2 research outputs found

    Nursing care for patient with Crohn's disease in the surgical department

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    U radu se prikazuje vanjskotrgovinska razmjena Republike Hrvatske od 2012. do 2016. godine. Glavne komponente vanjskotrgovinske razmjene su, izvoz i uvoz, a njihov odnos iskazuje se na vanjskotrgovinskoj bilanci, u pozitivnom iznosu kao suficit, u negativnom kao deficit. Rad prikazuje kretanje izvoza i uvoza u apsolutnim iznosima i strukturu vanjskotrgovinske bilance te daje pregled vanjskotrgovinske razmjene s najvažnijim zemljama partnerima Republike Hrvatske. Činjenica je da sve zemlje teže ostvarivanju suficita, stoga se u radu naglašava važnost i mogućnosti stimuliranja izvoza u Republici Hrvatskoj. Metodom intervjua, na primjeru iz prakse jednog izvoznika, prikazani su problemi s kojima se susreće u poslovanju.This thesis discusses foreign trade in the Republic of Croatia since 2012 until 2016. Relations in the foreign trade are determined by Croatia's foreign trade policy. Key foreign trade components have been defined, as well as import and export. Their relations are shown in the foreign trade balance, in the positive amount as surplus and in the negative as deficit. This thesis shows the movement of exports and imports in absolute terms and structure of foreign trade balance and it gives an overview of foreign trade with the most important Croatia's partner countries. It is a fact that all countries seek to achieve a surplus, therefore, the importance and the possibility of export stimulation has been emphasized. This paper shows, in an interview, all the problems that a Croatian exporter has had during his business experience