3,019 research outputs found

    A Data-Driven Decision Support System for Scoliosis Prognosis

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    The cost of tobacco-related disease

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    Health Services Research Fund & Health Care and Promotion Fund: Research Dissemination Reports (Series 2)published_or_final_versio

    Heterologous influenza vRNA segments with identical non-coding sequences stimulate viral RNA replication in trans

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    The initiation of transcription and replication of influenza A virus requires the 5' and 3' ends of vRNA. Here, the role of segment-specific non-coding sequences of influenza A virus on viral RNA synthesis was studied. Recombinant viruses, with the nonstructural protein (NS) segment-specific non-coding sequences replaced by the corresponding sequences of the neuraminidase (NA) segment, were characterized. The NS and NA vRNA levels in cells infected with these mutants were much higher than those of the wild type, whereas the NS and NA mRNA levels of the mutants were comparable to the wild-type levels. By contrast, the PB2 vRNA and mRNA levels of all the tested viruses were similar, indicating that vRNA with heterologous segment-specific non-coding sequences was not affected by the mutations. The observations suggested that, with the cooperation between the homologous 5' and 3'segment-specific sequences, the introduced mutations could specifically enhance the replication of NA and NS vRNA

    Tame D-tadpoles in gauge mediation

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    We revisit models of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking where messenger parity is violated. Such a symmetry is usually invoked in order to set to zero potentially dangerous hypercharge D-term tadpoles. A milder hypothesis is that the D-tadpole vanishes only at the first order in the gauge coupling constant. Then the next order leads to a contribution to the sfermion masses which is of the same magnitude as the usual radiative one. This enlarges the parameter space of gauge mediated models. We first give a completely general characterization of this contribution, in terms of particular three-point functions of hidden sector current multiplet operators. We then explore the parameter space by means of two simple weakly coupled models, where the D-tadpole arising at two-loops has actually a mild logarithmic divergence.Comment: 13 pages + 9 pages of appendix, 1 figure; v2: some clarifying comments added, version to appear in JHE

    Axion Protection from Flavor

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    The QCD axion fails to solve the strong CP problem unless all explicit PQ violating, Planck-suppressed, dimension n<10 operators are forbidden or have exponentially small coefficients. We show that all theories with a QCD axion contain an irreducible source of explicit PQ violation which is proportional to the determinant of the Yukawa interaction matrix of colored fermions. Generically, this contribution is of low operator dimension and will drastically destabilize the axion potential, so its suppression is a necessary condition for solving the strong CP problem. We propose a mechanism whereby the PQ symmetry is kept exact up to n=12 with the help of the very same flavor symmetries which generate the hierarchical quark masses and mixings of the SM. This "axion flavor protection" is straightforwardly realized in theories which employ radiative fermion mass generation and grand unification. A universal feature of this construction is that the heavy quark Yukawa couplings are generated at the PQ breaking scale.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Dirac Gauginos, Negative Supertraces and Gauge Mediation

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    In an attempt to maximize General Gauge Mediated parameter space, I propose simple models in which gauginos and scalars are generated from disconnected mechanisms. In my models Dirac gauginos are generated through the supersoft mechanism, while independent R-symmetric scalar masses are generated through operators involving non-zero messenger supertrace. I propose several new methods for generating negative messenger supertraces which result in viable positive mass squareds for MSSM scalars. The resultant spectra are novel, compressed and may contain light fermionic SM adjoint fields.Comment: 16 pages 3 figure

    Dynamical completions of generalized O'Raifeartaigh models

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    We present gauge theory completions of Wess-Zumino models admitting supersymmetry breaking vacua with spontaneously broken R-symmetry. Our models are simple deformations of generalized ITIY models, a supersymmetric theory with gauge group Sp(N), N+1 flavors plus singlets, with a modified tree level superpotential which explicitly breaks (part of) the global symmetry. Depending on the nature of the deformation, we obtain effective O'Raifeartaigh-like models whose pseudomoduli space is locally stable in a neighborhood of the origin of field space, or in a region not including it. Hence, once embedded in direct gauge mediation scenarios, our models can give low energy spectra with either suppressed or unsuppressed gaugino mass.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure; v3: reference adde

    Chiral U(1) flavor models and flavored Higgs doublets: the top FB asymmetry and the Wjj

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    We present U(1) flavor models for leptophobic Z' with flavor dependent couplings to the right-handed up-type quarks in the Standard Model, which can accommodate the recent data on the top forward-backward (FB) asymmetry and the dijet resonance associated with a W boson reported by CDF Collaboration. Such flavor-dependent leptophobic charge assignments generally require extra chiral fermions for anomaly cancellation. Also the chiral nature of U(1)' flavor symmetry calls for new U(1)'-charged Higgs doublets in order for the SM fermions to have realistic renormalizable Yukawa couplings. The stringent constraints from the top FB asymmetry at the Tevatron and the same sign top pair production at the LHC can be evaded due to contributions of the extra Higgs doublets. We also show that the extension could realize cold dark matter candidates.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figures, added 1 figure and extended discussion, accepted for publication in JHE

    Supersymmetry in the shadow of photini

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    Additional neutral gauge fermions -- "photini" -- arise in string compactifications as superpartners of U(1) gauge fields. Unlike their vector counterparts, the photini can acquire weak-scale masses from soft SUSY breaking and lead to observable signatures at the LHC through mass mixing with the bino. In this work we investigate the collider consequences of adding photini to the neutralino sector of the MSSM. Relatively large mixing of one or more photini with the bino can lead to prompt decays of the lightest ordinary supersymmetric particle; these extra cascades transfer most of the energy of SUSY decay chains into Standard Model particles, diminishing the power of missing energy as an experimental handle for signal discrimination. We demonstrate that the missing energy in SUSY events with photini is reduced dramatically for supersymmetric spectra with MSSM neutralinos near the weak scale, and study the effects on limits set by the leading hadronic SUSY searches at ATLAS and CMS. We find that in the presence of even one light photino the limits on squark masses from hadronic searches can be reduced by 400 GeV, with comparable (though more modest) reduction of gluino mass limits. We also consider potential discovery channels such as dilepton and multilepton searches, which remain sensitive to SUSY spectra with photini and can provide an unexpected route to the discovery of supersymmetry. Although presented in the context of photini, our results apply in general to theories in which additional light neutral fermions mix with MSSM gauginos.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, references adde

    Entangled-State Cycles of Atomic Collective-Spin States

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    We study quantum trajectories of collective atomic spin states of NN effective two-level atoms driven with laser and cavity fields. We show that interesting ``entangled-state cycles'' arise probabilistically when the (Raman) transition rates between the two atomic levels are set equal. For odd (even) NN, there are (N+1)/2(N+1)/2 (N/2N/2) possible cycles. During each cycle the NN-qubit state switches, with each cavity photon emission, between the states (N/2,m>±N/2,m>)/2(|N/2,m>\pm |N/2,-m>)/\sqrt{2}, where N/2,m>|N/2,m> is a Dicke state in a rotated collective basis. The quantum number mm (>0>0), which distinguishes the particular cycle, is determined by the photon counting record and varies randomly from one trajectory to the next. For even NN it is also possible, under the same conditions, to prepare probabilistically (but in steady state) the Dicke state N/2,0>|N/2,0>, i.e., an NN-qubit state with N/2N/2 excitations, which is of particular interest in the context of multipartite entanglement.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure