11 research outputs found

    Structure and strength properties of brazed joints of JS26NK cast nickel alloy. Part 2

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    Materials science problems of formation of brazed joints in the JS26NK cast nickel alloy are considered. Physical-chemical properties of brazed joints, produced with application of standard boron-containing brazing alloy and brazing alloy containing silicon as second depressant, and different binders are presented. It is shown that application of a binder in the form of solution of acrylic acid in acetone is efficient in case of application of complex brazing alloys containing 20 % of the Ni--12 % Si (NS12) commercial brazing alloy powder. Achieved at room temperature strength and fracture toughness of a brazed joint from the JS26NK alloy exceed similar characteristics of the JS26VI alloy. Connection of mechanical properties of brazed joints with direction of dendrite growth in the metal being brazed is shown.Рассмотрены материаловедческие особенности формирования паяных соединений в литейном никелевом сплаве ЖС26НК. Приведены физико-механические свойства паяных соединений, полученных с использованием стандартного бор- и кремнийсодержащего припоя и припоя, имеющего в качестве второго депрессанта кремний, а также различных связующих. Показано, что использование связующего в виде раствора акриловой кислоты в ацетоне является эффективным в случае применения комплексных припоев, содержащих 20 % порошка промышленного припоя Ni-12 % Si (НС12). Достигнутые при комнатной температуре прочность и вязкость разрушения паяного соединения из сплава ЖС26НК превышают аналогичные характеристики сплава ЖС26ВИ. Показана связь механических свойств паяных соединений с направлением преимущественного роста дендритов в паяемом металле

    Crystal structure of 3-benzyl-2-[(E)-2-(furan-2-yl)ethenyl]-2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-one and 3-benzyl-2-[(E)-2-(thiophen-2-yl)ethenyl]-2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-one from synchrotron X-ray diffraction

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    The chiral title compounds, C21H18N2O2, (I), and C21H18N2OS, (II) - products of the three-component reaction between benzylamine, isatoic anhydride and furyl- or thienyl-acrolein - are isostructural and form isomorphous racemic crystals. The tetrahydropyrimidine ring in (I) and (II) adopts a sofa conformation. The amino N atom has a trigonal-pyramidal geometry [sum of the bond angles is 347.0° for both (I) and (II)], whereas the amido N atom is flat [sum of the bond angles is 359.3° for both (I) and (II)]. The furyl- and thienylethenyl substituents in (I) and (II) are planar and the conformation about the bridging C=C bond is E. These bulky fragments occupy the axial position at the quaternary C atom of the tetrahydropyrimidine ring, apparently, due to steric reasons. In the crystals, molecules of (I) and (II) form hydrogen-bonded helicoidal chains propagating along [010] by strong intermolecular N - H⋯O hydrogen bonds. © Toze et al. 2018

    Military metaphor as means of modern media knowledge communication: Functional, lexical and grammatical aspects

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    In the research single unresolved questions of military metaphor typology, identification of its functions in the media discourse, establishment of its lexical and grammatical features in language of the English and German mass media are considered. The general and the specific dominating functions of the military metaphor in the modern English and German media discourse come to light. The main research procedures are a hypothetical-deductive method, an inductive method, a descriptive and comparative method, a modeling method, a method of the definition analysis, component analysis, interpretive analysis, quantitative analysis, elements of frame and discourse analyses, and reception of continuous selection. As research material we use 4500 units in equal shares in the English and German languages which were selected from foreign and domestic periodic sources of the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century. The description and explanation of military metaphor linguocultural specifics in the modern English and German media discourse is obviously important for contrastive linguistics. © 2020 Transilvanian Association for the Literarure and Culture of Romanian People (ASTRA). All rights reserved

    Crystal structure of 3-benzyl-2-[(E)-2-(furan-2-yl)ethenyl]-2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-one and 3-benzyl-2-[(E)-2-(thiophen-2-yl)ethenyl]-2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-one from synchrotron X-ray diffraction

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    The chiral title compounds, C21H18N2O2, (I), and C21H18N2OS, (II) - products of the three-component reaction between benzylamine, isatoic anhydride and furyl- or thienyl-acrolein - are isostructural and form isomorphous racemic crystals. The tetrahydropyrimidine ring in (I) and (II) adopts a sofa conformation. The amino N atom has a trigonal-pyramidal geometry [sum of the bond angles is 347.0° for both (I) and (II)], whereas the amido N atom is flat [sum of the bond angles is 359.3° for both (I) and (II)]. The furyl- and thienylethenyl substituents in (I) and (II) are planar and the conformation about the bridging C=C bond is E. These bulky fragments occupy the axial position at the quaternary C atom of the tetrahydropyrimidine ring, apparently, due to steric reasons. In the crystals, molecules of (I) and (II) form hydrogen-bonded helicoidal chains propagating along [010] by strong intermolecular N - H⋯O hydrogen bonds. © Toze et al. 2018


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    An interaction between 5-aryl-3-chloromethylisoxazoles and potassium phthalimide was studied. This reaction in combination with the subsequent conversion of the obtained phthalimides into phthalazine salts and hydrolysis of the latter ones was shown to be useful for the preparation of 3-(aminomethyl)-5-arylisoxazoles in high yields.Исследовано взаимодействие 5-арил-3-хлорметилизоксазолов фталимидом калия. Показано, что эта реакция в сочетании с последующим превращением полученных фталимидов во фталазиновые соли и гидролизом последних может быть использована для получения 3-(аминометил)-5-арилизоксазолов с высокими выходами

    Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of ethyl (4R,4aS)-2-methyl-5,8-dioxo-6-phenyl-4a,5,6,7,7a,8-hexahydro-4H-furo[2,3-f]isoindole-4-carboxylate

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    In the title compound, C20H19NO5, the central six-membered ring has a slightly distorted half-chair conformation, with puckering parameters of Q T = 0.3387(11)Å, θ = 49.11(19)° and φ = 167.3(2)°. The conformation of the fused pyrrolidine ring is that of an envelope. Molecules are connected by intermolecular C - H⋯O hydrogen bonds, C - H⋯π interactions and π-π stacking interactions [centroid-to-centroid distance = 3.9536(11)Å, with a slippage of 2.047Å], forming a three-dimensional network. The most important contributions to the surface contacts are from H⋯H (46.3%), O⋯H/H⋯O (31.5%) and C⋯H/H⋯C (17.3%) interactions, as concluded from a Hirshfeld surface analysis. © 2021

    Features of oxa-bridge cleavage in hexahydro-3a,6-epoxyisoindol-1(4H)-ones: A concise method to access acetylisoindolones possessing anti-viral activity

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    Unusual stereo- and regioselective methods for epoxy-bridge cleavage in perhydro-3a,6-epoxyisoindolones, under the action of the BF3·Et2O/Ac2O system, were discovered. The reaction pathway strongly depends on the characteristics of the isoindolone ring substituents and allows the synthesis of a wide diversity of isoindole-containing heterocycles. The obtained isoindolinones belong to a new class of anti-viral agents possessing a high activity against influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) in in vitro experiments. © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 4,5-dibromo-6-methyl-2-phenyl-2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,7a-octahydro-3a,6-epoxy-1H-isoindol-1-one

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    In the title compound, C15H15Br2NO2, two bridged tetrahydrofuran rings adopt envelope conformations with the O atom as the flap. The pyrrolidine ring also adopts an envelope conformation with the spiro C atom as the flap. In the crystal, the molecules are linked into dimers by pairs of C - H⋯O hydrogen bonds, thus generating R22(18) rings. The crystal packing is dominated by H⋯H, Br⋯H, H⋯π and Br⋯π interactions. One of the Br atoms is disordered over two sites with occupation ratio of 0.833 (8):0.167 (8). © 2021