1,908 research outputs found

    The Role Of The CEO, Executive Team, And Workforce Metrics Of A Small University In The U.S.

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    The Role of the CEO, Executive Team, and Workforce Metrics of a small University in the U.S. is not just a question of academic standards. The 21st century requirements of education involve a wider set of attributes, equipping the young with social and organizational skills to cope with adult life inside and outside the workplace (Barber, 2001). It is necessary to describe the importance of aligning clear strategic priorities with workforce metric of a small university in the U.S. In addition, effective strategy execution requires a new partnership between the CEO, the workforce, and a small university’s HR function. Therefore, providing insights into the execution challenge, with examples of how a small university has developed workforce and HR strategies to drive strategy execution efforts, and offering suggestions about workforce metrics might enhance the success in strategy execution


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    The purpose of this study was to probe the acute effect of the performance of upper extremity muscle groups after the plyometric training intervention. The participants were 13 healthy male college students. The force transducers (300kg, 200 Hz) and EMG sensor (1000 Hz) were taken to diagnose the acute effects of strength and muscle activation done by upper extremity pre and post plyometric training (load :24kg, 12 repetiiion times Iset, 3 set), and pair t-test was taken to test the significance(a=.05). The result showed that the strength after the upper extremity plyometric training intervention obviously had decreased 8% (

    Stepwise Increases in Left Ventricular Mass Index and Decreases in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Correspond with the Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetes Patients

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    Aims. Patients with diabetic nephropathy are reported to have a high prevalence of left ventricular structural and functional abnormalities. This study was designed to assess the determinants of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in diabetic patients at various stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods. This cross-sectional study enrolled 285 diabetic patients with CKD stages 3 to 5 from our outpatient department of internal medicine. Clinical and echocardiographic parameters were compared and analyzed. Results. We found a significant stepwise increase in LVMI (P < 0.001), LVH (P < 0.001), and LVEF <55% (P = 0.013) and a stepwise decrease in LVEF (P = 0.038) corresponding to advance in CKD stages. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that increases in LVMI and decreases in LVEF coincide with advances in CKD stages in patients with diabetes

    A Simple Model for Cavity Enhanced Slow Lights in Vertical Cavity Surface Emission Lasers

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    We develop a simple model for the slow lights in Vertical Cavity Surface Emission Lasers (VCSELs), with the combination of cavity and population pulsation effects. The dependences of probe signal power, injection bias current and wavelength detuning for the group delays are demonstrated numerically and experimentally. Up to 65 ps group delays and up to 10 GHz modulation frequency can be achieved in the room temperature at the wavelength of 1.3 μ\mum. The most significant feature of our VCSEL device is that the length of active region is only several μ\mum long. Based on the experimental parameters of quantum dot VCSEL structures, we show that the resonance effect of laser cavity plays a significant role to enhance the group delays

    Trogodišnji trend promjena tjelesne pripremljenosti i indeksa tjelesne mase u učenika u dobi od 12 do 16 godina s ekstremnim indeksima tjelesne mase

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    The aim of this study was to investigate a three-year development in BMI and physical fitness of schoolchildren aged 12-16 years with extreme weight status. Taiwan Physical Fitness Test Battery, assessing aerobic fitness (1600-meter walk/run test), power (standing long jump), muscular endurance (sit-up), and flexibility (sit-and-reach) in 16,945 boys, was implemented in September from the year 2006 till 2008. Overweight and underweight were defined by the baseline BMI data values that fall within the highest and lowest 5% of their age population, whereas the BMI data values that fall within one standard deviation of the mean was considered “normal” in this study. The results showed that BMI of schoolchildren in 2006 was ~2–3 kg/m2 above the national average reported in 1993. All physical fitness components in the overweight group were substantially poorer than those in the normal group. Yet, these fitness parameters were improved over the three years in all groups. BMI in the underweight group increased at a faster rate than that in the normal and overweight groups. No difference was found in the jumping distance between the underweight and normal groups. Aerobic fitness in the underweight group was superior but flexibility and muscular endurance were slightly lower than those in the normal group. BMI of Taiwan schoolchildren increased substantially from 1993 to 2006 but leveled off from 2006 to 2008. Underweight schoolchildren during the growing period should not a priori be considered as physically weaker or unfit individuals.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ustanoviti trogodišnji trend razvoja indeksa tjelesne mase (ITM) i tjelesne pripremljenosti u učenika, u dobi između 12 i 16 godina, s ekstremnim vrijednostima tjelesne težine. Tajvanski sklop testova za tjelesnu pripremljenosti (Taiwan Physical Fitness Test Battery), koja uključuje procjenu aerobne pripremljenosti (test hodanja/ trčanja na 1600 metara), eksplozivne snage (skok u dalj s mjesta), mišićne izdržljivosti (podizanje trupa iz ležanja na leđima) i fleksibilnosti (sjed-i-dohvat), primijenjen je od 2006 do 2008 godine u mjesecu rujnu na uzorku od 16.945 dječaka. Preteški (overweight) i prelagani (underweight) ispitanici bili su definirani prema inicijalnoj vrijednosti ITM-a za dobnu skupinu populacije ispitanika kao oni koji se ubrajaju među 5% s najvišim odnosno najnižim vrijednostima ITM. Ispitanici koji su se nalazili unutar jedne standardne devijacije smatrali su se „normalnima“. Rezultati su pokazali da je ITM tajvanskih učenika u 2006. godini bio za ~2–3kg/m2 veći od nacionalnog prosjeka objavljenog 1993. godine. Sve varijable tjelesne pripremljenosti u grupi prekomjerno teških bile su značajno lošije u odnosu na rezultate koje su postigli ispitanici u normalnoj grupi. Ipak, rezultati su se u svim mjerenim varijablama u svim grupama poboljšali tijekom 3 godine mjerenja. ITM je u grupi nedovoljno teških porastao većom brzinom nego u grupama normalnih i prekomjerno teških učenika. Nije utvrđena značajna razlika u rezultatima skoka u dalj s mjesta između grupa nedovoljno teških i normalnih ispitanika. Nedovoljno teški ispitanici imali su najbolje rezultate u aerobnoj izdržljivosti u odnosu na ostale grupe, dok su u fleksibilnosti i mišićnoj izdržljivosti bili nešto slabiji nego ispitanici u normalnoj grupi. ITM je u tajvanske djece značajno porastao u razdoblju od 1993. do 2006. godine, ali je i stagnirao u razdoblju od 2006. do 2008. godine. Nedovoljno teška djeca ne bi se smjela a priori smatrati fizički slabijom ili nespremnom tijekom perioda odrastanja


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    Based on Landscape Psychophysiology, the present paper aims at exploring the influences of different types of landscapes on psychophysiological reactions. Indexes for physiological reactions include electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), and heart rate (HR). To Understand the physical reaction of the landscape types, the study used the landscape types to be the independent variance and the physical reaction to be the dependent one. The result of the present study shows that participants' EEG-b reached a level of significance, when mountain and park views resulted in the highest EEG-b.本研究以景觀生心理學(Landscape Psychophysiology)為基礎,探討不同景觀型態對生理反應的影響;生理反應指標為腦波(Electroencephalographic,EEG)、肌電值(Electromyographic,EMG)與心跳速率(Heart Rate,HR)進行探討。研究以不同景觀型態為自變項,生理反應為依變項,了解景觀型態的刺激對人類生理反應的影響。研究共得有效樣本170位。分析結果顯示,受測者在不同景觀型態刺激下右腦α波的生理反應影響達顯著差異,以高山、公園具有最高的右腦α波強度,由於右腦α波強度代表思考敏捷、舒適、對空間敏感的波形,顯示自然情境可提供有效的生理效益

    Investment Performance of Machine Learning: Analysis of S&P 500 Index

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    This study aims to explore the prediction of S&P 500 stock price movement and conduct an analysis of its investment performance. Based on the S&P 500 index, the study compares three machine learning models: ANN, SVM, and Random Forest. With a performance evaluation of S&P 500 index historical data spanning from 2014 to 2018, we find: (1) By overall performance measures, machine learning models outperform benchmark market index. (2) By risk-adjusted measures, the empirical results suggest that Random Forest generates the best performance, followed by SVM and ANN. Keywords: ANN, SVM, Random Forest, Machine Learning, Investment Performance JEL Classifications: C11; C15; C53; G17 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijefi.892