentiation crucially rely on basal autophagy. The fine-tuning of this process depends on autophagy-related (ATG) proteins and their interaction with the trafficking machinery that orchestrates the membrane rearrangements leading to autophagosome biogenesis. The underlying mechanisms are as yet not fully understood. The intraflagellar transport (IFT) system, known for its role in cargo transport along the axonemal microtubules of the primary cilium, has emerged as a regulator of autophagy in ciliated cells. Growing evidence indicates that ciliogenesis proteins participate in cilia-independent processes, including autophagy, in the non-ciliated T cell. Here we investigate the mechanism by which IFT20, an integral component of the IFT system, regulates basal T cell autophagy. We show that IFT20 interacts with the core autophagy protein ATG16L1 and that its CC domain is essential for its pro-autophagic activity. We demonstrate that IFT20 is required for the association of ATG16L1 with the Golgi complex and early endosomes, both of which have been identified as membrane sources for phagophore elongation. This involves the ability of IFT20 to interact with proteins that are resident at these subcellular localizations, namely the golgin GMAP210 at the Golgi apparatus and Rab5 at early endosomes. GMAP210 depletion, while leading to a dispersion of ATG16L1 from the Golgi, did not affect basal autophagy. Conversely, IFT20 was found to recruit ATG16L1 to early endosomes tagged for autophagosome formation by the BECLIN 1/VPS34/Rab5 complex, which resulted in the local accumulation of LC3. Hence IFT20 participates in autophagosome biogenesis under basal conditions by regulating the localization of ATG16L1 at early endosomes to promote autophagosome biogenesis. These data identify IFT20 as a new regulator of an early step of basal autophagy in T cells