242 research outputs found


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    Students who learn business or economics subjects might read different business texts related to their majors. However, many English as a Foreign language (EFL) students are still struggling with their reading comprehension abilities The objectives of the study are to identify students’ perceptions of common difficulties when reading Business English texts and to explore their attitude towards a number of solutions. The participants were ninety-six Business English students who enrolled in a Business English Reading course at a public economics university in Ho Chi Minh City. A five-Likert questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were employed to collect the data for the study. The results show that EFL students often encountered difficulties in reading Business texts. The most prominent factors influencing Business English reading comprehension generally are Vocabulary, Timing, and Background Knowledge. To address those issues, Business English students proposed six solutions regarding lexical and grammatical knowledge enhancement, regular practice, metacognitive strategies, participation in business courses, and online dictionary use. These recommendations collectively aimed to empower students in mastering the skills of Business English reading comprehension.  Article visualizations

    Designing learning activities to develop self-directed learning competency in teaching informatics

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    Currently, there are not many studies on teaching informatics in the direction of developing students’ self-directed learning (SDL) competency. The results of the survey with 235 informatics teachers in 42 provinces/cities across Vietnam showed that although they are very interested in teaching SDL, teachers are still confused about teaching methods and assessments. To improve the effectiveness of informatics teaching as well as develop SDL for students, the study proposed a method of teaching informatics in the direction of designing activities to guide students to create digital products by themselves. The pedagogical experiment on assessing SDL and learning outcomes was conducted on two experimental and control groups, selected from 87 10th grade students, in the first semester of the school year 2022-2023 at Cam Giang High school in Hai Duong, Vietnam. The results of SDL and test scores of the experimental class were higher than that of the control class (with p-value <0.005– this difference is statistically significant). This proves that the method (creating of digital products) is effective, positively affecting students’ learning, helping students develop SDL competency


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    The present study investigates collocational profiles that appear in the English textbook series for Vietnamese students from elementary to high school grades by identifying how the series covers collocations in terms of frequency and how the mode of collocation presentation aligns with recommendations in the existing literature. A total of 30,005 collocations of both verb-noun and adjective-noun patterns were identified, of which 1,078 are targeted collocations. The study found that the frequencies of occurrences of collocation tokens increase steadily alongside the three grade levels, while the frequencies of collocation types are not distributed proportionately. As for the mode of collocation presentation, targeted collocations and collocation exercises follow the best practices recommended in the literature to a certain extent and in some criteria; inconsistency, however, was found to be one of the shortcomings across those evaluation criteria. Pedagogical implications for teachers and textbook authors are discussed


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    The explosive growth of digital technologies is creating a virtual and borderless environment, which is so-called “cyberspace”. In addition to serving as a platform that allows digital communication, information sharing, and online activities to take place, cyberspace carries various risks and vulnerabilities that can pose significant challenges to individuals, organizations, and even the nation. Throughout history, international law has built the concept of state sovereignty based on material aspects. However, digital globalization has significantly changed social relations, challenging important legal concepts that underlie international relations, including the concept of national sovereignty. Therefore, the issue of national sovereignty in cyberspace needs to be studied more carefully, thereby seeking appropriate solutions to protect national sovereignty in cyberspace


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    Abstract The research aims to assess the quantitative impact of the Vietnam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) on Vietnam's export growth to the EU market. The study employs quantitative analysis using the SMART model with data on export turnover and scenarios of tariff reduction to 0% when EVFTA takes effect. Based on the export turnover data and necessary parameters, the analysis results show an increase in Vietnam's exports to the EU market when EVFTA becomes effective. As a result, the research proposes some implications to promote Vietnam's export activities to the EU in the future

    A design of soft-gauge for elevator vibration analysis based on low-cost accelerometer MMA7361L and LabVIEW

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    This paper presents a design of soft-gauge using the low-cost triple-axis accelerometer MMA7361L and LabVIEW software for the purpose of elevator vibration analysis with accuracy according to national standards. The 3-dimensional vibration signals measured and collected respectively by MMA7361L and NI USB6009 are fed into a soft-gauge programmed on LabVIEW to filter, then the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is applied to determine the power spectral density (PSD) and spectrogram of vibrations of filtered vibration signals. The soft-gauge also allows real-time 3-dimensional vibration data to be recorded, this data is used for analyzing later by another professional data software. Practical test results applied for the elevator of the DONGA Plaza building show quite good vibration analysis. Class 1.5 accuracy of the soft-gauge can be obtained by experimental test. This is a fairly cost-effective and inexpensive application that can be made in conditions with limited funds that cannot afford expensive accelerometers in the training of vibration measurement and analysis in high schools and vocational schools in developing countries, like Vietnam


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    Cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people in the Mekong Delta have an essential position and role in implementing the Party's guidelines and guidelines, policies, and laws of the State to present with the people and directly manage society to achieve order, stability, and development. Cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people are the bridge between the Party, State, and the people, reflecting the people's legitimate thoughts and aspirations for the Party and State. Based on the method of document research, and secondary data, the paper outlines the characteristics of the Khmer people in the Mekong Delta; viewpoints and lines of the Party, policies, and laws of the State on training and retraining policies for cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people; On the basis of the actual situation of the policy, the thesis has proposed a number of solutions to improve the effectiveness of the policy on training and fostering cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people in the Mekong Delta.  Article visualizations

    Source and release mechanism of arsenic in aquifers of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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    In order to elucidate the arsenic source and its release mechanism into groundwater in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, groundwater samples were collected from wells at different depths (20 to 440 m) and core samples (from 20 to 265 m depth) were analyzed. Based on the analytical results for groundwater and core samples, the As source in groundwater is considered to be pyrite (FeS 2 ) in acid sulfate soil (ASS) under oxidizing conditions and hydrous ferric oxide (Fe(OH) 3 ) under reducing conditions. Geochemical modeling demonstrated that As (III) is the dominant species and the presence of As-bearing sulfides, Fe-bearing sulfides and oxides phases may locally act as potential sinks for As. From variation between Fe and As concentrations in groundwater samples, the release mechanism of As is: dissolution of Fe(OH) 3 containing As under reducing conditions and oxidative decomposition of FeS 2 containing As under oxidizing conditions
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