225 research outputs found

    Genomic correlates of relationship QTL involved in fore-versus hind limb divergence in mice

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    Divergence of serially homologous elements of organisms is a common evolutionary pattern contributing to increased phenotypic complexity. Here, we study the genomic intervals affecting the variational independence of fore- and hind limb traits within an experimental mouse population. We use an advanced intercross of inbred mouse strains to map the loci associated with the degree of autonomy between fore- and hind limb long bone lengths (loci affecting the relationship between traits, relationship quantitative trait loci [rQTL]). These loci have been proposed to interact locally with the products of pleiotropic genes, thereby freeing the local trait from the variational constraint due to pleiotropic mutations. Using the known polymorphisms (single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]) between the parental strains, we characterized and compared the genomic regions in which the rQTL, as well as their interaction partners (intQTL), reside. We find that these two classes of QTL intervals harbor different kinds of molecular variation. SNPs in rQTL intervals more frequently reside in limb-specific cis-regulatory regions than SNPs in intQTL intervals. The intQTL loci modified by the rQTL, in contrast, show the signature of protein-coding variation. This result is consistent with the widely accepted view that protein-coding mutations have broader pleiotropic effects than cis-regulatory polymorphisms. For both types of QTL intervals, the underlying candidate genes are enriched for genes involved in protein binding. This finding suggests that rQTL effects are caused by local interactions among the products of the causal genes harbored in rQTL and intQTL intervals. This is the first study to systematically document the population-level molecular variation underlying the evolution of character individuation

    Characterizing the Evolutionary Path(s) to Early Homo

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    Numerous studies suggest that the transition from Australopithecus to Homo was characterized by evolutionary innovation, resulting in the emergence and coexistence of a diversity of forms. However, the evolutionary processes necessary to drive such a transition have not been examined. Here, we apply statistical tests developed from quantitative evolutionary theory to assess whether morphological differences among late australopith and early Homo species in Africa have been shaped by natural selection. Where selection is demonstrated, we identify aspects of morphology that were most likely under selective pressure, and determine the nature (type, rate) of that selection. Results demonstrate that selection must be invoked to explain an Au. africanus -- Au. sediba -- Homo transition, while transitions from late australopiths to various early Homo species that exclude Au. sediba can be achieved through drift alone. Rate tests indicate that selection is largely directional, acting to rapidly differentiate these taxa. Reconstructions of patterns of directional selection needed to drive the Au. africanus -- Au. sediba -- Homo transition suggest that selection would have affected all regions of the skull. These results may indicate that an evolutionary path to Homo without Au. sediba is the simpler path and/or provide evidence that this pathway involved more reliance on cultural adaptations to cope with environmental change

    Этическая направленность критического мышления учителя

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    Объектом анализа в статье является этическая направленность критического мышления учителя. Оценочность и рефлексивность осмысляются как характеристики критического мышления. Обосновывается, что этические рационализации придают этическую направленность критическому мышлению педагога при решении им ситуаций с нравственным содержанием. Показывается, каким образом в процессе профессионального обучения может происходить формирование категориального аппарата этического мышления будущего учителя, придающего этическую направленность его критическому мышлени

    Cortical bone relationships are maintained regardless of sex and diet in a large population of LGXSM advanced intercross mice

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    Introduction: Knowledge of bone structure-function relationships in mice has been based on relatively small sample sets that limit generalizability. We sought to investigate structure-function relationships of long bones from a large population of genetically diverse mice. Therefore, we analyzed previously published data from the femur and radius of male and female mice from the F34 generation of the Large-by-Small advanced intercross line (LGXSM AI), which have over a two-fold continuous spread of bone and body sizes (Silva et al. 2019 JBMR). Methods: Morphological traits, mechanical properties, and estimated material properties were collected from the femur and radius from 1113 LGXSM AI adult mice (avg. age 25 wks). Males and females fed a low-fat or high-fat diet were evaluated to increase population variation. The data were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), Pearson\u27s correlation, and multivariate linear regression. Results: Using PCA groupings and hierarchical clustering, we identified a reduced set of traits that span the population variation and are relatively independent of each other. These include three morphometry parameters (cortical area, medullary area, and length), two mechanical properties (ultimate force and post-yield displacement), and one material property (ultimate stress). When comparing traits of the femur to the radius, morphological traits are moderately well correlated (r2: 0.18–0.44) and independent of sex and diet. However, mechanical and material properties are weakly correlated or uncorrelated between the long bones. Ultimate force can be predicted from morphology with moderate accuracy for both long bones independent of variations due to genetics, sex, or diet; however, predictions miss up to 50 % of the variation in the population. Estimated material properties in the femur are moderately to strongly correlated with bone size parameters, while these correlations are very weak in the radius. Discussion: Our results indicate that variation in cortical bone phenotype in the F34 LGXSM AI mouse population can be adequately described by a reduced set of bone traits. These traits include cortical area, medullary area, bone length, ultimate force, post-yield displacement, and ultimate stress. The weak correlation of mechanical and material properties between the femur and radius indicates that the results from routine three-point bending tests of one long bone (e.g., femur) may not be generalizable to another long bone (e.g., radius). Additionally, these properties could not be fully predicted from bone morphology alone, confirming the importance of mechanical testing. Finally, material properties of the femur estimated based on beam theory equations showed a strong dependence on geometry that was not seen in the radius, suggesting that differences in femur size within a study may confound interpretation of estimated material properties

    The genetic architecture of fluctuating asymmetry of mandible size and shape in a population of mice: Another look

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    Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), typically measured by variation in the differences between right and left sides of bilateral traits, is commonly used to assess developmental instability (DI) in populations. A previous quantitative trait locus (QTL) investigation using an F2 intercross mouse population found little evidence of individual loci affecting FA in mandible size, but an abundance of epistatic interactions between loci. Here we extend this work by testing whether these patterns replicate in an F3 population derived from the same intercross. Using a large number of molecular markers genotyped in over 1200 mice, we uncovered significant interactions between loci (QTLs) affecting FA in mandible size (and shape). Epistasis contributed roughly 20% of the variation in FASIZE and 19% of the variation in FASHAPE at the 0.0001 probability level alone, and was comparable to that previously estimated for the F2 mice, and much greater than that generated from the few single-locus QTLs affecting the mandible FA traits. The positions of the single-locus and epistatic QTLs for FA that we discovered suggested that logical candidate genes for DI are those controlling size or shape in the traits themselves, and that they may be interacting with genes for heat shock proteins

    Quantitative trait loci affecting liver fat content in mice

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition in which excess fat accumulates in the liver, is strongly associated with the metabolic syndrome, including obesity and other related conditions. This disease has the potential to progress from steatosis to steatohepatitis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis. The recent increase in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is largely driven by changes in diet and activity levels. Individual variation in the response to this obesogenic environment, however, is attributable in part to genetic variation between individuals, but very few mammalian genetic loci have been identified with effects on fat accumulation in the liver. To study the genetic basis for variation in liver fat content in response to dietary fat, liver fat proportion was determined using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging in 478 mice from 16 LG/J X SM/J recombinant inbred strains fed either a high-fat (42% kcal from fat) or low-fat (15% kcal from fat) diet. An analysis of variance confirmed that there is a genetic basis for variation in liver fat content within the population with significant effects of sex and diet. Three quantitative trail loci that contribute to liver fat content also were mapped

    The effect of dietary fat intake on hepatic gene expression in LG/J AND SM/J mice

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    Background The liver plays a major role in regulating metabolic homeostasis and is vital for nutrient metabolism. Identifying the genetic factors regulating these processes could lead to a greater understanding of how liver function responds to a high-fat diet and how that response may influence susceptibilities to obesity and metabolic syndrome. In this study we examine differences in hepatic gene expression between the LG/J and SM/J inbred mouse strains and how gene expression in these strains is affected by high-fat diet. LG/J and SM/J are known to differ in their responses to a high-fat diet for a variety of obesity- and diabetes-related traits, with the SM/J strain exhibiting a stronger phenotypic response to diet. Results Dietary intake had a significant effect on gene expression in both inbred lines. Genes up-regulated by a high-fat diet were involved in biological processes such as lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; protein and amino acid metabolic processes were down regulated on a high-fat diet. A total of 259 unique transcripts exhibited a significant diet-by-strain interaction. These genes tended to be associated with immune function. In addition, genes involved in biochemical processes related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) manifested different responses to diet between the two strains. For most of these genes, SM/J had a stronger response to the high-fat diet than LG/J. Conclusions These data show that dietary fat impacts gene expression levels in SM/J relative to LG/J, with SM/J exhibiting a stronger response. This supports previous data showing that SM/J has a stronger phenotypic response to high-fat diet. Based upon these findings, we suggest that SM/J and its cross with the LG/J strain provide a good model for examining non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its role in metabolic syndrome

    Molecular insight into the association between cartilage regeneration and ear wound healing in genetic mouse models: Targeting new genes in regeneration

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    Tissue regeneration is a complex trait with few genetic models available. Mouse strains LG/J and MRL are exceptional healers. Using recombinant inbred strains from a large (LG/J, healer) and small (SM/J, nonhealer) intercross, we have previously shown a positive genetic correlation between ear wound healing, knee cartilage regeneration, and protection from osteoarthritis. We hypothesize that a common set of genes operates in tissue healing and articular cartilage regeneration. Taking advantage of archived histological sections from recombinant inbred strains, we analyzed expression of candidate genes through branched-chain DNA technology directly from tissue lysates. We determined broad-sense heritability of candidates, Pearson correlation of candidates with healing phenotypes, and Ward minimum variance cluster analysis for strains. A bioinformatic assessment of allelic polymorphisms within and near candidate genes was also performed. The expression of several candidates was significantly heritable among strains. Although several genes correlated with both ear wound healing and cartilage healing at a marginal level, the expression of four genes representing DNA repair (Xrcc2, Pcna) and Wnt signaling (Axin2, Wnt16) pathways was significantly positively correlated with both phenotypes. Cluster analysis accurately classified healers and nonhealers for seven out of eight strains based on gene expression. Specific sequence differences between LG/J and SM/J were identified as potential causal polymorphisms. Our study suggests a common genetic basis between tissue healing and osteoarthritis susceptibility. Mapping genetic variations causing differences in diverse healing responses in multiple tissues may reveal generic healing processes in pursuit of new therapeutic targets designed to induce or enhance regeneration and, potentially, protection from osteoarthritis