238 research outputs found

    Synthesis of [(1,2,3-Triazol-1-yl)methyl]boronic Acids Through Click Chemistry: Easy Access to a Potential Scaffold for Protease Inhibitors

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    Stereoselective synthesis of previously unreported [(1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)methyl]boronic acids has been achieved from azidomethylboronates by copper-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition reaction. The proximity of the cycloaddition reaction center to the boronic group is not detrimental to the stability of the sp3 C–B bond or to the stereoisomeric composition, which further expands the field of application of click chemistry to new boronate substrates and offers a new potential scaffold for protease inhibitors

    Appunti sulla componente ‘europea’ della biblioteca milanese di Foscolo

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    Nel contributo sono presentati alcuni risultati di una ricerca in corso sulla biblioteca di Foscolo. Il nostro recente ritrovamento di un inedito «Catalogo di libri» individuato nella Biblioteca Labronica di Livorno permette, infatti, di ricostruire con maggiore precisione la consistenza e la composizione della collezione di volumi raccolti dallo scrittore nella sua residenza di Milano. A partire dall’incrocio delle informazioni fornite dal catalogo labronico con quelle presenti nella lista redatta da Silvio Pellico intorno al 1815, sono indicate varie opere europee (segnatamente inglesi, francesi e tedesche) che facevano parte della collezione milanese.La contribution porte sur les premiers rĂ©sultats d’une recherche en cours sur la composition de la bibliothĂšque de Foscolo. Notre rĂ©cente dĂ©couverte d’un « Catalogo di libri » inĂ©dit dans la BibliothĂšque Labronica de Livourne permet de lister avec une plus grande prĂ©cision les volumes dont Foscolo disposait dans sa rĂ©sidence de Milan. Croisant les donnĂ©es fournies par le catalogue de Livourne avec la liste rĂ©digĂ©e par Silvio Pellico autour de 1815, on parvient Ă  identifier un certain nombre d’ouvrages europĂ©ens (notamment anglais, français et allemands) qui faisaient partie de la bibliothĂšque milanaise de Foscolo.This contribution presents some preliminary results of a research project on the composition of Foscolo’s personal library. The recent discovery of an unpublished “Book Catalogue” at the Biblioteca Labronica in Leghorn permits a more detailed reconstruction of the books gathered by the author in his residence in Milan. By complementing the information from the Labronica catalogue with that from the list compiled by Silvio Pellico around 1815, an account of some European books (especially English, French and German) which made up Foscolo’s library in Milan is provided

    Principi di "ragion poetica" negli scritti pavesi di Ugo Foscolo

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    Nel contributo si esamina l'influsso della lezione di Gravina negli scritti pavesi, con particolare attenzione alla seconda lezione sulla lingua (Della lingua italiana considerata storicamente e letterariamente) dove, come appare dai calchi testuali, il secondo libro della Ragion poetica costituisce il principale modello per la rilettura in chiave politica dell'origine e dello sviluppo della civiltà linguistica e letteraria della nazione

    SocioFillmore:A Tool for Discovering Perspectives

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    SOCIOFILLMORE is a multilingual tool which helps to bring to the fore the focus or the perspective that a text expresses in depicting an event. Our tool, whose rationale we also support through a large collection of human judgements, is theoretically grounded on frame semantics and cognitive linguistics, and implemented using the LOME frame semantic parser. We describe SOCIOFILLMORE’s development and functionalities, show how non-NLP researchers can easily interact with the tool, and present some example case studies which are already incorporated in the system, together with the kind of analysis that can be visualised

    Frame Semantics for Social NLP in Italian:Analyzing Responsibility Framing in Femicide News Reports

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    We propose using a FrameNet-based ap- proach for analyzing how socially relevant events are framed in media discourses. Taking femicides as an example, we per- form a preliminary investigation on a large dataset of news reports and event data cov- ering recent femicides in Italy. First, we revisit the EVALITA 2011 shared task on Italian frame labeling, and test a recent multilingual frame semantic parser against this benchmark. Then, we experiment with specializing this model for Italian and perform a human evaluation to test our model’s real-world applicability. We show how FrameNet-based analyses can help to identify linguistic constructions that back- ground the agentivity and responsibility of femicide perpetrators in Italian news

    A2A and A3, Adenosine receptors mRNA are overexpressed in an experimental animal model of myocardial infarction

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    Background: Adenosine, a purine nucleoside and a "retaliatory metabolite" in ischemia, is ubiquitous in the body, and increases 100-fold during ischemia. Its biological actions are mediated by four adenosine receptors (ARs): A1 and A3, coupled to Gi/o, and the high-affinity A2A and low-affinity A2B, coupled to Gs. Because A1R and A3R are distributed mainly in myocardial cells and A2 are on coronary vascular smooth cells in the heart, adenosine may substantially modulate cardiac function as a whole. Aim: To determine possible myocardial alterations in the expression of ARs, in an experimental animal model of myocardial infarction (MI). Materials and Methods: Left ventricular (LV) tissue was collected from male adult minipigs with MI (n=5), induced by permanent surgical legation of the left anterior descending coronary artery and from 5 healthy pigs. mRNA expression of A1R, A2AR, A2BR,A3R was determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in tissue sampled collected from border (BZ) and remote zones (RZ) of infarcted area. Results: Transmural infarction affected about 15% of the LV wall mass. After 4 weeks, mRNA expression was higher in infarct regions than in control for A1R (controls=2.0?1.0, BZ=2.4?0.4, RZ=1.2?0.1), A2AR (controls=0.6?0.3, BZ=1.9?0.2, RZ=1.3?0.04 p=0.002, p=0.04, controls vs. BZ and RZ), A2BR (controls=1.1?0.5, BZ=1.2?0.2, RZ=0.5?0.04) and A3R (controls=0.2?0.07, BZ=2.4?0.7, RZ=0.7?0.07, p=0.006, p=0.002, controls vs. BZ and RZ). Conclusion: All adenosine receptors, and expecially A2A and A3, are overexpressed in the BZ of MI, consistently with an adaptative retaliatory anti-ischemic adenosinergic changes of post-infarcted heart

    High concentration of C-type natriuretic peptide promotes VEGF-dependent vasculogenesis in the remodeled region of infarcted swine heart with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Vasculogenesis is a hallmark of myocardial restoration. Post-ischemic late remodeling is associated with pathology and function worsening. At the same time, neo-vasculogenesis helps function improving and requires the release of vascular endothelial growth factor type A (VEGF-A). The vasculogenic role of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), a cardiac paracrine hormone, is unknown in infarcted hearts with preserved left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF). We explored whether myocardial VEGF-dependent vasculogenesis is affected by CNP. METHODS AND RESULTS: To this end, infarcted swine hearts were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), histological and molecular assays. At the fourth week, MRI showed that transmural myocardial infarction (MI) affected approximately 13% of the LV wall mass without impairing global function (LVEF>50%, n=9). Increased fibrosis, metalloproteases and capillary density were localized to the infarct border zone (BZ), and were associated with increased expression of CNP (p=0.03 vs. remote zone (RZ)), VEGF-A (p<0.001 vs. RZ), BNP, a marker of myocardial dysfunction (p<0.01 vs. RZ) and the endothelial marker, factor VIII-related antigen (p<0.01 vs. RZ). In vitro, CNP 1000 nM promoted VEGF-dependent vasculogenesis without affecting the cell growth and survival, although CNP 100 nM or a high concentration of VEGF-A halted vascular growth. CONCLUSIONS: CNP expression is locally increased in infarct remodeled myocardium in the presence of dense capillary network. The vasculogenic response requires the co-exposure to high concentration of CNP and VEGF-A. Our data will be helpful to develop combined myocardial delivery of CNP and VEGF-A genes in order to reverse the remodeling process
