717 research outputs found

    Overfishing Trends and the Global Food Crisis

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    Fish are a vital source of nourishment, especially to people in the world's poorest nations. Widespread over?shing has led to a decline in catch globally; however, the links between over?shing and food security have not been well-understood. The authors of scientific article "Food security implications of globalmarine catch losses due to overfishing." assessed potential losses, globally and regionally, in ?sheries catch and revenue resulting from over?shing. They found a third to a half of commercial marine species had been over?shed during the past half-century, with billions in potential revenue lost. By placing country-level catch loss trends in the context of undernourishment levels in many of the world's poorest countries, the authors estimated that in 2000 the additional catch from sustainable ?shing could have helped 20 million people cover their food de?cit and avert undernourishment. This Pew Ocean Science Series report is a summary of the scientists' ?ndings

    A Structural Equation Model Examining the Cultural Relevance of Physical Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Chinese Children

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    Objectives: The purposes of this study were to investigate: (1) whether three subscale scores (i.e.,body fat, appearance, and strength) and the global physical self-concept and global self-concept scores of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) are applicable to Chinese children; (2) whether there is a gender difference in these relationships; and (3) whether global physical self-concept acts as a mediator of global self-concept. Method: 320 Chinese children aged 7-12 years were recruited. The PSDQ was used to assess two global dimensions (global physical self-concept and global self-concept) and three specific dimensions (body fat, appearance, and strength) of self-worth. The children’s version of the silhouette matching task (SMT) was adopted from Marsh and Roche (1996) to measure children’s body perception. Results: The factor structure of the modified PSDQ model was applicable in young Chinese children, regardless of their gender. Results of structural equation model (SEM) indicated that the model was acceptable. The structural paths of the model and the mediating effect of global physical self-concept on global self-concept were discussed. Conclusion: The present study indicates that the physical self is an increasingly important correlate of self-esteem. It is particularly important relative to perceived self-presentation and social acceptance. Therefore, it is important to consider the impact of the physical self-concept on global self-concept from both cultural and worldwide perspectives

    Ocean Science Series: Redistribution of Fish Catch by Climate Change

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    Global climate change is expected to affect marine fisheries productivity because of changes in water temperature, ocean currents and other ocean conditions. Marine fisheries are an important food source, and changes in the total amount or geographic distribution of fish available for catch could affect food security. Changes in marine food supply due to climate change, however, were previously unknown

    Socio-economic Impacts—Fisheries

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    Fishers and scientists have known for over 100 years that the status of fish stocks can be greatly influenced by prevailing climatic conditions. Based on historical sea surface temperature data, the North Sea has been identified as one of 20 ‘hot spots’ of climate change globally and projections for the next 100 years suggest that the region will continue to warm. The consequences of this rapid temperature rise are already being seen in shifts in species distribution and variability in stock recruitment. This chapter reviews current evidence for climate change effects on fisheries in the North Sea—one of the most important fishing grounds in the world—as well as available projections for North Sea fisheries in the future. Discussion focuses on biological, operational and wider market concerns, as well as on possible economic consequences. It is clear that fish communities and the fisheries that target them will be very different in 50 or 100 years’ time and that management and governance will need to adapt accordingly

    Recreational specialization and the marine-based conservation behaviour intention of recreational divers in Hong Kong

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    This study examined divers' recreational specialization, pro-environmental attitudes, and marine-based conservation behaviour intentions. A questionnaire-based data collection approach was used to survey 398 divers who visited popular diving sites in Hong Kong by employing structural equation modelling to determine the potential relationships among the proposed variables. The results showed a statistically positive relationship between divers' recreational specialization and their pro-environmental attitudes, along with a statistically valid relationship between divers' recreational specialization and their marine-based conservation behaviour intentions. However, divers' pro-environmental attitudes were not statistically significant with their marine-based conservation behaviour intentions; thus, the discrepancy regarding different research findings between the current and previous studies was further discussed. In particular, our findings confirmed that recreational specialization could be a reliable predictor of divers' pro-environmental attitudes and marine-based conservation behaviour intentions to fill the research gaps regarding scuba diving-based nature tourism in Hong Kong. Consequently, management implications and recommendations were presented in accordance with the development of marine environmental conservation and sustainable scuba diving tourism in Hong Kong
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