178 research outputs found

    A Simple Passive Scalar Advection-Diffusion Model

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    This paper presents a simple, one-dimensional model of a randomly advected passive scalar. The model exhibits anomalous inertial range scaling for the structure functions constructed from scalar differences. The model provides a simple computational test for recent ideas regarding closure and scaling for randomly advected passive scalars. Results suggest that high order structure function scaling depends on the largest velocity eddy size, and hence scaling exponents may be geometry-dependent and non-universal.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Loop series for discrete statistical models on graphs

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    In this paper we present derivation details, logic, and motivation for the loop calculus introduced in \cite{06CCa}. Generating functions for three inter-related discrete statistical models are each expressed in terms of a finite series. The first term in the series corresponds to the Bethe-Peierls (Belief Propagation)-BP contribution, the other terms are labeled by loops on the factor graph. All loop contributions are simple rational functions of spin correlation functions calculated within the BP approach. We discuss two alternative derivations of the loop series. One approach implements a set of local auxiliary integrations over continuous fields with the BP contribution corresponding to an integrand saddle-point value. The integrals are replaced by sums in the complimentary approach, briefly explained in \cite{06CCa}. A local gauge symmetry transformation that clarifies an important invariant feature of the BP solution, is revealed in both approaches. The partition function remains invariant while individual terms change under the gauge transformation. The requirement for all individual terms to be non-zero only for closed loops in the factor graph (as opposed to paths with loose ends) is equivalent to fixing the first term in the series to be exactly equal to the BP contribution. Further applications of the loop calculus to problems in statistical physics, computer and information sciences are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Fermions and Loops on Graphs. I. Loop Calculus for Determinant

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    This paper is the first in the series devoted to evaluation of the partition function in statistical models on graphs with loops in terms of the Berezin/fermion integrals. The paper focuses on a representation of the determinant of a square matrix in terms of a finite series, where each term corresponds to a loop on the graph. The representation is based on a fermion version of the Loop Calculus, previously introduced by the authors for graphical models with finite alphabets. Our construction contains two levels. First, we represent the determinant in terms of an integral over anti-commuting Grassman variables, with some reparametrization/gauge freedom hidden in the formulation. Second, we show that a special choice of the gauge, called BP (Bethe-Peierls or Belief Propagation) gauge, yields the desired loop representation. The set of gauge-fixing BP conditions is equivalent to the Gaussian BP equations, discussed in the past as efficient (linear scaling) heuristics for estimating the covariance of a sparse positive matrix.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; misprints correcte

    Fermions and Loops on Graphs. II. Monomer-Dimer Model as Series of Determinants

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    We continue the discussion of the fermion models on graphs that started in the first paper of the series. Here we introduce a Graphical Gauge Model (GGM) and show that : (a) it can be stated as an average/sum of a determinant defined on the graph over Z2\mathbb{Z}_{2} (binary) gauge field; (b) it is equivalent to the Monomer-Dimer (MD) model on the graph; (c) the partition function of the model allows an explicit expression in terms of a series over disjoint directed cycles, where each term is a product of local contributions along the cycle and the determinant of a matrix defined on the remainder of the graph (excluding the cycle). We also establish a relation between the MD model on the graph and the determinant series, discussed in the first paper, however, considered using simple non-Belief-Propagation choice of the gauge. We conclude with a discussion of possible analytic and algorithmic consequences of these results, as well as related questions and challenges.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; misprints correcte

    Shell Model for Time-correlated Random Advection of Passive Scalars

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    We study a minimal shell model for the advection of a passive scalar by a Gaussian time correlated velocity field. The anomalous scaling properties of the white noise limit are studied analytically. The effect of the time correlations are investigated using perturbation theory around the white noise limit and non-perturbatively by numerical integration. The time correlation of the velocity field is seen to enhance the intermittency of the passive scalar.Comment: Replaced with final version + updated figure

    Renormalization group and anomalous scaling in a simple model of passive scalar advection in compressible flow

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    Field theoretical renormalization group methods are applied to a simple model of a passive scalar quantity advected by the Gaussian non-solenoidal (``compressible'') velocity field with the covariance δ(tt)xxϵ\propto\delta(t-t')| x-x'|^{\epsilon}. Convective range anomalous scaling for the structure functions and various pair correlators is established, and the corresponding anomalous exponents are calculated to the order ϵ2\epsilon^2 of the ϵ\epsilon expansion. These exponents are non-universal, as a result of the degeneracy of the RG fixed point. In contrast to the case of a purely solenoidal velocity field (Obukhov--Kraichnan model), the correlation functions in the case at hand exhibit nontrivial dependence on both the IR and UV characteristic scales, and the anomalous scaling appears already at the level of the pair correlator. The powers of the scalar field without derivatives, whose critical dimensions determine the anomalous exponents, exhibit multifractal behaviour. The exact solution for the pair correlator is obtained; it is in agreement with the result obtained within the ϵ\epsilon expansion. The anomalous exponents for passively advected magnetic fields are also presented in the first order of the ϵ\epsilon expansion.Comment: 31 pages, REVTEX file. More detailed discussion of the one-dimensional case and comparison to the previous paper [20] are given; references updated. Results and formulas unchange

    Planar Graphical Models which are Easy

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    We describe a rich family of binary variables statistical mechanics models on a given planar graph which are equivalent to Gaussian Grassmann Graphical models (free fermions) defined on the same graph. Calculation of the partition function (weighted counting) for such a model is easy (of polynomial complexity) as reducible to evaluation of a Pfaffian of a matrix of size equal to twice the number of edges in the graph. In particular, this approach touches upon Holographic Algorithms of Valiant and utilizes the Gauge Transformations discussed in our previous works.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; misprints correcte

    Magnetic field correlations in a random flow with strong steady shear

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    We analyze magnetic kinematic dynamo in a conducting fluid where the stationary shear flow is accompanied by relatively weak random velocity fluctuations. The diffusionless and diffusion regimes are described. The growth rates of the magnetic field moments are related to the statistical characteristics of the flow describing divergence of the Lagrangian trajectories. The magnetic field correlation functions are examined, we establish their growth rates and scaling behavior. General assertions are illustrated by explicit solution of the model where the velocity field is short-correlated in time

    Belief Propagation and Loop Series on Planar Graphs

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    We discuss a generic model of Bayesian inference with binary variables defined on edges of a planar graph. The Loop Calculus approach of [1, 2] is used to evaluate the resulting series expansion for the partition function. We show that, for planar graphs, truncating the series at single-connected loops reduces, via a map reminiscent of the Fisher transformation [3], to evaluating the partition function of the dimer matching model on an auxiliary planar graph. Thus, the truncated series can be easily re-summed, using the Pfaffian formula of Kasteleyn [4]. This allows to identify a big class of computationally tractable planar models reducible to a dimer model via the Belief Propagation (gauge) transformation. The Pfaffian representation can also be extended to the full Loop Series, in which case the expansion becomes a sum of Pfaffian contributions, each associated with dimer matchings on an extension to a subgraph of the original graph. Algorithmic consequences of the Pfaffian representation, as well as relations to quantum and non-planar models, are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: theory and experimen

    Ising spin glass models versus Ising models: an effective mapping at high temperature III. Rigorous formulation and detailed proof for general graphs

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    Recently, it has been shown that, when the dimension of a graph turns out to be infinite dimensional in a broad sense, the upper critical surface and the corresponding critical behavior of an arbitrary Ising spin glass model defined over such a graph, can be exactly mapped on the critical surface and behavior of a non random Ising model. A graph can be infinite dimensional in a strict sense, like the fully connected graph, or in a broad sense, as happens on a Bethe lattice and in many random graphs. In this paper, we firstly introduce our definition of dimensionality which is compared to the standard definition and readily applied to test the infinite dimensionality of a large class of graphs which, remarkably enough, includes even graphs where the tree-like approximation (or, in other words, the Bethe-Peierls approach), in general, may be wrong. Then, we derive a detailed proof of the mapping for all the graphs satisfying this condition. As a byproduct, the mapping provides immediately a very general Nishimori law.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, made statements in Sec. 10 cleare