943 research outputs found

    Online Workshop for Learning Strategies to Improve College Freshmen Learning

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    [[abstract]]Most of college freshmen feel frus trated in using learning strategies when they start taking college courses. Therefore, this study developed an online workshop for learning strategies for Tamkang University freshmen to help them learn in college. This 3-year project was based on instructional design model and produced 4 units online workshop. The material was evaluated by Corporate Synergy Development Center and was rated. Freshmen voluntarily signed up for workshop. After finishing workshop, the evaluation was conducted. These freshmen, who were learning the online workshop, felt that they liked the online workshop and these learning strategies help them in their college studying.[[sponsorship]]IEEE Taipei Section; National Science Council; Ministry of Education; Tamkang University; Asia University; Providence University; The University of Aizu; Lanzhou University[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20091203~20091205[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwa

    Topological nature of bound states in the radiation continuum

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    Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are unusual solutions of wave equations describing light or matter: they are discrete and spatially bounded, but exist at the same energy as a continuum of states which propagate to infinity. Until recently, BICs were constructed through fine-tuning parameters in the wave equation or exploiting the separability of the wave equation due to symmetry. More recently, BICs that that are both robust and not symmetry-protected (accidental) have been predicted and experimentally realized in periodic structures; the simplest such system is a periodic dielectric slab, which also has symmetry-protected BICs. Here we show that both types of BICs in such systems are vortex centers in the polarization direction of far-field radiation. The robustness of these BICs is due to the existence of conserved and quantized topological charges, defined by the number of times the polarization vectors wind around the vortex centers. Such charges can only be generated or annihilated by making large changes in the system parameters, and then only according to strict rules, which we derive and test numerically. Our results imply that laser emission based on such states will generate vector beams

    Les écoles culinaires françaises : leur rôle dans la transmission et la mondialisation du repas gastronomique des Français. « Regards de Taïwan »

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    De nos jours, les écoles culinaires françaises sont des lieux d’apprentissage réputés auprès des étudiants étrangers. D’après des entretiens réalisés en France et à Taïwan auprès de 55 étudiants taïwanais entre 2012 et 2015 afin d’étudier leurs parcours, nous avons découvert que ces étudiants considéraient leur séjour en France comme un tremplin pour leur carrière dans le secteur de la restauration. Le résultat de cette étude nous a conduite à nous intéresser de plus près à ces écoles de cuisine et à leur rôle dans la diffusion de la gastronomie française sur le plan international. D’une part, elles sont présentes dans le monde entier et d’autre part, elles accueillent des étudiants étrangers et offrent des formations correspondant à leurs besoins. Dans cette étude, consacrée aux étudiants qui suivent une formation dans ces écoles en France, nous souhaitons analyser la façon dont les écoles transmettent un savoir-faire et véhiculent des représentations du repas gastronomique des Français auprès de ces étudiants étrangers. Après le retour de ces étudiants dans leur pays natal ou lorsqu’ils travaillent dans un pays tiers, ils appliquent tous, par ailleurs, ce qu’ils ont appris dans leur métier de la restauration. Grâce à eux, la notion française de la gastronomie, incluant les produits, les relations entre l’humain et la nature, l’art de manger, etc., agit et inspire les points de vue sur l’alimentation dans d’autres pays, notamment l’intégration entre le savoir-faire français et les produits locaux. Pour cette raison, les écoles françaises de cuisine ne transmettent pas seulement un savoir-faire culinaire, elles préservent également la notion de repas gastronomique des Français dans ce processus.Today, French culinary schools are highly appreciated places of apprenticeship for foreign students. Based on interviews with 55 Taiwanese students carried out in Taiwan and in France from 2012 to 2015 in order to study their professional itineraries, we discovered that these students saw their stay in France as a springboard to help them take off in their chosen career in the restaurant business. This study led us to take a closer look at the culinary schools and their role in the international diffusion of French gastronomy. These schools are present throughout the world, welcoming foreign students and offering them training adapted to their needs. But how do these schools transmit their savoir-faire and what representations do they put across of the ‘gastronomic meal of the French’? After the students go back to their own country or when they work in another country, they all apply what they have learned in the French school. Thanks to these students, the French notion of gastronomy, including products, the relations between humans and nature, the art of eating, etc. inspires the students’ attitudes to the food of other countries, often integrating French know-how with local food products. So, the French culinary schools do not only transmit cooking expertise, they also preserve the notion of the gastronomic meal of the French

    Essays on matching markets

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    Matching markets are common methods to allocate resources around the world. There are two kinds of matching market: centralized matching market and decentralized matching market. In a centralized matching market, there is a clearing house that functions to collect information from market participants and uses the information to determine the allocation among the participants. In a decentralized matching market, market participants contact one another and possibly exchange information, and the allocation is determined among the participants based on their agreement. In my thesis, I study the matching markets that are two-sided. In a two-sided matching market, participants are separated into two groups. For example, men and women, schools and students, and so on. Such a market is first studied by Gale and Shapley (1962). They study matching markets between men and women and between colleges and students. Consider the simples matching problem: the marriage problem, the problem of matching between men and women. Each of them has a preference over the agents on the opposite side and the option of remaining single. A central question is: does a matching that is individual rational and no pair of agents from different sides who are not matched together but rather be together exist? (Such a matching is referred as a stable matching.) Gale and Shapley (1962) show that the answer is affirmative with the introduction of the deferred acceptance algorithm. Since Gale and Shpaley (1962), the concept of stability and the application of deferred acceptance algorithm are widely used in the literature of two-sided matching. My thesis consists of four individual papers. Chapter 1, with the title "When is the Boston Mechanism Dominance-Solvable?", Chapter 2, with the title "Undominated Strategies and the Boston Mechanism", and Chapter 3, with the title "Promoting Diversity of Talents: A Market Design Approach", are my own work. In these three chapters, I study the matching problems between schools and students. Chapter 4, with the title "Platform Markets and Matching with Contracts", is a joint work of Juan Fung and I. In this chapter, we propose a model to study platform markets

    The KeyGraph Perspective in ARCS Motivation Model

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    [[abstract]]This study examines the learning motivation by means of the traditional ARCS questionnaire and the new technology KeyGraph method. The purposes of the study are to provide pictures of the ARCS model in scenario map format, to supple information in facts and in possible chances, to identify the important elements of each factor in the ARCS model in four scenario maps, and to suggest the possible chances. This collects the data by ARCS questionnaire and analyses the data with the KeyGraph method. The six scenario maps provide the research results. The six scenario maps reveal the learner motivation information and the possible chance to teachers or the instructional designers. The significances of this study are not only in theory, enriching the ARCS motivation model theory and extending the application of the KeyGraph method, but also in practical education system, indicating the feedback and providing the suggestions.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20060705~20060707[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kerkrade, The Netherland

    Qualitative Text Mining in Student’s Service Learning Diary

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    teacher education[[abstract]]Since Harvard University emphasized the important characters of college students, the service learning courses or activities is driving in educational system especially in higher education in order to building up the students global caring characters. This paper used the text mining technology to analyze the diary of the pre-service teachers attending the service learning activities. The purpose of this paper is to appear and analyze the service learning activities in order to finding out the learning outcome of students as well as providing a reflection of the service learning activities. The significance of this study is to provide a reflection and strategy form the practical data driven and using qualitative text mining technology. In other words, this study combined the Ground theory and text mining technology to find a storyline for reflection and to suggest some rare and important factors for improving the service learning activities.[[sponsorship]]National University of Kaohsiung[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20120926-20120928[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kaohsiung City , Taiwa

    Optimal Product Placement

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    We model a market, such as an online software market, in which an intermediary connects sellers and buyers by displaying sellers’ products. With two vertically-differentiated products, an intermediary can place either: (1) one product, not necessarily the better one, on the first page, and the other hidden on the second page; or (2) both products on the first page. We show that it can be optimal for the intermediary to obfuscate a product—possibly the better one—since this weakens price competition and allows the sellers to extract a greater surplus from buyers; however, it is not socially optimal. The choice of which one to obfuscate depends on the distribution of search costs

    The study on SFLAB GanedenBC30 viability on baking products during storage

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    AbstractFor understanding Bacillus coagulans, GanedenBC30 was used in different ways to added in raw dough and examine their viability after baking. Eight different baking products: (1) chrysanthemum cookies, (2) egg pastry cakes, (3) mooncakes, (4) muffins, (5) polo breads, (6) soda cookies, (7) sponge cakes, and (8) toasts were made from 0.5% GanedenBC30 added to their dough in two ways: (a) flour powder or (b) egg yolk. Then the (a) pH value, (b) titratable acidity, (c) GanedenBC30 counts, and (d) viability GanedenBC30 of eight different baking products were determined after storing at 4oC for 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 days, or 25oC for 0, 3, 6 days. The eight types of raw dough had relatively lower pH values and rise after baking. The titratable acidity of the eight types of dough was relatively higher, and declined after baking. However, the pH value and titratable acidity of the eight baking products remained the same after 9 days at 4oC. On the other hand, the GanedenBC30 counts in the eight baking products were less than their raw dough GanedenBC30 levels. For storage at both 4 and 25oC, the results show the GanedenBC30 viability of baking products decreased with storage days. The dough made by flour powder and baking showed higher GanedenBC30 viability than by egg yolk. GanedenBC30 are good candidates for baking product use, both in lactic acid production and probiotic preparations