36 research outputs found


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    Entrepreneurship plays an important role in contributing to the nation economic growth and creates job opportunities to the country. Ministry of education in Malaysia has even included entrepreneurship as part of the syllabus in higher learning education in order to foster local entrepreneurs among learners. Entrepreneurship education has become an important curriculum in the higher education institutions in Malaysia (Ismail et al., 2009) and a core subject for most programmes in Malaysia. A subject by itself, entrepreneurship, has been embedded into the programmes and entrepreneurship is offered as a programme even in several public and private higher education providers, Open University Malaysia (OUM) too has a course under the university compulsory category in the academic for all offered programme in the curriculum called Entrepreneurship with code OUMM2103. This course has become popular and receptive by the undergraduates in OUM. Entrepreneurship education has now become an essential component to cultivate the potential entrepreneurs in the higher learning institutions. According to Ismail et al., (2009), entrepreneurship education is the most effective way to promote the transition of graduates toward the selfemployment. This study aims to investigate the factors which will influence the entrepreneurship intention among OUM learners using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the finding shows there are a significant influence of attitude and perceive behavioural control to entrepreneurship intention. However, subjective norms do not significantly influence the entrepreneurship intention among OUM learners. The overall findings of this research have limitations in terms to generalise the results. The results of this study will be able to provide an insight to the educators to help all learners to develop their abilities and skills to produce a higher rate of entrepreneurs in the nation. (Abstract by author

    Benefits And Challenges Of Massive Open Online Courses

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    Education trend has changed over the years with easier access, within practical reach to mass learners. Massive Open Online Course or MOOC is one of the most recent innovations in education. It is a form of open source learning system that offers free short online courses to anyone who has accessibility to the Internet. Massive Open Online Courses are available to anyone in the world with a huge number of learners. It offers a lifelong learning opportunity to anyone. This opportunity is made possible by innovation, experimentation and use of technology. This paper outline a brief history of the beginning of the MOOC, different types of MOOC as well as the benefits and challenges derived from offering MOOC from the perspectives of various stakeholders. [ABSTRACT BY AUTHOR

    Contingent Valuation Method: Valuing Cultural Heritage

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    Cultural heritage is not easy to be valued in a market because it is a very unique product which gives a community (ies), nation(s) an identity and a sense of belonging. Debate on the valuation of cultural heritage surrounds despite growing attention by economists and policy makers. The attention on the estimation of economic values for cultural goods and services has been great by economics throughout the past two decades (Choi, et al., 2009; Kaminski, McLoughlin, & Sodagar, 2007; Navrud & Ready, 2002, Noonan, 2003; Venkatachalam, 2004). The two stated preference methods which are commonly used in valuing non-use goods; i.e. contingent valuation method and choice modelling. Each of these two valuation method has its own strengths and weaknesses and may even complement each other depending on the parameters of the study. However, according to Kaminski et al., 2007; Noonan, 2003, the usage of choice modelling to estimate cultural values has been limited due to the growing usage of contingent valuation. Therefore, this paper will discuss contingent valuation method in valuing amenities and aim to contribute the knowledge on contingent valuation method for nonmarket goods. (Abstract by author

    A Comparative Study on Learner's Performance: A Collaboration between Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Kolej Tentera Darat Malaysia (KTD) (Abstract only)

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    The collaboration between Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Kolej Tentera Darat (KTD), an army college started since 2002. OUM held strongly on the believe of lifelong learning and this collaboration are able to provide education opportunities to those who missed their earlier chances in pursuing higher education. The purposes of this study are: 1) to do a descriptive study on the learner's performance and 2) to determine the impact of conducting different approach in teaching and learning system. The outcome of this study will be able to show the different approaches of teaching and learning in strategic collaborations

    A Comparative Study on Learner’s Performance: A Collaboration between Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Kolej Tentera Darat Malaysia (KTD)

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    The collaboration between Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Kolej Tentera Darat (KTD), an army college started since 2002. OUM held strongly on the believe of lifelong learning and this collaboration are able to provide education opportunities to those who missed their earlier chances in pursuing higher education. The purposes of this study are: 1) to do a descriptive study on the learner’s performance and 2) to determine the impact of conducting different approach in teaching and learning system. The outcome of this study will be able to show the different approaches of teaching and learning in strategic collaborations. (Abstract by authors

    A comparative study on learner's performance in the selected special undergraduate business programme of Open University Malaysia

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    The main challenge in Open Distance Learning (ODL) environment today is providing education to as many people as possible. Besides open market, Open University Malaysia (OUM) has introduced special market in living up to the life-long learning principles with its flexibility and self-managed learning. As its motto states, OUM is a ‘University for All: Opening Minds, Transforming Lives’, special market has the potential to add value of learning environment in open and distance learning. Programmes in the special market are designed in consultation with the sponsors of specific groups or organisations and may be delivered varies in length as needed. Army College (KTD) has enrolled at the special programme of Diploma in Management with OUM. This is a comparative study on KTD learners using two different batches between intakes of December 2007 and December 2008. The primary purposes of this study are: 1) to compare the learner’s performance between two different batches of KTD; and 2) to determine the impact of conducting different approach in teaching and learning system. The different approach of teaching and learning system is focused on daily learning hours, assessment format and the numbers of learner’s intake. Information or inputs for this study are gathered directly from final results from the learners. Observations on the learner’s results above are collected and analysed from two different batches based on different level of performance with high, medium and low. The outcome of this study will be useful to measure learner’s performance after changes in the approach of teaching and learning system. The final result of this study will be able to show the different approaches in influencing learner’s performance. Furthermore, recommendations will be proposed and suggested in hope for the business programme in special market to be further enhanced. It is also hoped that this study should inspire other researcher to explore the new approach of teaching and learning in ODL special market environment. (Authors' abstract

    Analysing students' perception on the effective tutors using fuzzy set of group decision making

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    This study is carried out to analyse learners' perception of effective tutors in Open University Malaysia (OUM) based on various criterion that we have identified. We analysed their perception using method known as Fuzzy Set of Group Decision Making Model. This method usually conducted in a multi-criteria environment, which mostly dependent on the subjective judgment of decision makers and is influenced by the uncertainty and vagueness of each individual preference. The model is proven suitable for quantifying imprecise information, reasoning and decision making based on vague data. This study aims to provide OUM an insight look and further knowledge on the attributes of effective tutors. It can be used as a rule of thumb when appointing external tutors. Effective tutors are vital in enhancing and achieving the objectives of teaching and learning process. The findings show that the proposed evaluation model allows decision makers to express their opinions about tutors' performance by using a more realistic qualitative and fuzzy decision making. It is a suitable tool that can assist decision makers to better evaluate tutors in order to select suitable and effective tutors so that teaching and learning process can takes place. (Authors' abstract

    A case study : constraint faced by Open and Distance learners

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    Malaysia aims to achieve zero illiteracy rates by the year 2020 and hence the concept of open and distance learning (ODL) as well as lifelong learning (LLL) were introduced in the Malaysian education system. Open University Malaysia (OUM) is the first ODL institution in Malaysia. Other than that, OUM was given the head start with the implementation of the flexible entry (FE) in Malaysia after the Ministry of Higher Education has create the way for greater access into the Malaysian higher education and lifelong learning opportunities in year 2006. The concept of ODL was well-received by the public. As at Jan 2012, OUM has approximately 107,000 cumulative learners in the system. Nevertheless, most ODL learners faced much difficulties and constraints in their quest to pursue their tertiary education eg. time management, motivation, basic knowledge etc. This paper discusses the challenges and difficulties faced by the ODL learners in Negeri Sembilan Learning Centre, Open University Malaysia. The data for the paper is collected using paper-andpencil survey and the results are generated using descriptive analysis. The discussions of this paper will be able to give an insight to the administrator in determining the ways to assist these learners and hence would be able to provide a better teaching-learning for ODL learners. It is found that the three main problems faced by ODL learners is the preparation of assignment and test, English language proficiency and time management. (Abstract by authors

    e-conomics Supplements: Supporting the Teaching and Learning of Economics through Open and Distance Learning

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    This paper reports on the findings of a study conducted on the used of e-conomics supplements to support teaching and learning of an Economics course in an open and distance learning environment.At Open University Malaysia (OUM),The Economics Support Team (TEST) designed a unique teaching and learning supplement called the ?-conomics to address the issue of low performance. The supplements, developed based on learning outcomes, incorporated various learning activities using different levels of the Bloom’s Taxanomy.This study aims to determine the effectiveness of ?-conomics supplements in (1) enhancing teaching and learning activities (2) instill interest, motivation and confidence to learn the course; and (3) improve overall performance of learners in the course. The outcome of this study will be useful for Open and Distance Learning institutions to produce effective teaching and learning activities for Economics and other quantitative courses delivered through open distance learning. (Authors' abstract