19 research outputs found

    Tumor-stroma interactions influence the response to PI3K targeted agents in preclinical models of colorectal cancer (CRC)

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    Introduction: One of the main obstacle to the successful development of therapeutic strategies remains the identification of biomarker underlying drug resistance. Recently, investigators have become more aware the role of the tumor microenvironment (TME) in cancer and the potential therapeutic opportunities that derive from suppressing potential resistance mechanisms arising microenvironmental interactions. The aim of this study was to set-up multicellular culture models to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which stromal/endothelial cells modulate response to signaling inhibitors and to identify potential therapeutic targets in PTEN-loss contexts. Methods and Materials: Isogenic CRC cell lines (X-MAN™ HCT116 and HCT116 PTEN-/-) were treated with MAPKi and PI3K/mTORi alone or in combination, in the presence or absence of stromal fibroblasts or fibroblast/endothelial cell conditioned medium (CM). Cytofluorimetric analysis and Crystal Violet assay were used to analyse functional response to targeted agents; pathways activation and cytokine/chemokine profile were analysed using Western blot and ELISA assay respectively. Results and Discussion: In co-culture CRC models, the response to MAPK and PI3K inhibitors is the result of interaction between tumor cells and their surrounding stroma. The response to PI3K/mTORi is mainly influenced by microenvironmental interactions: direct cell-to-cell tumor/stroma contact renders stromal cells resistant to PI3K/mTORi, while the presence of stromal cell-derived soluble factors sensitizes PTEN-competent CRC cells to PI3K/mTORi-mediated growth inhibition. This effect was confirmed using CM from different types of stromal cells (fibroblast/endothelial) that similarly affected the response of CRC cell lines to signalling inhibitors; this is probably due to similar profile of cytokine/chemokine production in stromal cell and is subjected to a “saturation” effect. The presence of stromal CM upregulates MAPK activation regardless of PTEN status, whereas mTOR pathway upregulation is observed mainly in PTEN-competent CRC cellsin PTEN-competent cells soluble factors released by stromal elements paradoxically impair PTEN function, leading to downstream mTORC1 complex formation and pathway activation. This paradoxical mTORC1 activation upon exposure to stroma-derived soluble factors results in functional hypersensitivity of PTEN-competent CRC cells to the growth inhibitory effects of double PI3K/mTOR inhibitors. . Conclusions: The presence of stromal cells (fibroblasts/endothelium) profoundly influences CRC response to PI3K/mTOR-targeting agents. Understanding the mechanisms underlying microenvironmental interactions (tumor, stroma, soluble factors) may be of fundamental importance to overcome therapeutic resistance and develop more effective therapies for patients affected by cancer

    Role of mTOR signaling in tumor microenvironment. An overview

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway regulates major processes by integrating a variety of exogenous cues, including diverse environmental inputs in the tumor microenvironment (TME). In recent years, it has been well recognized that cancer cells co-exist and co-evolve with their TME, which is often involved in drug resistance. The mTOR pathway modulates the interactions between the stroma and the tumor, thereby affecting both the tumor immunity and angiogenesis. The activation of mTOR signaling is associated with these pro-oncogenic cellular processes, making mTOR a promising target for new combination therapies. This review highlights the role of mTOR signaling in the characterization and the activity of the TME’s elements and their implications in cancer immunotherapy

    The Key Roles of PTEN in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Development, Progression, and Therapeutic Response

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    T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive blood cancer that comprises 10–15% of pediatric and ~25% of adult ALL cases. Although the curative rates have significantly improved over the past 10 years, especially in pediatric patients, T-ALL remains a challenge from a therapeutic point of view, due to the high number of early relapses that are for the most part resistant to further treatment. Considerable advances in the understanding of the genes, signaling networks, and mechanisms that play crucial roles in the pathobiology of T-ALL have led to the identification of the key drivers of the disease, thereby paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. PTEN is critical to prevent the malignant transformation of T-cells. However, its expression and functions are altered in human T-ALL. PTEN is frequently deleted or mutated, while PTEN protein is often phosphorylated and functionally inactivated by casein kinase 2. Different murine knockout models recapitulating the development of T-ALL have demonstrated that PTEN abnormalities are at the hub of an intricate oncogenic network sustaining and driving leukemia development by activating several signaling cascades associated with drug-resistance and poor outcome. These aspects and their possible therapeutic implications are highlighted in this review

    SEMA6A/RhoA/YAP axis mediates tumor-stroma interactions and prevents response to dual BRAF/MEK inhibition in BRAF-mutant melanoma

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    Background: Despite the promise of dual BRAF/MEK inhibition as a therapy for BRAF-mutant (BRAF-mut) melanoma, heterogeneous responses have been observed in patients, thus predictors of benefit from therapy are needed. We have previously identified semaphorin 6A (SEMA6A) as a BRAF-mut-associated protein involved in actin cytoskeleton remodeling. The purpose of the present study is to dissect the role of SEMA6A in the biology of BRAF-mut melanoma, and to explore its predictive potential towards dual BRAF/MEK inhibition. Methods: SEMA6A expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in melanoma cohort RECI1 (N = 112) and its prognostic potential was investigated in BRAF-mut melanoma patients from DFCI and TCGA datasets (N = 258). The molecular mechanisms regulated by SEMA6A to sustain tumor aggressiveness and targeted therapy resistance were investigated in vitro by using BRAF-mut and BRAF-wt melanoma cell lines, an inducible SEMA6A silencing cell model and a microenvironment-mimicking fibroblasts-coculturing model. Finally, SEMA6A prediction of benefit from dual BRAF/MEK inhibition was investigated in melanoma cohort RECI2 (N = 14). Results: Our results indicate higher protein expression of SEMA6A in BRAF-mut compared with BRAF-wt melanoma patients and show that SEMA6A is a prognostic indicator in BRAF-mut melanoma from TCGA and DFCI patients cohorts. In BRAF-mut melanoma cells, SEMA6A coordinates actin cytoskeleton remodeling by the RhoA-dependent activation of YAP and dual BRAF/MEK inhibition by dabrafenib+trametinib induces SEMA6A/RhoA/YAP axis. In microenvironment-mimicking co-culture condition, fibroblasts confer to melanoma cells a proliferative stimulus and protect them from targeted therapies, whereas SEMA6A depletion rescues the efficacy of dual BRAF/MEK inhibition. Finally, in BRAF-mut melanoma patients treated with dabrafenib+trametinib, high SEMA6A predicts shorter recurrence-free interval. Conclusions: Overall, our results indicate that SEMA6A contributes to microenvironment-coordinated evasion of melanoma cells from dual BRAF/MEK inhibition and it might be a good candidate predictor of short-term benefit from dual BRAF/MEK inhibition

    Advances in Tumor-Stroma Interactions: Emerging Role of Cytokine Network in Colorectal and Pancreatic Cancer

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    Cytokines are a family of soluble factors (Growth Factors (GFs), chemokines, angiogenic factors, and interferons), which regulate a wide range of mechanisms in both physiological and pathological conditions, such as tumor cell growth and progression, angiogenesis, and metastasis. In recent years, the growing interest in developing new cancer targeted therapies has been accompanied by the effort to characterize Tumor Microenvironment (TME) and Tumor-Stroma Interactions (TSI). The connection between tumor and stroma is now well established and, in the last decade, evidence from genetic, pharmacological, and epidemiological data supported the importance of microenvironment in tumor progression. However, several of the mechanisms behind TSI and their implication in tumor progression remain still unclear and it is crucial to establish their potential in determining pharmacological response. Many studies have demonstrated that cytokines network can profoundly affect TME, thus displaying potential therapeutic efficacy in both preclinical and clinical models. The goal of this review is to give an overview of the most relevant cytokines involved in colorectal and pancreatic cancer progression and their implication in drug response

    Tumor Microenvironment: Implications in Melanoma Resistance to Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy

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    Antitumor therapies have made great strides in recent decades. Chemotherapy, aggressive and unable to discriminate cancer from healthy cells, has given way to personalized treatments that, recognizing and blocking specific molecular targets, have paved the way for targeted and effective therapies. Melanoma was one of the first tumor types to benefit from this new care frontier by introducing specific inhibitors for v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK), v-kit Hardy–Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KIT), and, recently, immunotherapy. However, despite the progress made in the melanoma treatment, primary and/or acquired drug resistance remains an unresolved problem. The molecular dynamics that promote this phenomenon are very complex but several studies have shown that the tumor microenvironment (TME) plays, certainly, a key role. In this review, we will describe the new melanoma treatment approaches and we will analyze the mechanisms by which TME promotes resistance to targeted therapy and immunotherapy

    Colorectal cancer stem cells properties and features: evidence of interleukin-8 involvement

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) still remains a disease with high percentage of death, principally due to therapy resistance and metastasis. During the time the hypothesis has been reinforced that CRC stem cells (CRCSC) are involved in allowing intratumoral heterogeneity, drug escape mechanisms and secondary tumors. CRCSC are characterized by specific surface markers (i.e., CD44 and CD133), signaling pathways activation (i.e., Wnt and Notch) and gene expression (i.e., Oct4 and Snail), which confer to CRCSC self-renewal abilities and pluripotent capacity. Interleukin (IL)-8 is correlated to CRC progression, development of liver metastases and chemoresistance; moreover, IL-8 modulates not only stemness maintenance but also stemness promotion, such as epithelial-mesenchymal transition. This review wants to give a brief and up-to-date overview on IL-8 implication in CRCSC cues

    From Genetic Alterations to Tumor Microenvironment: The Ariadne’s String in Pancreatic Cancer

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    The threatening notoriety of pancreatic cancer mainly arises from its negligible early diagnosis, highly aggressive progression, failure of conventional therapeutic options and consequent very poor prognosis. The most important driver genes of pancreatic cancer are the oncogene KRAS and the tumor suppressors TP53, CDKN2A, and SMAD4. Although the presence of few drivers, several signaling pathways are involved in the oncogenesis of this cancer type, some of them with promising targets for precision oncology. Pancreatic cancer is recognized as one of immunosuppressive phenotype cancer: it is characterized by a fibrotic-desmoplastic stroma, in which there is an intensive cross-talk between several cellular (e.g., fibroblasts, myeloid cells, lymphocytes, endothelial, and myeloid cells) and acellular (collagen, fibronectin, and soluble factors) components. In this review; we aim to describe the current knowledge of the genetic/biological landscape of pancreatic cancer and the composition of its tumor microenvironment; in order to better direct in the intrinsic labyrinth of this complex tumor type. Indeed; disentangling the genetic and molecular characteristics of cancer cells and the environment in which they evolve may represent the crucial step towards more effective therapeutic strategie

    PTEN as a Prognostic/Predictive Biomarker in Cancer: An Unfulfilled Promise?

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    Identifying putative biomarkers of clinical outcomes in cancer is crucial for successful enrichment, and for the selection of patients who are the most likely to benefit from a specific therapeutic approach. Indeed, current research in personalized cancer therapy focuses on the possibility of identifying biomarkers that predict prognosis, sensitivity or resistance to therapies. Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) is a tumor suppressor gene that regulates several crucial cell functions such as proliferation, survival, genomic stability and cell motility through both enzymatic and non-enzymatic activities and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Despite its undisputed role as a tumor suppressor, assessment of PTEN status in sporadic human tumors has yet to provide clinically robust prognostic, predictive or therapeutic information. This is possibly due to the exceptionally complex regulation of PTEN function, which involves genetic, transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational events. This review shows a brief summary of the regulation and function of PTEN and discusses its controversial aspects as a prognostic/predictive biomarker