52 research outputs found

    Wormholes supported by chiral fields

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    We consider static, spherically symmetric solutions of general relativity with a nonlinear sigma model (NSM) as a source, i.e., a set of scalar fields Φ=(Φ1,...,Φn)\Phi = (\Phi^1,...,\Phi^n) (so-called chiral fields) parametrizing a target space with a metric hab(Φ)h_{ab}(\Phi). For NSM with zero potential V(Φ)V(\Phi), it is shown that the space-time geometry is the same as with a single scalar field but depends on habh_{ab}. If the matrix habh_{ab} is positive-definite, we obtain the Fisher metric, originally found for a canonical scalar field with positive kinetic energy; otherwise we obtain metrics corresponding to a phantom scalar field, including singular and nonsingular horizons (of infinite area) and wormholes. In particular, the Schwarzschild metric can correspond to a nontrivial chiral field configuration, which in this case has zero stress-energy. Some explicit examples of chiral field configurations are considered. Some qualitative properties of NSM configurations with nonzero potentials are pointed out.Comment: 5 two-column pages, to appear in Grav. Cosmo

    Kinetic Scalar Curvature Extended f(R)f(R) Gravity

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    In this work we study a modified version of vacuum f(R)f(R) gravity with a kinetic term which consists of the first derivatives of the Ricci scalar. We develop the general formalism of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity and we emphasize on cosmological applications for a spatially flat cosmological background. By using the formalism of this theory, we investigate how it is possible to realize various cosmological scenarios. Also we demonstrate that this theoretical framework can be treated as a reconstruction method, in the context of which it is possible to realize various exotic cosmologies for ordinary Einstein-Hilbert action. Finally, we derive the scalar-tensor counterpart theory of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity, and we show the mathematical equivalence of the two theories.Comment: NPB Accepte
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