9 research outputs found

    Повышение качества управления частными корпоративными структурами на различных уровнях государственного управления и менеджмента

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    The article is devoted to the problems of the formation of a new system of public administration, since the previous model does not meet public requirements due to the isolation of the authorities from many real problems. The authors show that the traditional model of public administration is experiencing a crisis of legitimacy at all levels, as evidenced by the decline in public confidence in the government. Simultaneously, the authors focus on the analysis of the process of reforming the institution of public service. The authors conduct a detailed analysis of the practice of corporate relations in order to better understand the relationships that develop within the company's management bodies in the process of corporate governance.  In addition, the authors clarify the content of such concepts as corporate governance and corporate governance. The authors used the method of indicative planning, so the concept of indicative planning is a priority in the situation of public-private partnership.  In this regard, we differentiate the volume of early and late indicators. We believe that the effectiveness of business processes depends on their logistics in various areas: financial, personnel, customer, etc. public-private partnership functions as an integrated Corporation that interacts with many partners.Статья посвящена проблемам формирования новой системы государственного управления, поскольку прежняя модель не отвечает общественным требованиям из-за изоляции власти от многих реальных проблем. Авторы показывают, что традиционная модель государственного управления переживает кризис легитимности на всех уровнях, о чем свидетельствует снижение степени доверия населения к власти. Одномоментно авторы делают упор на анализ процесса реформирования института государственной службы. Авторы проводят детальный анализ практики корпоративных отношений для того чтобы лучше понять отношения, складывающиеся внутри органов управления общества в процессе корпоративного управления. Кроме того, авторы уточняют содержание таких понятий, как корпоративное управление и корпоративное управление. Авторы использовали метод индикативного планирования, поэтому концепция индикативного планирования является приоритетной в ситуации государственно-частного партнерства.  В связи с этим авторы дифференцируют объем ранних и поздних показателей и полагают, что эффективность бизнес-процессов зависит от их логистики в различных сферах: финансовой, кадровой, клиентской и т.д. государственно-частное партнерство функционирует как интегрированная корпорация, которая взаимодействует со многими партнерами


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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate extremism as a complex inter-branch concept which complicates law enforcement practice. Methodology: This is an analytic-dialectical research whose data are obtained through the analysis of historical, legal and sociological texts and data. Main Findings: When defining extremism in the basic law of anti-extremist legislation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the phenomenon, the concept of which should be formulated, is manifested in different spheres of social and political life. In conclusion, extremism creates an ideological basis for terrorism, but the acts of terrorism go beyond the concept of extremism. Applications: This article can be used by regional schools, cultural organizations and universities. Novelty/Originality: In this study, correlation between the phenomena of terrorism and extremism has been studied on the basis of definition for terrorist act given in part 1 of article 205 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation


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    Purpose: The article is devoted to the study of egalitarian principles of medieval Czech statehood and the legal system. Methods: The authors pay special attention to the peculiarities of family self-government of the Czech communities, the institution of hazing in land law and the mechanism of reconciliation as an alternative to the death penalty. Findings: The paper proves that tribal remnants of the customary law of the ancient Czech people in the medieval era contributed to the preservation of egalitarian democratic principles of public administration and justice


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    Purpose: The article analyzes the hypotheses about the Carpathian and Azov ancestral home of the Serbian tribes and the political role of the territory of ancient Raska in the formation of medieval Serbian statehood via comparative legal and historical methods. Methodology: The methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method of cognition of social and legal phenomena and the concepts in their development and interdependence. Data was obtained from scientific, historical, and legal documents. Main Findings: The drafters of the Law sought to overcome the disparity in court proceedings and bring legal norms into a certain system, taking into account the needs of feudalism. The author comes to the conclusion that the preservation of Serbian ethnic identity influenced the restoration of statehood in the XIX century due to the spiritually and economically self-governing zadruge. Applications: This research can be used by historical organizations, educational organizations as well as by history scholars. Novelty/Originality: Serbian people and Turkish conquest has been studied using historical-legal documents

    Point of law. Comparative legal analysis of the legal status of deputies of Belgium and France with parliamentarians of the Russian Federation

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    The article deals with theoretical and legal problems of constitutional guarantees of parliamentary activity on the example of Belgium and France. The authors believe that the combination of legal guarantees with the need for legal responsibility of modern parliamentarians as representatives of the people is most harmoniously enshrined in French legislation, which is advisable to use as a model when reforming the system of people's representation of the Russian Federation.El artículo aborda los problemas teóricos y legales de las garantías constitucionales de la actividad parlamentaria en el ejemplo de Bélgica y Francia. Los autores creen que la combinación de garantías legales con la necesidad de responsabilidad legal de los parlamentarios modernos como representantes del pueblo está más armoniosamente consagrada en la legislación francesa, que es aconsejable usar como modelo al reformar el sistema de representación popular de la Federación Rusa

    Kant-Bibliographie 2004

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