86 research outputs found

    Determining the effects of phosphorylation on AFAP-110 function

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    As there are over twenty potential PKC phosphorylation sites in AFAP-110 structure, deletional mutagenesis was employed to determine which regions of AFAP-110 are most likely to contain crucial sites for PKC phosphorylation. Our data indicate that functional PKC phosphorylation sites must be localized to the amino acid stretch 266--294 within STK region of AFAP-110. There are four PKC candidate phosphorylation sites in this region; they are being substituted by alanine residues in order to determine their significance in serine/threonine phosphorylation regulation of AFAP-110 function.;Analysis of AFAP-110 amino acid sequence has also revealed that AFAP-110 contains twelve potential 14-3-3 binding sequences. 14-3-3 proteins are a family of small acidic adaptor proteins of dimeric nature that act as molecular scaffolds and/or allosteric regulators in a number of cellular pathways. We have been interested to determine whether 14-3-3 is a binding partner for AFAP-110 in vivo. We determined that AFAP-110 associates with 14-3-3 in vivo, although it still remains unknown whether this association is direct or facilitated by any of a multitude of 14-3-3 binding partners. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Interactive Paired Complex in Electronic Medias of the Federal Republic of Germany

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    The article is devoted to the interaction of participants of electronic communication on the example of political media discourse of the Federal Republic of Germany. The research is based on the texts of electronic articles and electronic comments of political orientation of the leading German-language newspapers and magazines. It is shown that the articles and comments in electronic publications represent a closely linked interactive paired complexes. The relevance of the proposed study is determined by the examination of the material through the prism of the interactional model of communication that allows to study in detail the conditions under which the information sender and the recipient actively interact in the process of interpreting messages. Special attention is paid to the analysis of verbal means of communication on the example of the German language used in the texts of two mentioned types. The author considers also the non-verbal component of e-articles and comments as a significant component of interactive communication in the German-speaking electronic media. The results of comparative analysis of linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication of the subjects of studied form of discourse in electronic articles and electronic review are presented. Novelty of research consists in the fact that it describes verbal and non-verbal markers of establishing contact between the participants of electronic communication on the material of modern German language

    Exploration of Activation Fault Reliability in Quantized Systolic Array-Based DNN Accelerators

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    The stringent requirements for the Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) accelerator's reliability stand along with the need for reducing the computational burden on the hardware platforms, i.e. reducing the energy consumption and execution time as well as increasing the efficiency of DNN accelerators. Moreover, the growing demand for specialized DNN accelerators with tailored requirements, particularly for safety-critical applications, necessitates a comprehensive design space exploration to enable the development of efficient and robust accelerators that meet those requirements. Therefore, the trade-off between hardware performance, i.e. area and delay, and the reliability of the DNN accelerator implementation becomes critical and requires tools for analysis. This paper presents a comprehensive methodology for exploring and enabling a holistic assessment of the trilateral impact of quantization on model accuracy, activation fault reliability, and hardware efficiency. A fully automated framework is introduced that is capable of applying various quantization-aware techniques, fault injection, and hardware implementation, thus enabling the measurement of hardware parameters. Moreover, this paper proposes a novel lightweight protection technique integrated within the framework to ensure the dependable deployment of the final systolic-array-based FPGA implementation. The experiments on established benchmarks demonstrate the analysis flow and the profound implications of quantization on reliability, hardware performance, and network accuracy, particularly concerning the transient faults in the network's activations.Comment

    Ultrashort-pulse laser with an intracavity phase shaping element

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    A novel ultrashort-pulse laser cavity configuration that incorporates an intracavity deformable mirror as a phase control element is reported. A user-defined spectral phase relation of 0.7 radians relative shift could be produced at around 1035 nm. Phase shaping as well as pulse duration optimization was achieved via a computer-controlled feedback loop

    State Priorities in the Petrochemistry of Russia: Sustainable Development, “Green” Industry and Energy Efficiency

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    This research aims at diagnosing such priority areas for the development of petrochemicals in Russia as sustainable development and energy efficiency, at identifying trends and forecasting the development of the industry, taking into account the greening of the industry. Achieving the goal is based on the use of methods such as graphical, comparative, economic and mathematical (neural network modeling, correlation regression analysis), and prognostic. The article contains an assessment of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals focused on energy saving and environmental protection; forecasting the level of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia based on the construction of a neural network and a regression model; comparative analysis of the rates of transition to sustainable development of chemical production and production of coke and petroleum products in the Russian economy. The scientific results of the research are a neural network model trained on the indicators of sustainable and energy efficient development of the Russian economy, on the basis of which the relationship between the level of greenhouse gas emissions, the energy intensity of GDP and the share of electricity from renewable energy sources is formalized; a predictive model that made it possible to calculate future values of greenhouse gas emissions depending on the target values of predictive variables; features of the greening of petrochemical industries in Russia.Keywords: petrochemical industry, state priorities, sustainable development, green industry, energy efficiency, Russia.JEL Classifications: О14, D24, С41DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.11364</p

    Northern Eurasian large lakes history: sediment records obtained in the frame of Russian-German research project PLOT

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    Russian-German project PLOT (Paleolimnological Transect) aims at investigating the regional responses of the quaternary climate and environment on external forcing and feedback mechanisms along a more than 6000 km long longitudinal transect crossing Northern Eurasia. The well-dated record from Lake El´gygytgyn used as reference site for comparison the local climatic and environmental histories. Seismic surveys and sediment coring up to 54 m below lake floor performed in the frame of the project on Ladoga Lake (North-West of Russia; 2013), Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye (Polar Ural; 2016), Lake Levinson-Lessing and Lake Taymyr (Taymyr Peninsula; 2016-2017), Lake Emanda (Verkhoyansk Range; 2017). Fieldwork at Polar Ural and Taymyr Peninsula was conducted in collaboration with the Russian-Norwegian CHASE (Climate History along the Arctic Seaboard of Eurasia) project. Here, we present the major results of the project obtained so far

    Геоморфологическое строение и новейшая тектоника дельты р. Лены

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    New data about geomorphological structure and neotectonic movements of the Lena Delta is presented. Thet are based on results of the Russian-German expeditions Lena-2013, Lena-2014, Lena-2015 and Lena-2018 and include geomorphological profiling with high quality satellite instruments and a number of radiocarbon dates on the Sobo-Sise, Kurungnakh, Jangylakh-Sis and Khardang-Sise islands. These islands consist of the Late Pleistocene Ice Complex (IC) remnants eroded by river and sea, and the first terrace of the Delta, which adjoins the remnants. The first terrace started to form 8,000 years ago in the western part of the Delta and was finally formed in the last millennium in the eastern part of the Delta. From the previous works, it is known that the western part of the Delta is higher than the eastern part. In our work, we explain it by the eneven movements of the Earth’s crust in this region. The aim of the paper is to study the quantitative characteristics of the tectonic movements in the Lena River Delta. For this purpose we present the geomorphological schemes and descriptions of the islands mentioned and compare the terraces heights in the different parts of the Delta. In the Late Pleistocene, according to the heights of the IC remnants, the western part of the Delta rose 1 mm per year faster than its eastern part. In the Holocene the speed difference increased to approximately 2 mm per year, which is shown by the terrace surface’s altitude. The amplitude between the western and eastern parts of this surface is about 4 m. Finally, according to 60-years observation period of the water level in the Laptev Sea, the modern speed difference of the western and eastern parts movement in the Lena Delta is 2 mm per year. As a result, we can observe changes in the main flow direction in the Delta channels from the Olenekskaya branch at the beginning of Holocene to the Bykovskaya branch today.В данной работе представлены данные, полученные в результате экспедиций «Лена», в ходе которых было проведено геоморфологическое профилирование и отбор образцов для радиоуглеродного датирования на островах Собо-Сисё, Курунгнах, Джангылах-Сис и Харданг-Сисё, являющихся останцами позднеплейстоценовых отложений ледового комплекса с примыкающей к ним голоценовой террасой. Представленные на основе этих материалов результаты позволяют нам уточнить направления и скорости движений земной коры в дельте. Для этого составлены геоморфологические схемы островов с последующим описанием. Также определены амплитуда, скорости и направленность позднеплейстоценовых, голоценовых и современных тектонических движений. Выявлен тектонический перекос дельты с запада на восток, выражающийся в разном высотном положении поверхностей ледового комплекса и первой террасы. Установлено, что начиная с 20000 лет назад разница в скоростях движений между западной и восточной и западной частей составляла приблизительно 1 мм/год. В современную эпоху (с 2000 лет до н.э.) скорости увеличились до 2 мм/год, что было выделено по разнице высот первой террасы дельты. Это также согласуется и с данными уровнемерных наблюдений