592 research outputs found

    Electric Two-Wheelers in China: Analysis ofEnvironmental, Safety, and Mobility Impacts

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    Electric powered two-wheel bicycles, while extremely popular in China, have been recently banned by policy makers due to safety, congestion, and environmental concerns. This study investigates the tremendous growth of electric two wheel bicycles in China and compares and quantifies their environmental and safety impacts with the impacts of alternative modes of transportation, such as traditional bicycles, public transportation, or personal cars. The research also analyzes the benefits of electric two wheel bicycles, such as increased mobility and access to opportunities. Additionally, the author looks at the impacts of prohibiting the use of electric bicycles. Two case studies are carried out in Kunming and Shanghai, cities that have similar electric bicycle use but with very distinct differences

    Riding an e-scooter at nighttime is more dangerous than at daytime

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    With rapidly increasing e-scooter usage in the United States [1], a growing number of studies aim to understand the safety aspect of these emerging modes. The existing literature has a limited understanding of time-of-day and seasonal patterns of e-scooter crashes. While many e-scooter safety policies are based on the number of crashes [2, 3], accounting for exposure provides a measure of risk to inform effective preventive strategies [4]. This study focuses on motor-vehicle involved crashes since they constitute the most severe and fatal injuries. We compared daytime and nighttime motor-vehicle involved e-scooter crashes and combined them with micromobility trip data to generate exposure variables and estimate crash risk. The key research question of this paper is as follows: 1. Are crashes or crash rates disproportionately higher at night than in the day? [From: Introduction

    Designing and Operating Safe and Secure Transit Systems: Assessing Current Practices in the United States and Abroad, MTI Report 04-05

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    Public transit systems around the world have for decades served as a principal venue for terrorist acts. Today, transit security is widely viewed as an important public policy issue and is a high priority at most large transit systems and at smaller systems operating in large metropolitan areas. Research on transit security in the United States has mushroomed since 9/11; this study is part of that new wave of research. This study contributes to our understanding of transit security by (1) reviewing and synthesizing nearly all previously published research on transit terrorism; (2) conducting detailed case studies of transit systems in London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C.; (3) interviewing federal officials here in the United States responsible for overseeing transit security and transit industry representatives both here and abroad to learn about efforts to coordinate and finance transit security planning; and (4) surveying 113 of the largest transit operators in the United States. Our major findings include: (1) the threat of transit terrorism is probably not universal—most major attacks in the developed world have been on the largest systems in the largest cities; (2) this asymmetry of risk does not square with fiscal politics that seek to spread security funding among many jurisdictions; (3) transit managers are struggling to balance the costs and (uncertain) benefits of increased security against the costs and (certain) benefits of attracting passengers; (4) coordination and cooperation between security and transit agencies is improving, but far from complete; (5) enlisting passengers in surveillance has benefits, but fearful passengers may stop using public transit; (6) the role of crime prevention through environmental design in security planning is waxing; and (7) given the uncertain effectiveness of antitransit terrorism efforts, the most tangible benefits of increased attention to and spending on transit security may be a reduction in transit-related person and property crimes

    Health hazards of China’s lead-acid battery industry: a review of its market drivers, production processes, and health impacts

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    Despite China’s leaded gasoline phase out in 2000, the continued high rates of lead poisoning found in children’s blood lead levels reflect the need for identifying and controlling other sources of lead pollution. From 2001 to 2007, 24% of children in China studied (N = 94,778) were lead poisoned with levels exceeding 100 μg/L. These levels stand well above the global average of 16%. These trends reveal that China still faces significant public health challenges, with millions of children currently at risk of lead poisoning. The unprecedented growth of China’s lead-acid battery industry from the electric bike, automotive, and photovoltaic industries may explain these persistently high levels, as China remains the world’s leading producer, refiner, and consumer of both lead and lead-acid batteries. This review assesses the role of China’s rising lead-acid battery industry on lead pollution and exposure. It starts with a synthesis of biological mechanisms of lead exposure followed by an analysis of the key technologies driving the rapid growth of this industry. It then details the four main stages of lead battery production, explaining how each stage results in significant lead loss and pollution. A province-level accounting of each of these industrial operations is also included. Next, reviews of the literature describe how this industry may have contributed to mass lead poisonings throughout China. Finally, the paper closes with a discussion of new policies that address the lead-acid battery industry and identifies policy frameworks to mitigate exposure. This paper is the first to integrate the market factors, production processes, and health impacts of China’s growing lead-acid battery industry to illustrate its vast public health consequences. The implications of this review are two-fold: it validates calls for a nationwide assessment of lead exposure pathways and levels in China as well as for a more comprehensive investigation into the health impacts of the lead-acid battery industry. The continuous growth of this industry signals the urgent need for effective regulatory action to protect the health and lives of China’s future generations

    Situating Male Fertility: A Demographic Analysis of Male and Female Fertility in the United States

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    In this dissertation I investigate whether or not a series of social, demographic, and cultural factors affect fertility differently, in either direction or magnitude, for men and women. This work situates the study of male fertility within the existing demographic literature, models and compares male and female fertility through the use of a variety of dependent and independent variables, discovers which of those variables reveal a difference between the determinants of male and female fertility, and extends understanding of how male fertility should be studied in addition to and alongside female fertility. Although there is a significant literature on the biological and anatomic components of male fertility, there is little work published on the social and cultural factors that affect male fertility. Comparisons of male and female fertility are also lacking within the discipline of demography. The National Survey of Family Growth (Cycle 7) provides survey data on both men and women on a number of social, cultural, and demographic variables used either on their own, or as components in the construction of indicator variables. I present the results of models utilizing both direct and indirect measures of fertility. Three models are direct measures of fertility, and three other indirect models examine behaviors as a measure of exposure to the risk of fertility. Only four of these models were significant under the initial analysis. Within each of the models, the respondent’s age, poverty level, age at first intercourse, and whether the respondent ever married or cohabited presented the most frequent differences, in either direction, magnitude, or both, between males and females. I discuss the implications of the findings presented in the dissertation, as well as the potential for future research using other data or methods

    Cultural Inheritance and Fertility Outcomes: An Analysis from Evolutionary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

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    Taking evolutionary and interdisciplinary perspectives, this study views the reproductive result as an evolutionary outcome that may be affected by parental characteristics through cultural inheritance. We hypothesize that inheriting more cultural traits from parents leads to a greater resemblance between fertility outcomes of the offspring and their parents. In societies that experience a demographic transition, a greater resemblance can be indicated by a higher level of fertility of the offspring and a sooner transition from union formation to childbearing. We operationalize inheriting cultural traits from parents as reporting a religious affiliation the same as those of their parents. Through analyzing data from the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) Cycle 6, our results show that inheriting the same religious traits from parents does have an effect on one’s fertility. In particular, women who reported the same religious affiliations as those of their parents reported a greater number of children. They tend to have births inside, rather than outside, of marriage. Inside marriage, they are also more likely to give births sooner, rather than later. These findings support our hypotheses and help to build a theoretical framework that explains the changes in fertility outcomes from an interdisciplinary perspective

    Differences of Cycling Experiences and Perceptions between E-Bike and Bicycle Users in the United States

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    E-bikes are bicycles that provide pedal-assistance to aid people in cycling. Because of the potential of promoting sustainable transportation, more attention has been focused on the e-bike market. This paper investigates the differences of the cycling experience and perceptions between e-bike and conventional bicycle users, using samples drawn from independent bicycle dealer customers. A total of 806 respondents in the United States took the on-line survey, including 363 e-bike-owning respondents. The results show that e-bikes play a more important role in utilitarian travel, such as commuting and running errands, compared to a conventional bicycle. Conventional bicycle-owning respondents use their bicycles more for recreation and exercise. Also, e-bike owners tend to bike longer distances and take more trips per week. Both e-bike respondents and bicycle respondents stated that improved health was a key factor for cycling, while Millennials and Generation X respondents cycle to save time and improve the environment. Finally, an ordered logit model is proposed for evaluating factors that influence interest in future e-bike ownership. Travel purpose, e-bike familiarity, annual household income, and education level are statistically significant factors in the model. These findings begin to provide insight and a profile of potential new markets for e-bikes in the United States

    Factors influencing the choice of shared bicycles and shared electric bikes in Beijing

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    AbstractChina leads the world in both public bikeshare and private electric bike (e-bike) growth. Current trajectories indicate the viability of deploying large-scale shared e-bike (e-bikeshare) systems in China. We employ a stated preference survey and multinomial logit to model the factors influencing the choice to switch from an existing transportation mode to bikeshare or e-bikeshare in Beijing. Demand is influenced by distinct sets of factors: the bikeshare choice is most sensitive to measures of effort and comfort while the e-bikeshare choice is more sensitive to user heterogeneities. Bikeshare demand is strongly negatively impacted by trip distance, temperature, precipitation, and poor air quality. User demographics however do not factor strongly on the bikeshare choice, indicating the mode will draw users from across the social spectrum. The e-bikeshare choice is much more tolerant of trip distance, high temperatures and poor air quality, though precipitation is also a highly negative factor. User demographics do play a significant role in e-bikeshare demand. Analysis of impact to the existing transportation system finds that both bikeshare and e-bikeshare will tend to draw users away from the “unsheltered modes”, walk, bike, and e-bike. Although it is unclear if shared bikes are an attractive “first-and-last-mile solution”, it is clear that e-bikeshare is attractive as a bus replacement

    Not gendered...but different from each other? A structural equation model for explaining risky road behaviors of female and male pedestrians.

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    As alternative transportation is getting more and more fashionable, and more people worldwide are 'shifting' to walking trips, even for their daily commuting, traffic crashes suffered by pedestrians are still a great concern for road safety and public health researchers and practitioners. In this regard, risky or 'aberrant' road behaviors have emerged, during the last few years, as a key issue to be considered for crash prevention. Nevertheless, the idea of a 'generic pedestrian' is getting re-evaluated, and analyzing key features, such as gender, seems to be crucial for understanding pedestrians' performance and safety outcomes. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the effect of gender on pedestrians' both deliberate (traffic violations) and undeliberate (errors) risky walking behaviors, considering a set of theoretically based demographic and psychosocial variables as their potential predictors. Method: For this cross-sectional study, data from 1070 Spanish pedestrians (60 % females and 40 % males, aged between 16 and 79) from the 17 regions of Spain, responding to an electronic questionnaire, were analyzed through a multi-group structural equation modeling (MGSEM) approach. Results: Although age, handheld device-interaction, and sensation-seeking seem to have a similar effect on the errors and violations reported by both genders (similarities), factors such as risk perception, educational level and the misbehaviors observed in other road users are significant predictors only in the case of male pedestrians. On the other hand, road distractions have been shown to play a significant role in females' errors and violations, while males' road distractions seem to only affect their involuntary risky behaviors. Conclusion: The findings of this study support the influence of gender in the statistical explanation of both deliberate and undeliberate walking risky road behaviors, also depicting the differential role of certain demographic and psychosocial factors when we compare male and female pedestrians

    Reconstructing Cardiac Electrical Excitations from Optical Mapping Recordings

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    The reconstruction of electrical excitation patterns through the unobserved depth of the tissue is essential to realizing the potential of computational models in cardiac medicine. We have utilized experimental optical-mapping recordings of cardiac electrical excitation on the epicardial and endocardial surfaces of a canine ventricle as observations directing a local ensemble transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) data assimilation scheme. We demonstrate that the inclusion of explicit information about the stimulation protocol can marginally improve the confidence of the ensemble reconstruction and the reliability of the assimilation over time. Likewise, we consider the efficacy of stochastic modeling additions to the assimilation scheme in the context of experimentally derived observation sets. Approximation error is addressed at both the observation and modeling stages, through the uncertainty of observations and the specification of the model used in the assimilation ensemble. We find that perturbative modifications to the observations have marginal to deleterious effects on the accuracy and robustness of the state reconstruction. Further, we find that incorporating additional information from the observations into the model itself (in the case of stimulus and stochastic currents) has a marginal improvement on the reconstruction accuracy over a fully autonomous model, while complicating the model itself and thus introducing potential for new types of model error. That the inclusion of explicit modeling information has negligible to negative effects on the reconstruction implies the need for new avenues for optimization of data assimilation schemes applied to cardiac electrical excitation.Comment: main text: 18 pages, 10 figures; supplement: 5 pages, 9 figures, 2 movie
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