10 research outputs found

    Study of the Working Parameters of the Enzyme Protepsin and Its Effect on The Microstructure of Second-Grade Beef

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    "Protepsin" is an enzyme preparation of animal nature containing a complex of acid proteinases, intended for use in the meat industry for processing meat raw materials. The enzyme composition of the preparation is balanced according to the degree of exposure to various proteins of meat and meat systems used in the technology of obtaining meat products. "Protepsin" works in the meat system similarly to intracellular enzymes (cathepsins). It is their synergist and has additional qualities that allow it to act in a wider range of technological parameters, as well as to influence those protein systems on which intracellular enzymes do not act or have an effect to an insignificant extent [1]. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that semismoked sausage products are in particular demand among the population. Cost reduction while maintaining their quality in a competitive environment is a time requirement. Therefore, the use of the enzyme is one of the promising directions in the field of meat processing [1]. The aim of the work is to study the working parameters of the enzyme "Protepsin" and its effect on the microstructure of second-grade beef. Histological changes characterize the positive effect of the enzyme on the development of meat quality indicators. In this regard, the processing of meat raw materials with "Protepsin" leads to a significant reduction in the duration of maturation of meat, which makes it possible to achieve the necessary changes in a shorter time compared with the natural way of autolysis

    An Antimicrobial Copper–Plastic Composite Coating: Characterization and In Situ Study in a Hospital Environment

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    A method has been proposed for creating an operationally durable copper coating with antimicrobial properties for the buttons of electrical switches based on the gas dynamic spray deposition of copper on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic. It is shown that during the coating process, a polymer film is formed on top of the copper layer. Comparative in situ studies of microbial contamination have shown that the copper-coated buttons have a significant antimicrobial effect compared to standard buttons. Analysis of swabs over a 22-week study in a hospital environment showed that the frequency of contamination for a copper-coated button with various microorganisms was 2.7 times lower than that of a control button. The presented results allow us to consider the developed copper coating for plastic switches an effective alternative method in the fight against healthcare-associated infections

    RBE of "Prometeus" Facility Protons for Irradiation of Tumor Cells in Vitro with One and Three Fields

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    The study was aimed to the biological effectiveness of the proton scanning beam of the first Russian medical facility. The clonogenic assay of B-16 tumor cells was used as a test system. Cell irradiation was carried out in a suspension condition in a water phantom. Single and three-field exposures were studied. The dose interval was 2-8 Gy. The energy range from 47.5 to 92.0 MeV was used for the Bragg peak formation. The relative biological effectiveness of protons comparing to gamma-rays was 1.2 for single-field and 1.5 for three-field irradiation. The results obtained agree with literature data related to the used cell culture (B-16) and linear energy transfer range (3÷8 keV/µm)

    Reliability analysis for radiographic measures of lumbar lordosis in adult scoliosis: a case–control study comparing 6 methods

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    Several methods are used to measure lumbar lordosis. In adult scoliosis patients, the measurement is difficult due to degenerative changes in the vertebral endplate as well as the coronal and sagittal deformity. We did the observational study with three examiners to determine the reliability of six methods for measuring the global lumbar lordosis in adult scoliosis patients. Ninety lateral lumbar radiographs were collected for the study. The radiographs were divided into normal (Cobb < 10°), low-grade (Cobb 10°–19°), high-grade (Cobb  ≥ 20°) group to determine the reliability of Cobb L1–S1, Cobb L1–L5, centroid, posterior tangent L1–S1, posterior tangent L1–L5 and TRALL method in adult scoliosis. The 90 lateral radiographs were measured twice by each of the three examiners using the six measurement methods. The data was analyzed to determine the inter- and intra-observer reliability. In general, for the six radiographic methods, the inter- and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) were all ≥0.82. A comparison of the ICCs and 95% CI for the inter- and intra-observer reliability between the groups with varying degrees of scoliosis showed that, the reliability of the lordosis measurement decreased with increasing severity of scoliosis. In Cobb L1–S1, centroid and posterior tangent L1–S1 methods, the ICCs were relatively lower in the high-grade scoliosis group (≥0.60). And, the mean absolute difference (MAD) in these methods was high in the high-grade scoliosis group (≤7.17°). However, in the Cobb L1–L5 and posterior tangent L1–L5 method, the ICCs were ≥0.86 in all groups. And, in the TRALL method, the ICCs were ≥0.76 in all groups. In addition, in the Cobb L1–L5 and posterior tangent L1–L5 method, the MAD was ≤3.63°. And, in the TRALL method, the MAD was ≤3.84° in all groups. We concluded that the Cobb L1–L5 and the posterior tangent L1–L5 methods are reliable methods for measuring the global lumbar lordosis in adult scoliosis. And the TRALL method is more reliable method than other methods which include the L5–S1 joint in lordosis measurement

    Применение препаратов половых стероидов у женщин во время пандемии COVID-19

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    Документ одобрен на расширенном заседании Ассоциации гинекологов-эндокринологов Украины с привлечением всех членов правления и представителей Ассоциации акушеров-гинекологов Украины, Ассоциации фармакологов Украины, Ассоциации анестезиологов Украины, а также на Третьей Украинской школе гинекологической и репродуктивной эндокринологии с международным участием ISGE 19–20.03.21. Пандемия COVID-19 существенно повлияла на медицинскую практику в организационном и клиническом аспектах, поставив перед специалистами ряд сложных и противоречивых задач. Данный документ представляет собой результат систематизации имеющихся по состоянию на март 2021 г. научных данных и рекомендаций международных медицинских и профильных профессиональных обществ по спорным клиническим вопросам в гинекологической практике, обусловленных пандемией COVID-19, а также отдельных вопросов безопасности и целесообразности применения гормональных средств. Привлечение в рабочую группу экспертов от профессиональных ассоциаций акушерско-гинекологического направления, фармакологии, анестезиологии, сосудистой хирургии и флебологии позволило сформулировать клинически обоснованные положения позиции. Позиция включает три тематических раздела: «К вопросу применения эстрогеносодержащих комбинированных гормональных контрацептивов (КГК) во время пандемии COVID-19»; «К вопросу применения менопаузальной гормональной терапии (МГТ) во время пандемии COVID-19»; «К вопросу незарегистрированных рецептурных биоидентичных гормональных препаратов». В начале каждого тематического раздела представлены основные заключения согласованной позиции профессиональных медицинских ассоциаций. По имеющимся на март 2021 г. данным, нет оснований ограничивать применение КГК или МГТ у здоровых женщин (которые сейчас не болеют COVID-19). Вопрос о прекращении или продолжении применения КГК либо МГТ или перехода на другие формы женщинами, которые болеют COVID-19, должен решаться в зависимости от степени тяжести заболевания, общей совокупности факторов риска тромбоэмболических осложнений и других индивидуальных особенностей клинической ситуации. Дальнейшие исследования позволят сформировать более подробные алгоритмы. Врачам необходимо проявлять бдительность в отношении безопасности терапии незарегистрированными рецептурными гормональными средствами (compounded Bioidentical Hormonal Therapy, сВHT) в любой лекарственной форме (включая пеллеты), особенно в период пандемии COVID-19, учитывая неисследованные системные эффекты и, соответственно, возможные риски. Следует отдавать предпочтение официально зарегистрированным лекарственным препаратам с хорошо изученными профилем безопасности и клиническими эффектами, применение которых разрешено по рецепту врача и поддерживается клиническими протоколами и рекомендациями.The document was approved at an expanded meeting of the Ukrainian Society of Gynecological Endocrinology with the involvement of all board members and representatives of the Association of Obstetricians-Gynecologists of Ukraine, the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine, the Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine, as well during the Third Ukrainian School of Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology with international participation ISGE 19–20.03.21. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted medical practice, in terms of organizational and clinical practices, posing a number of complex and contradictory challenges for professionals. This document is the result of the systematization of scientific data available by March 2021 and recommendations of international medical and specialized professional societies on controversial clinical issues in gynecological practice caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as certain issues of safety and ratio of using hormonal drugs. The involvement of experts from professional associations of the obstetric and gynecological field, pharmacology, anesthesiology and vascular surgery and phlebology in the working group made it possible to formulate clinically justified provisions of the position. The position includes three thematic sections: “On the use of estrogen-containing combined hormonal contraceptives (CHC) during the COVID-19 pandemic”; “On the use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) during the COVID-19 pandemic”; “On the issue of unregistered compounded bioidentical hormones”. At the beginning of each thematic section, the main conclusions of the consensus position of professional medical associations are presented. According to the data available by March 2021, there is no reason to limit the use of CHC or MHT in healthy women (currently not having COVID-19). The question of CHC or MHT discontinuing or switching to other forms by women with COVID-19 should be decided depending on the severity of the disease, the total set of risk factors for thromboembolic complications and other individual characteristics of the clinical situation. Further research will provide elaboration of more detailed algorithms. Physicians need to be vigilant about the safety of compounded Bioidentical Hormonal Therapy (cBHT) in any dosage form (including pellets), especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, given the unexplored systemic effects and therefore the potential risks. Preference should be given to officially licensed medicinal products with a well-studied safety profile and clinical effects, the use of which is authorized by doctor's prescription and supported by clinical protocols and guidelines

    Bibliography of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae)

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