66 research outputs found

    Cultural Consumption Through the Epistemologies of the South: 'Humanization' in Transnational Football Fan Solidarities

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    In 2014, Boaventura de Sousa Santos awoke the global sociological community to the need to privilege ‘humanization’ in the exploration of transnational solidarities. This article presents the cultural consumption of a football club – Liverpool FC – to understand the common ‘love’, ‘suffering’, ‘care’ and ‘knowledge’ that fans who are part of the ‘Brazil Reds’ or ‘Switzerland Reds’ (although not all fans engaged in such communities are ‘from’ Brazil or Switzerland) experience. The argument is that the global North lexicon of social class, ethnicity, gender and, especially, nationality is less significant as starting points for analysis than humanization through shared love, which consolidates Liverpool FC fans’ transnational solidarities. Accordingly, the article calls for the epistemologies of the global South to be used to understand the practices of cultural consumption that constitute activities in the sphere of everyday life, such as those involved in ‘love’ for a football club

    Avoiding philosophy as a trump-card in sociological writing. A study from the discourse of evidence-based healthcare

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    In this article I explore a situation where health sociologists encounter pure-philosophical reasoning in the fabric of social life. Accounts of the relationship between philosophy and sociology tend to be framed in abstract theory, so there is a need for practical ways to anchor philosophical reasoning in sociological writing. I consider the use of philosophies as strategic tools for socially grounded understanding, rather than rhetorical trump-cards which bypass socio-political questions. I present my understanding in two stages: first, I discuss my example topic of Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBHC), reviewing some philosophical contributions by writers in that discourse. These niche-writings I contextualise briefly in relation to other academic meetings between philosophy and sociology. Second, I offer three philosophical perspectives on the topic of EBHC, and outline their significance for understanding it sociologically. I conclude that to navigate the difficult ground where philosophy and sociology meet, sociologists can entrain pure-philosophical argumentation to the purpose of critical, socially situated understandings.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Drivers of Change or Cut-Throat Competitors? Challenging Cultures of Innovation of Chinese and Nigerian Migrant Entrepreneurs in West Africa

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    L'afflux remarquable des entrepreneurs migrants chinois dans diffĂ©rents pays d'Afrique occidentale au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© heurtĂ©e Ă  une rĂ©sistance de plus en plus farouche par des entrepreneurs locaux Ă©tablis. Que le premiers ont un avantage concurrentiel sur ce dernier en raison de traits socio-culturels distinctifs, ou si l'efficacitĂ© supposĂ©e chinoise est juste une caractĂ©ristique de toutes les diasporas mercantiles, est ouvert Ă  la question. Cette Ă©tude exploratoire des migrants entrepreneuriales chinois et nigĂ©rians au Ghana et au BĂ©nin tente de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question. Apparemment, les forces culturels des agents du changement migrants ne sont pas limitĂ©s Ă  des systĂšmes de valeurs hĂ©ritĂ©es ou religions, comme une Ă©thique protestante ou le confucianisme, mais ils sont adaptĂ©s en permanence et ont inventĂ© de nouveau par des rĂ©seaux transnationaux de la migration dans un monde globalisĂ©. Il n'y a aucune preuve d'une prĂ©tendue supĂ©rioritĂ© de la culture d’innovation chinois par rapport aux cultures d’innovation africains des migrants entrepreneuriales. PlutĂŽt, il existe une capacitĂ© accrue d'innovation d'une diaspora mercantile en gĂ©nĂ©ral vis Ă  vis des entrepreneurs locaux, indĂ©pendamment de l'origine de la culture nationale dans lequel il est intĂ©grĂ©. En outre, la rivalitĂ© des entrepreneurs migrants chinois et nigĂ©rians dans les marchĂ©s africains ne conduit pas nĂ©cessairement Ă  la concurrence coupe-gorge souvent suspectĂ©e sous l'impact de la mondialisation. Souvent, les deux groupes agissent plutĂŽt complĂ©mentaires. Cela contribue, sous certaines conditions, mĂȘme Ă  la rĂ©duction de la pauvretĂ© dans le pays d'accueil

    The sacredness of the person: A new genealogy of human rights

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    This is a review of the book Hans Joas, Georgetown University Press, Washington DC, 2013, xi+217pp., ISBN: 978-1589019690. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Contemporary Political Theory. The definitive publisher-authenticated version CHERNILO, D., 2016. Review: the sacredness of the person: a new genealogy of human rights. Contemporary Political Theory, 15 (3), e41–e44 is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/cpt.2015.4
