11 research outputs found

    Sandra Boehringer & Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet (dir.), Hommes et femmes dans l’AntiquitĂ© grecque et romaine. Le Genre : mĂ©thode et documents

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    Cet ouvrage, Ă  forte vocation pĂ©dagogique, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© sous la direction de Sandra Boehringer et de Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet, deux antiquisantes de renom sur le plan international, qui regardent dans une perspective renouvelĂ©e les gender studies. Le volume rassemble les contributions d’une vingtaine d’excellents chercheurs et chercheuses dans le domaine de l’AntiquitĂ© grecque et romaine, l’équipe d’accueil « PhĂ©acie », le centre ANHIMA et l’atelier EFiGiES ayant Ă©tĂ© les viviers oĂč ont Ă©tĂ©..

    Nei panni dell'altro. Studi sul travestimento "intersessuale" in Grecia antica.

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    Le pratiche di travestimento intersessuale nel mondo antico forniscono una chiave di lettura non secondaria di una particolare rappresentazione dell’“altro”in un’ottica di genere. Agendo attraverso il simbolico, esse offrono un paradigma significativo delle caratteristiche distintive che le società antiche attribuivano ai sessi e al genere in un dato contesto. Inteso come fatto rituale ed elemento di costume, il fenomeno ù stato analizzato con gli strumenti metodologici dell’antropologia storica, applicata allo studio di talune esemplificazioni scelte per ragioni d’interesse e peculiarità specifiche

    La guerra dentro e fuori: giochi di genere tra Argo e Tegea

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    International audienceTelesilla and Marpessa. Argos and Tegea. Two leaders, two poleis, saved by warriors ÎłÏ…ÎœÎ±áż–ÎșΔς. Their war action against external enemy is associated with some « strange » rites into the city. These two traditions call into question the function generally assigned to women in war : to take part in conflict with useless and often detrimental contributions (ΞόρυÎČÎżÏ‚), showing female inadequacy in the battle or, vice-versa, to fight with bravery and proficiency, but only at a price of a certain virilization. The Argos and Tegea affairs talk about women who personify very well male warlike virtues and, from the war area, because of contiguity, they go to play a central role in the field of sacrifice and cult. These wives and mothers, even if they become warriors, don’t abdicate their recognized function in the city and, in consequence, they raise issues regarding the proverbial female marginality in the Greek politic.TĂ©lĂ©silla et Marpessa. Argos et TĂ©gĂ©e. Deux leaders, deux poleis sauvĂ©es par des ÎłÏ…ÎœÎ±áż–ÎșΔς guerriĂšres, dont l’action efficace contre un ennemi extĂ©rieur est associĂ©e, Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la citĂ©, Ă  des rites marquĂ©s par des caractĂ©ristiques exceptionnelles. Ces deux traditions mettent en cause la fonction gĂ©nĂ©ralement attribuĂ©e aux femmes en situation de guerre : participer au conflit par des contributions inutiles, souvent nuisibles (ΞόρυÎČÎżÏ‚), tĂ©moignant de la dĂ©faillance fĂ©minine Ă  la bataille ou, Ă  l’inverse, combattre avec courage et compĂ©tence, mais seulement au prix d’une certaine virilisation. Les histoires d’Argos et de TĂ©gĂ©e mettent au contraire en scĂšne des femmes incarnant positivement les vertus masculines de la guerre et qui, Ă  partir de ce cadre, dans une forme de contiguĂŻtĂ© narrative, se trouvent Ă  exercer un rĂŽle central sur le plan sacrificiel et/ou cultuel. Épouses et mĂšres, tout en Ă©tant guerriĂšres, ces femmes gardent leur fonction dans la citĂ© et soulĂšvent ainsi des questions quant Ă  la proverbiale marginalitĂ© du fĂ©minin par rapport au monde politique des Grecs

    La guerra dentro e fuori: giochi di genere tra Argo e Tegea

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    TĂ©lĂ©silla et Marpessa. Argos et TĂ©gĂ©e. Deux leaders, deux poleis sauvĂ©es par des ÎłÏ…ÎœÎ±áż–ÎșΔς guerriĂšres, dont l’action efficace contre un ennemi extĂ©rieur est associĂ©e, Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la citĂ©, Ă  des rites marquĂ©s par des caractĂ©ristiques exceptionnelles. Ces deux traditions mettent en cause la fonction gĂ©nĂ©ralement attribuĂ©e aux femmes en situation de guerre : participer au conflit par des contributions inutiles, souvent nuisibles (ΞόρυÎČÎżÏ‚), tĂ©moignant de la dĂ©faillance fĂ©minine Ă  la bataille ou, Ă  l’inverse, combattre avec courage et compĂ©tence, mais seulement au prix d’une certaine virilisation. Les histoires d’Argos et de TĂ©gĂ©e mettent au contraire en scĂšne des femmes incarnant positivement les vertus masculines de la guerre et qui, Ă  partir de ce cadre, dans une forme de contiguĂŻtĂ© narrative, se trouvent Ă  exercer un rĂŽle central sur le plan sacrificiel et/ou cultuel. Épouses et mĂšres, tout en Ă©tant guerriĂšres, ces femmes gardent leur fonction dans la citĂ© et soulĂšvent ainsi des questions quant Ă  la proverbiale marginalitĂ© du fĂ©minin par rapport au monde politique des Grecs.Telesilla and Marpessa. Argos and Tegea. Two leaders, two poleis, saved by warriors ÎłÏ…ÎœÎ±áż–ÎșΔς. Their war action against external enemy is associated with some « strange » rites into the city. These two traditions call into question the function generally assigned to women in war : to take part in conflict with useless and often detrimental contributions (ΞόρυÎČÎżÏ‚), showing female inadequacy in the battle or, vice-versa, to fight with bravery and proficiency, but only at a price of a certain virilization. The Argos and Tegea affairs talk about women who personify very well male warlike virtues and, from the war area, because of contiguity, they go to play a central role in the field of sacrifice and cult. These wives and mothers, even if they become warriors, don’t abdicate their recognized function in the city and, in consequence, they raise issues regarding the proverbial female marginality in the Greek politic

    La guerra dentro e fuori: giochi di genere tra Argo e Tegea

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    Telesilla e Marpessa. Argo e Tegea. Due leader, due poleis, salvate da gynaikes guerriere, la cui azione origina un rito “anomalo” all’interno della città. Nelle tradizioni analizzate, all’irruzione del femminile sulla scena maschile del conflitto, agito contro un nemico esterno alla città, corrisponde, all’interno di questa, uno stravolgimento delle normali attribuzioni e funzioni di genere. Tali dinamiche di rovesciamento e ribaltamento all’interno della polis vengono valorizzate e problematizzate da un’analisi condotta seconda una prospettiva di genere

    Cloning and expression analysis of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) major lignin and cellulose biosynthesis gene sequences and polymer quantification during plant development

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    In order to apply state-of-the-art molecular breeding techniques in fibre crop it is necessary to have a good knowledge of major polymer biosynthesis gene sequences and their expression pattern. Polymerase chain reaction was employed to isolate sequences of the major genes for lignin and cellulose biosynthesis in a kenaf cultivar. CeSA, 4cl, c4h, cad, and ccr gene primers were designed according to their conservative regions; partial sequences of lignin and cellulose biosynthesis genes were obtained. One actin II gene sequence was also isolated from the kenaf genome as a housekeeping gene to be employed in qPCR analysis. Expression levels of genes c4h, cad and CeSA in bark and core from plants harvested at three different growth stages were evaluated. Using qPCR analyses it was found that the expression levels of the two biosynthesis lignin genes in bark tissues increased during plant growth, while a negative trend was recorded in core tissues. In both bark and core, the quantity of lignin was positively correlated to plant growth while cellulose content decreased

    Colonization of Solanum melongena and Vitis vinifera Plants by Botrytis cinerea Is Strongly Reduced by the Exogenous Application of Tomato Systemin

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    Plant defense peptides are able to control immune barriers and represent a potential novel resource for crop protection. One of the best-characterized plant peptides is tomato Systemin (Sys) an octadecapeptide synthesized as part of a larger precursor protein. Upon pest attack, Sys interacts with a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase, systemin receptor SYR, activating a complex intracellular signaling pathway that leads to the wound response. Here, we demonstrated, for the first time, that the direct delivery of the peptide to Solanum melongena and Vitis vinifera plants protects from the agent of Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea). The observed disease tolerance is associated with the increase of total soluble phenolic content, the activation of antioxidant enzymes, and the up-regulation of defense-related genes in plants treated with the peptide. Our results suggest that in treated plants, the biotic defense system is triggered by the Sys signaling pathway as a consequence of Sys interaction with a SYR-like receptor recently found in several plant species, including those under investigation. We propose that this biotechnological use of Sys, promoting defense responses against invaders, represents a useful tool to integrate into pest management programs for the development of novel strategies of crop protection

    Des femmes en action

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    Diriger un chƓur, faire du commerce, dĂ©cider, conseiller ou faire la guerre sont autant de pratiques qui ne sont pas rĂ©servĂ©es aux hommes : la reconnaissance des qualitĂ©s et des compĂ©tences qui permettent d'assumer de façon efficace une fonction suit des logiques propres aux diffĂ©rents contextes et dĂ©passe une simple opposition entre femmes et hommes grecs. Par la pratique d'une anthropologie du genre, l'ouvrage offre une lecture renouvelĂ©e de ces contextes sociaux, Ă©conomiques et politiques


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    Prosystemin is a 200-amino acid precursor expressed in Solanaceae plants which releases at the C-terminal part a peptidic hormone called Systemin in response to wounding and herbivore attack. We recently showed that Prosystemin is not only a mere scaffold of Systemin but, even when deprived of Systemin, is biologically active. These results, combined with recent discoveries that Prosystemin is an intrinsically disordered protein containing disordered regions within its sequence, prompted us to investigate the N-terminal portions of the precursor, which contribute to the greatest disorder within the sequence. To this aim, PS1-70 and PS1-120 were designed, produced, and structurally and functionally characterized. Both the fragments, which maintained their intrinsic disorder, were able to induce defense-related genes and to protect tomato plants against Botrytis cinerea and Spodoptera littoralis larvae. Intriguingly, the biological activity of each of the two N-terminal fragments and of Systemin is similar but not quite the same and does not show any toxicity on experimental non-targets considered. These regions account for different anti-stress activities conferred to tomato plants by their overexpression. The two N-terminal fragments identified in this study may represent new promising tools for sustainable crop protection