116 research outputs found

    Molecular basis of hepatic metaplasia of the pancreas

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    Experimental Conversion of Liver to Pancreas

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    AbstractBackground: The liver and the pancreas arise from adjacent regions of endoderm in embryonic development. Pdx1 is a key transcription factor that is essential for the development of the pancreas and is not expressed in the liver. The aim of this study was to determine whether a gene overexpression protocol based on Pdx1 would be able to cause conversion of liver to pancreas.Results: We show that a modified form of Pdx1, carrying the VP16 transcriptional activation domain, can cause conversion of liver to pancreas, both in vivo and in vitro. Transgenic Xenopus tadpoles carrying the construct TTR-Xlhbox8-VP16:Elas-GFP were prepared. Xlhbox8 is the Xenopus homolog of Pdx1, the TTR (transthyretin) promoter directs expression to the liver, and the GFP is under the control of an elastase promoter and provides a real-time visible marker of pancreatic differentiation. In the transgenic tadpoles, part or all of the liver is converted to pancreas, containing both exocrine and endocrine cells, while liver differentiation products are lost from the regions converted to pancreas. The timing of events is such that the liver is differentiating by the time Xlhbox8-VP16 is expressed, so we consider this a transdifferentiation event rather than a reprogramming of embryonic development. Furthermore, this same construct will bring about transdifferentiation of human hepatocytes in culture, with formation of both exocrine and endocrine cells.Conclusions: We consider that the conversion of liver to pancreas could be the basis of a new type of therapy for insulin-dependent diabetes. Although expression of the transgene is transient, once the ectopic pancreas is established, it persists thereafter

    All-trans retinoic acid ameliorates glycemic control in diabetic mice via modulating pancreatic islet production of vascular endothelial growth factor-A.

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    Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are associated with impairment in vitamin A metabolism. This study evaluated whether treatment with retinoic acid, the biologically active metabolite of vitamin A, can ameliorate diabetes. All-trans retinoic acid (atRA) was used to treat streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice which revealed atRA administration ameliorated blood glucose levels of diabetic mice. This hyperglycemic amelioration was accompanied by an increase in the amount of β cells co-expressed Pdx1 and insulin and by restoration of the vascular laminin expression. The atRA-induced production of vascular endothelial growth factor-A from the pancreatic islets was possibly the key factor that mediated the restoration of islet vascularity and recovery of β-cell mass. Furthermore, the combination of islet transplantation and atRA administration significantly rescued hyperglycemia in diabetic mice. These findings suggest that vitamin A derivatives can potentially be used as a supplementary treatment to improve diabetes management and glycemic control

    Label-free quantitative proteomics of CD133-positive liver cancer stem cells

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    Abstract Background CD133-positive liver cancer stem cells, which are characterized by their resistance to conventional chemotherapy and their tumor initiation ability at limited dilutions, have been recognized as a critical target in liver cancer therapeutics. In the current work, we developed a label-free quantitative method to investigate the proteome of CD133-positive liver cancer stem cells for the purpose of identifying unique biomarkers that can be utilized for targeting liver cancer stem cells. Label-free quantitation was performed in combination with ID-based Elution time Alignment by Linear regression Quantitation (IDEAL-Q) and MaxQuant. Results Initially, IDEAL-Q analysis revealed that 151 proteins were differentially expressed in the CD133-positive hepatoma cells when compared with CD133-negative cells. We then analyzed these 151 differentially expressed proteins by MaxQuant software and identified 10 significantly up-regulated proteins. The results were further validated by RT-PCR, western blot, flow cytometry or immunofluorescent staining which revealed that prominin-1, annexin A1, annexin A3, transgelin, creatine kinase B, vimentin, and EpCAM were indeed highly expressed in the CD133-positive hepatoma cells. Conclusions These findings confirmed that mass spectrometry-based label-free quantitative proteomics can be used to gain insights into liver cancer stem cells.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113089/1/12953_2012_Article_407.pd

    Cyclin D1 acts as a barrier to pluripotent reprogramming by promoting neural progenitor fate commitment

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    AbstractA short G1 phase is a characteristic feature of the cell cycle structure of pluripotent cells, and is reestablished during Yamanaka factor-mediated pluripotent reprogramming. How cell cycle control is adjusted to meet the requirements of pluripotent cell fate commitment during reprogramming is less well understood. Elevated levels of cyclin D1 were initially found to impair pluripotency maintenance. The current work further identified Cyclin D1 to be capable of transcriptionally upregulating Pax6, which promoted reprogramming cells to commit to a neural progenitor fate rather than a pluripotent cell fate. These findings explain the importance of reestablishment of G1-phase restriction in pluripotent reprogramming

    Dexamethasone Treatment Induces the Reprogramming of Pancreatic Acinar Cells to Hepatocytes and Ductal Cells

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    The pancreatic exocrine cell line AR42J-B13 can be reprogrammed to hepatocytes following treatment with dexamethasone. The question arises whether dexamethasone also has the capacity to induce ductal cells as well as hepatocytes.AR42J-B13 cells were treated with and without dexamethasone and analyzed for the expression of pancreatic exocrine, hepatocyte and ductal markers. Addition of dexamethasone inhibited pancreatic amylase expression, induced expression of the hepatocyte marker transferrin as well as markers typical of ductal cells: cytokeratin 7 and 19 and the lectin peanut agglutinin. However, the number of ductal cells was low compared to hepatocytes. The proportion of ductal cells was enhanced by culture with dexamethasone and epidermal growth factor (EGF). We established several features of the mechanism underlying the transdifferentiation of pancreatic exocrine cells to ductal cells. Using a CK19 promoter reporter, we show that a proportion of the ductal cells arise from differentiated pancreatic exocrine-like cells. We also examined whether C/EBPβ (a transcription factor important in the conversion of pancreatic cells to hepatocytes) could alter the conversion from acinar cells to a ductal phenotype. Overexpression of an activated form of C/EBPβ in dexamethasone/EGF-treated cells provoked the expression of hepatocyte markers and inhibited the expression of ductal markers. Conversely, ectopic expression of a dominant-negative form of C/EBPβ, liver inhibitory protein, inhibited hepatocyte formation in dexamethasone-treated cultures and enhanced the ductal phenotype.These results indicate that hepatocytes and ductal cells may be induced from pancreatic exocrine AR42J-B13 cells following treatment with dexamethasone. The conversion from pancreatic to hepatocyte or ductal cells is dependent upon the expression of C/EBPβ

    All-trans retinoic acid suppresses exocrine differentiation and branching morphogenesis in the embryonic pancreas

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    Recent evidence has shown that retinoic acid (RA) signalling is required for early pancreatic development in zebrafish and frog but its role in later development in mammals is less clear cut. In the present study, we determined the effects of RA on the differentiation of the mouse embryonic pancreas. Addition of all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) to embryonic pancreatic cultures induced a number of changes. Branching morphogenesis and exocrine differentiation were suppressed and there was premature formation of endocrine cell clusters (although the total area of β cells was not different in control and atRA-treated buds). We investigated the mechanism of these changes and found that the premature formation of β cells was associated with the early expression of high-level Pdx1 in the endocrine cell clusters. In contrast, the suppressive effect of RA on exocrine differentiation may be due to a combination of two mechanisms (i) up-regulation of the extracellular matrix component laminin and (ii) enhancement of apoptosis. We also demonstrate that addition of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-10 is able to partially prevent apoptosis and rescue exocrine differentiation and branching morphogenesis in atRA-treated cultures but not in mice lacking the FGF receptor 2-IIIb, suggesting the effects of FGF-10 are mediated through this receptor

    Porphyrin Homeostasis Maintained by ABCG2 Regulates Self-Renewal of Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Under appropriate culture conditions, undifferentiated embryonic stem (ES) cells can undergo multiple self-renewal cycles without loss of pluripotency suggesting they must be equipped with specific defense mechanisms to ensure sufficient genetic stability during self-renewal expansion. The ATP binding cassette transporter ABCG2 is expressed in a wide variety of somatic and embryonic stem cells. However, whether it plays an important role in stem cell maintenance remains to be defined.Here we provide evidence to show that an increase in the level of ABCG2 was observed accompanied by ES colony expansion and then were followed by decreases in the level of protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) indicating that ABCG2 plays a role in maintaining porphyrin homoeostasis. RNA-interference mediated inhibition of ABCG2 as well as functional blockage of ABCG2 transporter with fumitremorgin C (FTC), a specific and potent inhibitor of ABCG2, not only elevated the cellular level of PPIX, but also arrest the cell cycle and reduced expression of the pluripotent gene Nanog. Overexpression of ABCG2 in ES cells was able to counteract the increase of endogenous PPIX induced by treatment with 5-Aminolevulinic acid suggesting ABCG2 played a direct role in removal of PPIX from ES cells. We also found that excess PPIX in ES cells led to elevated levels of reactive oxygen species which in turn triggered DNA damage signals as indicated by increased levels of gammaH2AX and phosphorylated p53. The increased level of p53 reduced Nanog expression because RNA- interference mediated inhibition of p53 was able to prevent the downregulation of Nanog induced by FTC treatment.The present work demonstrated that ABCG2 protects ES cells from PPIX accumulation during colony expansion, and that p53 and gammaH2AX acts as a downstream checkpoint of ABCG2-dependent defense machinery in order to maintain the self-renewal of ES cells

    Establishment of a Transgenic Zebrafish Line for Superficial Skin Ablation and Functional Validation of Apoptosis Modulators In Vivo

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    BACKGROUND: Zebrafish skin is composed of enveloping and basal layers which form a first-line defense system against pathogens. Zebrafish epidermis contains ionocytes and mucous cells that aid secretion of acid/ions or mucous through skin. Previous studies demonstrated that fish skin is extremely sensitive to external stimuli. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that modulate skin cell apoptosis in zebrafish. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This study aimed to create a platform to conduct conditional skin ablation and determine if it is possible to attenuate apoptotic stimuli by overexpressing potential apoptosis modulating genes in the skin of live animals. A transgenic zebrafish line of Tg(krt4:NTR-hKikGR)(cy17) (killer line), which can conditionally trigger apoptosis in superficial skin cells, was first established. When the killer line was incubated with the prodrug metrodinazole, the superficial skin displayed extensive apoptosis as judged by detection of massive TUNEL- and active caspase 3-positive signals. Great reductions in NTR-hKikGR(+) fluorescent signals accompanied epidermal cell apoptosis. This indicated that NTR-hKikGR(+) signal fluorescence can be utilized to evaluate apoptotic events in vivo. After removal of metrodinazole, the skin integrity progressively recovered and NTR-hKikGR(+) fluorescent signals gradually restored. In contrast, either crossing the killer line with testing lines or transiently injecting the killer line with testing vectors that expressed human constitutive active Akt1, mouse constitutive active Stat3, or HPV16 E6 element displayed apoptosis-resistant phenotypes to cytotoxic metrodinazole as judged by the loss of reduction in NTR-hKikGR(+) fluorescent signaling. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The killer/testing line binary system established in the current study demonstrates a nitroreductase/metrodinazole system that can be utilized to conditionally perform skin ablation in a real-time manner, and provides a valuable tool to visualize and quantify the anti-apoptotic potential of interesting target genes in vivo. The current work identifies a potential use for transgenic zebrafish as a high-throughput platform to validate potential apoptosis modulators in vivo