136 research outputs found

    A bug eat bug world : does urbanization decrease survivorship of pollinators.

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    Human impact on the environment is responsible for the sixth mass extinction on Earth as well as rapid population declines in many taxa. Land use change, via increasing urbanization and intensity of agricultural practices, is the most important aspect of human impact on the environment, and it is associated with population decline and extinction in several taxa, but especially in pollinator species. Pollinators, which are essential for crop production, are experiencing declines as a result of the loss of habitat and host plants associated with urbanization. Urbanization negatively affects pollinators, but in the wake of lost naturalized habitat, some researchers are turning to urban native plant gardens as conservation spaces for pollinator populations. The current study examines whether urban native plant gardens have higher rates of predation on pollinator species as compared to naturalized ecosystems. To determine this, we chose 24 garden sites in Louisville, KY along an urban-suburban gradient. We placed clay caterpillar models on the plants within these gardens and as the models were attacked, we categorized the resulting damage according to predator taxon. Although amount of predation did not vary with urbanization, the proportion of damage by each predator taxon did: wasp predation rates increased with increasing urbanization, while vertebrate and spider predation rates decreased with increasing urbanization. Therefore, with proper maintenance and management, urban gardens may serve as suitable conservation space for common pollinator species


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    ABSTRACT Intelligence progresses in measurable and predictable stages and IQ tests are used to test basic intellectual functioning, such as conceptual thinking, language, and problem solving. The IQ test is used to diagnose developmental disabilities as well as learning disabilities and intellectual disabilities in schools. School aged children may be given an IQ test to determine eligibility and placement for special education services and to pinpoint specific deficits and/or strengths. Part of the strength of using IQ tests is their ability to predict specific attributes, such as academic skills and adaptive skills. However, these correlations change with the child’s age. Understanding these predictions can help eligibility determination, particularly for learning disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate these changing IQ/achievement predictions in 150 school-aged children, all of whom were referred for special educational testing. Correlations and multiple regression were used to test the hypotheses

    Fruit and Vegetable Bucks: Adams County Grocery Store Snap Incentive Program

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    Veggie Bucks provides a 50% discount on all fresh fruits and vegetables sold through Kennie’s Market produce department at the point of sale for the 5 highest cost items. The incentive period ran January - April, 2017. Intended outcomes include an increase in the number of fresh fruits and vegetables purchased by SNAP recipients at Kennie’s Market locations in Biglerville and Gettysburg by 10% in January-April 2017 compared to baseline figures obtained in 2016, and to familiarize SNAP recipients with fresh fruits and vegetables and to provide information about the ACFMA markets’ Double Dollars program. SNAP recipients were invited to sign up for the program upon showing their ID and EBT card and were provided a Kennie\u27s Frequent Shopper card if they did not have one already

    Computational Study Of Molecular Hydrogen In Zeolite Na-A. I. Potential Energy Surfaces And Thermodynamic Separation Factors For Ortho And Para Hydrogen

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    We simulate H-2 adsorbed within zeolite Na-A. We use a block Lanczos procedure to generate the first several (9) rotational eigenstates of the molecule, which is modeled as a rigid, quantum rotor with an anisotropic polarizability and quadrupole moment. The rotor interacts with Na cations and O anions; interaction parameters are chosen semiempirically and the truncation of electrostatic fields is handled with a switching function. A Monte Carlo proceedure is used to sample a set of states based on the canonical distribution. Potential energy surfaces, favorable adsorbtion sites, and distributions of barriers to rotation are analyzed. Separation factors for ortho-parahydrogen are calculated; at low temperatures, these are controlled by the ease of rotational tunneling through barriers. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics

    Learning to Swim: What Influences Success?

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    Swimming and water safety skills are important life skills, particularly in Australia, where aquatic activities are regularly enjoyed. Little research has been undertaken exploring children’s swimming and water safety skills, what level they can achieve, and what factors impact their ability to learn these skills. This study explores children aged 5-12 years who participated in the Australian Capital Territory Primary Schools Swim and Survive Program, 2009-2011. Children who were more likely to achieve higher levels were older, were female, attended private school, swam at least once a fortnight, had a swimming pool at home, or visited a public swimming pool. Those who were less likely were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, had a negative experience, and swam less than once a fortnight

    Hydrophobic and Charged Residues in the C-Terminal Arm of Hepatitis C Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Regulate Initiation and Elongation.

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    The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is essential for viral genome replication. Crystal structures of the HCV RdRp reveal two C-terminal features, a β-loop and a C-terminal arm, suitably located for involvement in positioning components of the initiation complex. Here we show that these two elements intimately regulate template and nucleotide binding, initiation, and elongation. We constructed a series of β-loop and C-terminal arm mutants, which were used for in vitro analysis of RdRp de novo initiation and primer extension activities. All mutants showed a substantial decrease in initiation activities but a marked increase in primer extension activities, indicating an ability to form more stable elongation complexes with long primer-template RNAs. Structural studies of the mutants indicated that these enzyme properties might be attributed to an increased flexibility in the C-terminal features resulting in a more open polymerase cleft, which likely favors the elongation process but hampers the initiation steps. A UTP cocrystal structure of one mutant shows, in contrast to the wild-type protein, several alternate conformations of the substrate, confirming that even subtle changes in the C-terminal arm result in a more loosely organized active site and flexible binding modes of the nucleotide. We used a subgenomic replicon system to assess the effects of the same mutations on viral replication in cells. Even the subtlest mutations either severely impaired or completely abolished the ability of the replicon to replicate, further supporting the concept that the correct positioning of both the β-loop and C-terminal arm plays an essential role during initiation and in HCV replication in general. IMPORTANCE: HCV RNA polymerase is a key target for the development of directly acting agents to cure HCV infections, which necessitates a thorough understanding of the functional roles of the various structural features of the RdRp. Here we show that even highly conservative changes, e.g., Tyr→Phe or Asp→Glu, in these seemingly peripheral structural features have profound effects on the initiation and elongation properties of the HCV polymerase

    In silico analyzes of the involvement of GPR55, CB1R and TRPV1: response to THC, contribution to temporal lobe epilepsy, structural modeling and updated evolution

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    Introduction: The endocannabinoid (eCB) system is named after the discovery that endogenous cannabinoids bind to the same receptors as the phytochemical compounds found in Cannabis. While endogenous cannabinoids include anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), exogenous phytocannabinoids include Δ-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These compounds finely tune neurotransmission following synapse activation, via retrograde signaling that activates cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) and/or transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1). Recently, the eCB system has been linked to several neurological diseases, such as neuro-ocular abnormalities, pain insensitivity, migraine, epilepsy, addiction and neurodevelopmental disorders. In the current study, we aim to: (i) highlight a potential link between the eCB system and neurological disorders, (ii) assess if THC exposure alters the expression of eCB-related genes, and (iii) identify evolutionary-conserved residues in CB1R or TRPV1 in light of their function. Methods: To address this, we used several bioinformatic approaches, such as transcriptomic (Gene Expression Omnibus), protein–protein (STRING), phylogenic (BLASTP, MEGA) and structural (Phyre2, AutoDock, Vina, PyMol) analyzes. Results: Using RNA sequencing datasets, we did not observe any dysregulation of eCB-related transcripts in major depressive disorders, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia in the anterior cingulate cortex, nucleus accumbens or dorsolateral striatum. Following in vivo THC exposure in adolescent mice, GPR55 was significantly upregulated in neurons from the ventral tegmental area, while other transcripts involved in the eCB system were not affected by THC exposure. Our results also suggest that THC likely induces neuroinflammation following in vitro application on mice microglia. Significant downregulation of TPRV1 occurred in the hippocampi of mice in which a model of temporal lobe epilepsy was induced, confirming previous observations. In addition, several transcriptomic dysregulations were observed in neurons of both epileptic mice and humans, which included transcripts involved in neuronal death. When scanning known interactions for transcripts involved in the eCB system (n = 13), we observed branching between the eCB system and neurophysiology, including proteins involved in the dopaminergic system. Our protein phylogenic analyzes revealed that CB1R forms a clade with CB2R, which is distinct from related paralogues such as sphingosine-1-phosphate, receptors, lysophosphatidic acid receptors and melanocortin receptors. As expected, several conserved residues were identified, which are crucial for CB1R receptor function. The anandamide-binding pocket seems to have appeared later in evolution. Similar results were observed for TRPV1, with conserved residues involved in receptor activation. Conclusion: The current study found that GPR55 is upregulated in neurons following THC exposure, while TRPV1 is downregulated in temporal lobe epilepsy. Caution is advised when interpreting the present results, as we have employed secondary analyzes. Common ancestors for CB1R and TRPV1 diverged from jawless vertebrates during the late Ordovician, 450 million years ago. Conserved residues are identified, which mediate crucial receptor functions

    Knowledge, practices, compliance and beliefs of university nursing students’ toward hand hygiene: A cross-sectional survey

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    Nursing students can contribute to healthcareassociated infections if having inadequate knowledge and noncompliance of hand hygiene. Effective hand hygiene is considered the most effective measure for preventing healthcare-associated infections. This study investigated the knowledge, practices, compliance, and beliefs of university nursing students toward hand hygiene. By using a well-validated, self-report hand hygiene questionnaire, a cross-sectional survey was performed. In the convenience sampling, 421 out of 506 questionnaires were returned (83.2%). There were 169 (40.14%), 170 (40.38%) and 82 (19.48%) nursing students from Years 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The respondents’ overall mean score for hand hygiene knowledge was 7.33/10 (SD = 1.52) with an increasing trend of knowledge performance along study year was observed. The hand hygiene practice inventory was 4.76/5 (SD = 0.303). The mean scores for respondents from Years 1, 2 and 3 were 4.75 (SD = 0.367), 4.82 (SD = 0.20) and 4.69 (SD = 0.290), respectively. The self-reported hand hygiene compliance rate was 88.17% (SD = 11.922) and the mean score on the health beliefs scale was 4.03/5 (SD = 0.34). The university nursing students demonstrated moderate knowledge, good practices, a high compliance rate and positive beliefs toward hand hygiene. More effort on educating healthcare professionals about alcohol-based hand rubs and the promotion of hand cream usage to prevent hand-hygiene-induced skin irritations are suggested. Regular training workshops or seminars could be arranged to maintain knowledge levels and cultivate a positive attitude toward hand hygiene

    Single-molecule live-cell imaging reveals RecB-dependent function of DNA polymerase IV in double strand break repair

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research. Several functions have been proposed for the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase IV (pol IV). Although much research has focused on a potential role for pol IV in assisting pol III replisomes in the bypass of lesions, pol IV is rarely found at the replication fork in vivo. Pol IV is expressed at increased levels in E. coli cells exposed to exogenous DNA damaging agents, including many commonly used antibiotics. Here we present live-cell single-molecule microscopy measurements indicating that double-strand breaks induced by antibiotics strongly stimulate pol IV activity. Exposure to the antibiotics ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim leads to the formation of double strand breaks in E. coli cells. RecA and pol IV foci increase after treatment and exhibit strong colocalization. The induction of the SOS response, the appearance of RecA foci, the appearance of pol IV foci and RecA-pol IV colocalization are all dependent on RecB function. The positioning of pol IV foci likely reflects a physical interaction with the RecA* nucleoprotein filaments that has been detected previously in vitro. Our observations provide an in vivo substantiation of a direct role for pol IV in double strand break repair in cells treated with double strand break-inducing antibiotics
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