6,546 research outputs found

    Kinerja Guru Bersertifikasi di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 003 Pulau Padang Kecamatan Singingi Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    The Performance Of Teachers Certified In Elementary School 003Pulau Padang. The performance of a teacher have a benefit fungtion. To that end, theteacher quality improvement efforts have been made one through the teacher certificationprogram. However, seen here not found a fundamental difference of performance betweenteachers who are not certified by the certification, the low motivation of teachers and, stilllack the discipline teacher.The theory used is Supardi theory is the ability and success of teachers in carrying outlearning tasks shown by the indicators. In this study the authors use a qualitative descriptivestudy was conducted in 003 Elementary School District of PulauPadang Singingi RegencyKuantanSingingidistrik.In the data collection be conducted key informant interviews, theleadershif teacher. Analysis of data the performance of teachers certified in ElementarySchool 003 Pulau Padang then analyzed what are the factors that affect the performance ofcertified teachers who are supported by interviews conducted by the researcher then bededuced.The results of the research showed that the performance of teachers certified inElementary School 003 Pulau Padang optimal because it is supported by good leadearshipofthe principal and also a good team work of all the teachers.Then the limiting factor is theperformance of teachers certified individual factors, namely the teachers have not been ableto develop personal skills, system factors, namelyschool facilities are not yet complete..Keywords: Performance, Certificatio

    A high flux source of cold strontium atoms

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    We describe an experimental apparatus capable of achieving a high loading rate of strontium atoms in a magneto-optical trap operating in a high vacuum environment. A key innovation of this setup is a two dimensional magneto-optical trap deflector located after a Zeeman slower. We find a loading rate of 6x10^9/s whereas the lifetime of the magnetically trapped atoms in the 3P2 state is 54s.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Genome-wide identification of FoxO-dependent gene networks in skeletal muscle during C26 cancer cachexia

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence from cachectic cancer patients and animal models of cancer cachexia supports the involvement of Forkhead box O (FoxO) transcription factors in driving cancer-induced skeletal muscle wasting. However, the genome-wide gene networks and associated biological processes regulated by FoxO during cancer cachexia are unknown. We hypothesize that FoxO is a central upstream regulator of diverse gene networks in skeletal muscle during cancer that may act coordinately to promote the wasting phenotype. METHODS: To inhibit endogenous FoxO DNA-binding, we transduced limb and diaphragm muscles of mice with AAV9 containing the cDNA for a dominant negative (d.n.) FoxO protein (or GFP control). The d.n.FoxO construct consists of only the FoxO3a DNA-binding domain that is highly homologous to that of FoxO1 and FoxO4, and which outcompetes and blocks endogenous FoxO DNA binding. Mice were subsequently inoculated with Colon-26 (C26) cells and muscles harvested 26 days later. RESULTS: Blocking FoxO prevented C26-induced muscle fiber atrophy of both locomotor muscles and the diaphragm and significantly spared force deficits. This sparing of muscle size and function was associated with the differential regulation of 543 transcripts (out of 2,093) which changed in response to C26. Bioinformatics analysis of upregulated gene transcripts that required FoxO revealed enrichment of the proteasome, AP-1 and IL-6 pathways, and included several atrophy-related transcription factors, including Stat3, Fos, and Cebpb. FoxO was also necessary for the cancer-induced downregulation of several gene transcripts that were enriched for extracellular matrix and sarcomere protein-encoding genes. We validated these findings in limb muscles and the diaphragm through qRT-PCR, and further demonstrate that FoxO1 and/or FoxO3a are sufficient to increase Stat3, Fos, Cebpb, and the C/EBPβ target gene, Ubr2. Analysis of the Cebpb proximal promoter revealed two bona fide FoxO binding elements, which we further establish are necessary for Cebpb promoter activation in response to IL-6, a predominant cytokine in the C26 cancer model. CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide new evidence that FoxO-dependent transcription is a central node controlling diverse gene networks in skeletal muscle during cancer cachexia, and identifies novel candidate genes and networks for further investigation as causative factors in cancer-induced wasting.R01 AR060217 - NIAMS NIH HHS; R01 AR060209 - NIAMS NIH HHS; T32 HD043730 - NICHD NIH HHS; R00 HL098453 - NHLBI NIH HHS; R00HL098453 - NHLBI NIH HHS; R01AR060209 - NIAMS NIH HHS; R01AR060217 - NIAMS NIH HH

    Magnetothermopower and Magnetoresistivity of RuSr2Gd1-xLaxCu2O8 (x=0, 0.1)

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    We report measurements of magnetothermopower and magnetoresistivity as a function of temperature on RuSr2Gd1-xLaxCu2O8 (x = 0, 0.1). The normal-state thermopower shows a dramatic decrease after applying a magnetic field of 5 T, whereas the resistivity shows only a small change after applying the same field. Our results suggest that RuO2 layers are conducting and the magnetic field induced decrease of the overall thermopower is caused by the decrease of partial thermopower decrease associated with the spin entropy decrease of the carriers in the RuO2 layers.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Optically Thin Metallic Films for High-radiative-efficiency Plasmonics

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    Plasmonics enables deep-subwavelength concentration of light and has become important for fundamental studies as well as real-life applications. Two major existing platforms of plasmonics are metallic nanoparticles and metallic films. Metallic nanoparticles allow efficient coupling to far field radiation, yet their synthesis typically leads to poor material quality. Metallic films offer substantially higher quality materials, but their coupling to radiation is typically jeopardized due to the large momentum mismatch with free space. Here, we propose and theoretically investigate optically thin metallic films as an ideal platform for high-radiative-efficiency plasmonics. For far-field scattering, adding a thin high-quality metallic substrate enables a higher quality factor while maintaining the localization and tunability that the nanoparticle provides. For near-field spontaneous emission, a thin metallic substrate, of high quality or not, greatly improves the field overlap between the emitter environment and propagating surface plasmons, enabling high-Purcell (total enhancement > 10410^4), high-quantum-yield (> 50 %) spontaneous emission, even as the gap size vanishes (3\sim5 nm). The enhancement has almost spatially independent efficiency and does not suffer from quenching effects that commonly exist in previous structures.Comment: Supporting Information not included but freely available from DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b0085

    Transcription levels of a noncoding RNA orchestrate opposing regulatory and cell fate outcomes in yeast

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    Transcription through noncoding regions of the genome is pervasive. How these transcription events regulate gene expression remains poorly understood. Here, we report that, in S. cerevisiae, the levels of transcription through a noncoding region, IRT2, located upstream in the promoter of the inducer of meiosis, IME1, regulate opposing chromatin and transcription states. At low levels, the act of IRT2 transcription promotes histone exchange, delivering acetylated histone H3 lysine 56 to chromatin locally. The subsequent open chromatin state directs transcription factor recruitment and induces downstream transcription to repress the IME1 promoter and meiotic entry. Conversely, increasing transcription turns IRT2 into a repressor by promoting transcription-coupled chromatin assembly. The two opposing functions of IRT2 transcription shape a regulatory circuit, which ensures a robust cell-type-specific control of IME1 expression and yeast meiosis. Our data illustrate how intergenic transcription levels are key to controlling local chromatin state, gene expression, and cell fate outcomes

    Intrinsic dielectric and spectroscopic behavior of perovskite Ba(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3–Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 microwave dielectric ceramics

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    [[abstract]]Ceramics of 0.35Ba(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.65Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 were prepared by the mixed oxide route. The effect of the cooling rate (2 °C–240 °C/h) after sintering on the microwave dielectric properties of the ceramics was examined. While the extrinsic factors, such as porosity and secondary phases, markedly influence the dielectric properties in the low-frequency regime, they have minimal effect on these properties in the high-frequency regime. The mechanisms involved in modifying the high-frequency dielectric properties of the materials were investigated by Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy, in conjunction with the Rietveld analysis of x-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra. A reduction in the cooling rate after sintering results in an increase in the high-frequency Q×f (product of dielectric Q value and measurement frequency) from 42 to 58 THz in the high-frequency regime (∼1.5 THz). Such behavior correlates very well with the increase in the B-site occupancy by Nb (deduced from the Rietveld analyses of XRD spectra) and the increase in the coherency of the lattice vibration (deduced from the reduction in the full-width-at-half-maximum of the A1g(O) Raman mode). In contrast, the cooling rate after sintering has very limited effect on the relative permittivity (varying from 40.8 to 41.9 at 1.5 THz), which is in accord with the phenomenon that the cell volume and the Raman shift of A1g(O) Raman mode are essentially independent of the cooling rate.[[booktype]]紙

    Comportamento de cultivares de milho verde em ecossistema de várzea e 1 terra firme no Estado do Amazonas.

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    O trabalho objetivou avaliar o comportamento de oito cultivares de milho com características 11 para consumo no estádio verde de maturação e verificar a adaptabilidade aos ecossistemas de 12 terra firme e várzea nas condições edafoclimáticas dos municípios de Manaus e Iranduba no 13 Estado do Amazonas

    Socio-economic Determinants of Cassava Production in Benue State, Nigeria.

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    The study examined the determinants of cassava production in Benue State Nigeria. A total of 180 farmers were selected across the state using multi-stage sampling technique. Data, which comprised information on the socio-economic characteristics and other quantitative variables relevant to the study, were collected using a well structured questionnaire and personal interviews. The social- economic characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages and frequencies; simple multiple regression technique was used to analyze the production functions of cassava farmers. The results obtained revealed that R2 value was 0.419 indicating that 41.9% of variation in cassava production was accounted for by the variables considered in the study. Specifically, age of the farmers, occupation, household size, farming experience, level of education of farmers, farms size and fertilizer input where all significant and are important variables that affected the production of cassava in the study area. Given the enormous potential of cassava production in the study area, it has become so imperative that youths be encourage to participate effectively in cassava production, seeing that majority of the farmers are aged and will retire from active farming. This is to ensure food security. Effective structure should be put in place for the input and credit facilities provided by the government, this will ensure that these facilities get to those who need it and will in turn help the farmers expand their production. This study, although base in Benue State, may have implications for other States with similar situation. This will help the state meet self-sufficiency in food production and so be able to feed her teeming population