24 research outputs found

    Toward a phenomenological approach to the clustering of heavy particles in turbulent flows

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    A simple model accounting for the ejection of heavy particles from the vortical structures of a turbulent flow is introduced. This model involves a space and time discretization of the dynamics and depends on only two parameters: the fraction of space-time occupied by rotating structures of the carrier flow and the rate at which particles are ejected from them. The latter can be heuristically related to the response time of the particles and hence measure their inertia. It is shown that such a model reproduces qualitatively most aspects of the spatial distribution of heavy particles transported by realistic flows. In particular the probability density function of the mass mm in a cell displays an power-law behavior at small values and decreases faster than exponentially at large values. The dependence of the exponent of the first tail upon the parameters of the dynamics is explicitly derived for the model. The right tail is shown to decrease as exp(Cmlogm)\exp (-C m \log m). Finally, the distribution of mass averaged over several cells is shown to obey rescaling properties as a function of the coarse-grain size and of the ejection rate of the particles. Contrarily to what has been observed in direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows (Bec et al., http://arxiv.org/nlin.CD/0608045), such rescaling properties are only due in the model to the mass dynamics of the particles and do not involve any scaling properties in the spatial structure of the carrier flow.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    The number of potential winners in Bradley-Terry model in random environment

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    We consider a Bradley-Terry model in random environment where each player faces each other once. More precisely the strengths of the players are assumed to be random and we study the influence of their distributions on the asymptotic number of potential winners.First we prove that under mild assumptions, mainly on their moments, if the strengths are unbounded, the asymptotic probability that the best player wins is 1. We also exhibit a sufficient convexity condition to obtain the same result when the strengths are bounded. When this last condition fails, the number of potential winners grows at a rate depending on the tail of the distribution of strengths. We also study the minimal strength required for an additional player to win in this last case

    Motility-induced phase separation of active particles in the presence of velocity alignment

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    Self-propelled particle (SPP) systems are intrinsically out of equilibrium systems, where each individual particle converts energy into work to move in a dissipative medium. When interacting through a velocity alignment mechanism, and the medium acts as a momentum sink, even momentum is not conserved. In this scenario, a mapping into an equilibrium system seems unlikely. Here, we show that an entropy functional can be derived for SPPs with velocity alignment and density-dependent speed, at least in the (orientationally) disordered phase. This non-trivial result has important physical consequences. The study of the entropy functional reveals that the system can undergo phase separation before the orientational-order phase transition known to occur in SPP systems with velocity alignment.Moreover, we indicate that the spinodal line is a function of the alignment sensitivity and show that density fluctuations as well as the critical spatial diffusion, that leads to phase separation, dramatically increase as the orientational-order transition is approached.Comment: Published in J. Stat. Phy

    Current fluctuations in periodically driven systems

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    Small nonequelibrium systems driven by an external periodic protocol can be described by Markov processes with time-periodic transition rates. In general, current fluctuations in such small systems are large and may play a crucial role. We develop a theoretical formalism to evaluate the rate of such large deviations in periodically driven systems. We show that the scaled cumulant generating function that characterizes current fluctuations is given by a maximal Floquet exponent. Comparing deterministic protocols with stochastic protocols, we show that, with respect to large deviations, systems driven by a stochastic protocol with an infinitely large number of jumps are equivalent to systems driven by deterministic protocols. Our results are illustrated with three case studies: a two-state model for a heat engine, a three-state model for a molecular pump, and a biased random walk with a time-periodic affinity.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure