3 research outputs found

    Non-destructive elemental analysis of steel 30 after boron coating with modern equipment for material quality control

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    Мікрорентгенофлуоресцентний аналіз набув значного поширення як у промисловості, так і науці завдяки своїй універсальності, точності й швидкості вимірювань, а також простоті експлуатації. Метод заснований на залежності інтенсивності рентгенівської флуоресценції від концентрації елемента в зразку. При опроміненні зразка потужним потоком випромінювання рентгенівської трубки виникає характеристичне флуоресцентне випромінювання атомів, яке пропорційне їх концентрації в зразку.Micro x-ray fluorescence analysis is widespread in industry and science due to its flexibility, accuracy and measurement speed, and ease of use. The method is based on the dependence of micro X-ray fluorescence intensity of the element concentration in the sample. When irradiating the sample stream powerful X-ray tube fluorescent radiation characteristic radiation arises atoms, which is proportional to their concentration in the sampl

    Diagnostics of car wheel bearings with the use of noise-acoustic control methods

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    This paper presents a method of noise-acoustic non-destructive control during carrying out of diagnostics of bearings of mats rolling in car wheels. The proposed non-destructive method of control provides an opportunity to check the efficiency of the selected lubricant, thereby increasing the life and performance of the bearings. A laboratory installation for the diagnosis of roller bearings has been created, which allows to obtain their acoustic parameters depending on the load of the bearing unit, the time of application, and application of different types of lubricants in bearings. The theoretical and practical contribution of this proposition is that the mathematical model developed by the authors is aimed at determining the degree of wear of bearing shafts, which allows to predict their possible work life based on the received noise-acoustic parameters