659 research outputs found

    The Cosmological Constant and Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors

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    Interferometric gravitational wave detectors could measure the frequency sweep of a binary inspiral [characterized by its chirp mass] to high accuracy. The observed chirp mass is the intrinsic chirp mass of the binary source multiplied by (1+z)(1+z), where zz is the redshift of the source. Assuming a non-zero cosmological constant, we compute the expected redshift distribution of observed events for an advanced LIGO detector. We find that the redshift distribution has a robust and sizable dependence on the cosmological constant; the data from advanced LIGO detectors could provide an independent measurement of the cosmological constant.Comment: 13 pages plus 5 figure, LaTeX. Revised and final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On perturbations of Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction

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    We carry out the spectral analysis of matrix valued perturbations of 3-dimensional Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction. Under suitable assumptions on the magnetic field and on the pertubations, we obtain a limiting absorption principle, we prove the absence of singular continuous spectrum in certain intervals and state properties of the point spectrum. Various situations, for example when the magnetic field is constant, periodic or diverging at infinity, are covered. The importance of an internal-type operator (a 2-dimensional Dirac operator) is also revealed in our study. The proofs rely on commutator methods.Comment: 12 page

    Affine equivariant rank-weighted L-estimation of multivariate location

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    In the multivariate one-sample location model, we propose a class of flexible robust, affine-equivariant L-estimators of location, for distributions invoking affine-invariance of Mahalanobis distances of individual observations. An involved iteration process for their computation is numerically illustrated.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    Pseudospectral Calculation of the Wavefunction of Helium and the Negative Hydrogen Ion

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    We study the numerical solution of the non-relativistic Schr\"{o}dinger equation for two-electron atoms in ground and excited S-states using pseudospectral (PS) methods of calculation. The calculation achieves convergence rates for the energy, Cauchy error in the wavefunction, and variance in local energy that are exponentially fast for all practical purposes. The method requires three separate subdomains to handle the wavefunction's cusp-like behavior near the two-particle coalescences. The use of three subdomains is essential to maintaining exponential convergence. A comparison of several different treatments of the cusps and the semi-infinite domain suggest that the simplest prescription is sufficient. For many purposes it proves unnecessary to handle the logarithmic behavior near the three-particle coalescence in a special way. The PS method has many virtues: no explicit assumptions need be made about the asymptotic behavior of the wavefunction near cusps or at large distances, the local energy is exactly equal to the calculated global energy at all collocation points, local errors go down everywhere with increasing resolution, the effective basis using Chebyshev polynomials is complete and simple, and the method is easily extensible to other bound states. This study serves as a proof-of-principle of the method for more general two- and possibly three-electron applications.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables, Final refereed version - Some references added, some stylistic changes, added paragraph to matrix methods section, added last sentence to abstract

    Qualitative Properties of the Dirac Equation in a Central Potential

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    The Dirac equation for a massive spin-1/2 field in a central potential V in three dimensions is studied without fixing a priori the functional form of V. The second-order equations for the radial parts of the spinor wave function are shown to involve a squared Dirac operator for the free case, whose essential self-adjointness is proved by using the Weyl limit point-limit circle criterion, and a `perturbation' resulting from the potential. One then finds that a potential of Coulomb type in the Dirac equation leads to a potential term in the above second-order equations which is not even infinitesimally form-bounded with respect to the free operator. Moreover, the conditions ensuring essential self-adjointness of the second-order operators in the interacting case are changed with respect to the free case, i.e. they are expressed by a majorization involving the parameter in the Coulomb potential and the angular momentum quantum number. The same methods are applied to the analysis of coupled eigenvalue equations when the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron is not neglected.Comment: 22 pages, plain Tex. In the final version, a section has been added, and the presentation has been improve

    Obstruction Results in Quantization Theory

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    We define the quantization structures for Poisson algebras necessary to generalise Groenewold and Van Hove's result that there is no consistent quantization for the Poisson algebra of Euclidean phase space. Recently a similar obstruction was obtained for the sphere, though surprising enough there is no obstruction to the quantization of the torus. In this paper we want to analyze the circumstances under which such obstructions appear. In this context we review the known results for the Poisson algebras of Euclidean space, the sphere and the torus.Comment: 34 pages, Latex. To appear in J. Nonlinear Scienc

    Rigorous Real-Time Feynman Path Integral for Vector Potentials

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    we will show the existence and uniqueness of a real-time, time-sliced Feynman path integral for quantum systems with vector potential. Our formulation of the path integral will be derived on the L2L^2 transition probability amplitude via improper Riemann integrals. Our formulation will hold for vector potential Hamiltonian for which its potential and vector potential each carries at most a finite number of singularities and discontinuities

    Symplectic connections and Fedosov's quantization on supermanifolds

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    A (biased and incomplete) review of the status of the theory of symplectic connections on supermanifolds is presented. Also, some comments regarding Fedosov's technique of quantization are made.Comment: Submitted to J. of Phys. Conf. Se