181 research outputs found

    Full characterization and analysis of a terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a NbN hot electron bolometer

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    We present a complete experimental characterization of a quasioptical twin-slot antenna coupled small area (1.0×0.15 µm^2) NbN hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer compatible with currently available solid state tunable local oscillator (LO) sources. The required LO power absorbed in the HEB is analyzed in detail and equals only 25 nW. Due to the small HEB volume and wide antenna bandwidth, an unwanted direct detection effect is observed which decreases the apparent sensitivity. Correcting for this effect results in a receiver noise temperature of 700 K at 1.46 THz. The intermediate frequency (IF) gain bandwidth is 2.3 GHz and the IF noise bandwidth is 4 GHz. The single channel receiver stability is limited to 0.2–0.3 s in a 50 MHz bandwidth

    School age children health status and medical support organization at educational settings in Sverdlovsk region

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    Monitoring of prophylactic medical examination of school age children has been established. For this purpose in the year of 2007 there have been examined 82694 school age children, among whom 77393 children have been from educational institutes (schools, gymnasiums and lycees). Statistical data processing has been provided by State Regional Healthcare institution ‘Medical Information Analytic Center*. Children with the 1 st group of health constituted 28.1 % that is estimated as low. Various clinical forms of deviations in physical development especially in boys of pre-conscription age have been found. Diseases of locomotive system, vision decreasing, Gl tract pathology and nervous system dysfunctions have been determined as the leading deviations in the state of high school students' health in 2001 and 2007 without any positive dynamics. During the period of education in general educational schools these abnormalities are getting worse. To improve the current situation and prevent negative tendencies the Conception of high school students' medical support organization improvement with direct reforming of school health care and primary care systems has been elaborated.Проведен мониторинг диспансеризации детей школьного возраста. Для проведения мониторинга в 2007 году было обследовано 82694 детей школьного возраста, из них дети, посещающие общеобразовательные упреждения (школа, лицей, гимназия) составили 77393. Статистическая обработка данных мониторинга проведена в ГОУЗ МИАЦ. Установлен низкий процент (28,1%) детей школьного возраста, имеющих I группу здоровья. Найдены различные клинические варианты отклонений физического развития, особенно у мальчиков допризывного возраста. Ведущими отклонениями в состоянии здоровья в 2001 и в 2007 г.г. без положительной динамики оказались болезни опорно-двигательного аппарата, снижение остроты зрения, болезни органов пищеварения и нервной системы. Отмечено нарастание указанной патологии за период обучения в школе. Разработана концепция совершенствования организации медицинской помощи учащимся образовательных учреждений, предусматривающая реформирование школьного здравоохранения и работу первичного звена (врач, фельдшер, медицинская сестра) здравоохранения непосредственно в школах

    New concept of pathogenesis of impaired circulation in traumatic cervical spinal cord injury and its impact on disease severity: case series of four patients

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to justify a new concept of the pathogenesis of secondary changes in the cervical spinal cord, and its correlation with the depth of development of neurological disorders in spinal injury. Methods: Standard magnetic resonance imaging examination and angiography of the cervical and vertebral arteries of four patients were performed to diagnose the prevalence rate of ischemia and edema, and examine the spinal cord vasculature. Correlation of the data obtained with the neurological status was performed. Results: Collateral circulation is most apparent in the upper-cervical region, above the C4 vertebra. Following occlusion of the vertebral artery, the circulation above the C4 vertebra is performed by collaterals of the ascending cervical artery. With extensive damage to the spinal cord, the intensity of edema and ischemia can be regarded as the effect of damage to radicular medullary arteries, which are injured in the intervertebral foramen. Secondary changes of the spinal cord are most apparent by impaired circulation in the artery of cervical enlargement. Conclusions: Collateral circulation is a significant factor that limits the damage to the cervical spinal cord. Impaired circulation in the artery of cervical enlargement is significant in extension of perifocal ischemia. The appearance of early arteriovenous shunting in the region of a primary spinal cord injury (contusion focus) by angiography is pathognomonic. The data obtained open a perspective for the endovascular treatment of spinal cord injury

    Efficiency of specific biopreparations in organic waste management

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    Background: Biological approach is becoming more popular in the protection of the environment by organic waste of agricultural holdings due to economic efficiency and absence of additional damage to the ecosystem. Microorganisms of biopreparations possess significant fermentative properties and high antagonistic activity against of many pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria and toxigenic filamentous fungi. In our study we have isolated millions of coliform bacteria and Enterococci, thousands of Salmonella, Proteus and Staphylococci in 1 g of initial substrate. After the usage of biopreparations the quantity of coliform bacteria and Enterococci was less than 10 cells/g, and no Salmonella, Staphylococcus or Proteus were found. Application of the biopreparations has prevented the loss of nutrients. Therefore, nitrogen content was higher by 50-60% than in the control. The quantity of nitrifying, ammonifying and cellulose-fermenting microorganisms increased by 15.9%, 6.6% and 15.4%, respectively. Productivity of grain and vegetable crops increased by 10-20%. An important advantage of the biopreparations usage, that also we found, is the elimination of specific odor within a couple days due to the ability of their microorganisms to assimilate nitrogen from urea and neutralize the substrate against the bacteria causing putrefaction, anaerobic processes and the emission of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Conclusion: The application of developed new biopreparations will allow producing high-quality environmentally friendly agricultural products

    High-frequency homogenization for periodic media

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. Copyright @ 2010 The Royal Society.An asymptotic procedure based upon a two-scale approach is developed for wave propagation in a doubly periodic inhomogeneous medium with a characteristic length scale of microstructure far less than that of the macrostructure. In periodic media, there are frequencies for which standing waves, periodic with the period or double period of the cell, on the microscale emerge. These frequencies do not belong to the low-frequency range of validity covered by the classical homogenization theory, which motivates our use of the term ‘high-frequency homogenization’ when perturbing about these standing waves. The resulting long-wave equations are deduced only explicitly dependent upon the macroscale, with the microscale represented by integral quantities. These equations accurately reproduce the behaviour of the Bloch mode spectrum near the edges of the Brillouin zone, hence yielding an explicit way for homogenizing periodic media in the vicinity of ‘cell resonances’. The similarity of such model equations to high-frequency long wavelength asymptotics, for homogeneous acoustic and elastic waveguides, valid in the vicinities of thickness resonances is emphasized. Several illustrative examples are considered and show the efficacy of the developed techniques.NSERC (Canada) and the EPSRC

    Clinical diagnostic criteria of the syndrome of vegetative dysfunction in children and adolescents

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    The article deals with the clinic and diagnosis of autonomic dysfunction syndrome in children and adolescents. Data on sexual and age structure, leading clinical symptoms and methods of diagnosis of autonomic dysfunction syndrome were obtained. The absence of dependence of symptoms from the cardiovascular system on the burdened family history on diseases of the cardiovascular system was revealedВ статье рассмотрены вопросы клиники и диагностики синдрома вегетативной дисфункции у детей и подростков. Получены данные о половой и возрастной структуре, ведущих клинических симптомах и методов диагностики синдрома вегетативной дисфункции. Выявлено отсутствие зависимости симптомов со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы от отягощенного семейного анамнеза по заболеваниям сердечно-сосудистой системы

    Children's cardiology: yesterday, today, tomorrow (experience of yekaterinburg children's cardiological school)

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    The article presents the history of the creation scientific school of children's cardiology in Yekaterinburg and the formation the city children's cardiology center as a modern model of an institution that provides assistance to children with cardiac pathology.В статье представлена история создания детской кардиологической школы в г. Екатеринбурге и городского детского кардиологического центра как современной модели учреждения, оказывающего помощь детям с кардиальной патологией

    Анализ заболеваемости глаукомой населения Ставропольского края

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    PURPOSE: to study glaucoma incidence in the Stavropol region (SR), the North Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) and the Russian Federation (RF) over the 2007-2016 period.METHODS: The official statistical materials of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Central Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health Care of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the data of the Medical Information Analytical Center of Stavropol region were analyzed during the research. We calculated the level of general and primary incidence per 100 thousand population and the share of glaucoma in the structure of eye diseases. Indicators of the general and primary disease incidence in the Stavropol region in comparison with similar indicators in the North Caucasian Federal District and the RF in 2007-2016 were analyzed. The parameters of glaucoma monitoring per 1000 population were calculated and the data of disability on glaucoma in the Stavropol region for 2013-2017 was analyzed.RESULTS. General incidence of glaucoma in Russian adult population increased by 24.3%, while primary incidence of glaucoma increased by 11% in comparison with 2007. These indicators were stable for six years (2011- 2016) among the population over working age (fluctuation range — 2.2-4.9%). During the ten years general incidence of glaucoma in adult population of the NCFD was increased by 33% and the primary incidence was decreased by 14.5%. In NCFD among the population over working age the number of cases of general and primary incidence of glaucoma over the six years was increased, respectively, by 4.5% and 4%. In the Stavropol region, the annual incidence rates of glaucoma fluctuate. Peak indicators for the UK in the period under study were registered in 2012, the total incidence of the adult population was 16 443 (735.3 per 100 thousand population), the primary incidence of the adult population was 1 966 cases (87.9 per 100 thousand population). In the Stavropol region there was a low rate of glaucoma patients monitoring. A growth of surgical activity was also identified in the region. Disability due to glaucoma in the SR reached 21.5%, being the second most frequent visual disability cause in the region (2016).CONCLUSION: Glaucoma epidemiology aggravated during the last ten years in Russia. The share of general and primary incidence of glaucoma among the eye pathology in Russia has steadily increased during the selected period. The NCFD showed the lowest incidence of glaucoma among all federal districts of Russia. The incidence of glaucoma in the Stavropol region had a variable and unstable character.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучить показатели заболеваемости глаукомой в Ставропольском крае (СК), Северо-Кавказском федеральном округе (СКФО) и Российской Федерации (РФ) за период 2007-2017 гг.МЕТОДЫ. Проведен анализ официальных статистических материалов Министерства здравоохранения РФ, ФГБУ «Центральный НИИ организации и информатизации здравоохранения» Минздрава России и данных ГБУЗ СК «Медицинский информационно-аналитический центр». В работе рассчитаны общая, первичная заболеваемость на 100 тыс. населения и удельный вес глаукомы в структуре глазной заболеваемости. Проведена оценка динамики показателей общей и первичной заболеваемости населения СК по сравнению с аналогичными показателями в СКФО и РФ в 2007-2016 гг. Рассчитаны показатели диспансеризации на 1 000 населения и проанализированы данные инвалидности по глаукоме в Ставропольском крае за 2013-2017 гг.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Общая заболеваемость глаукомой взрослого населения России увеличилась на 24,3%, первичная — на 11% по сравнению с 2007 г., среди населения старше трудоспособного возраста эти показатели стабильны за шесть лет (2011-2016), колебания в пределах 2,2-4,9%. За десять лет по СКФО общая заболеваемость глаукомы взрослого населения увеличилась на 33%, первичная заболеваемость снизилась на 14,5%. Среди населения СКФО старше трудоспособного возраста число случаев общей и первичной заболеваемости глаукомы за шесть лет возросло соответственно на 4,5% и 4%. В СК ежегодные показатели заболеваемости глаукомой колеблются. Пик показателей по СК в изучаемый период зарегистрирован в 2012 г., общая заболеваемость взрослого населения — 16 443 случая (735,3 на 100 тыс. населения), первичная заболеваемость взрослого населения — 1 966 случаев (87,9 на 100 тыс. населения). В СК низкий показатель числа больных глаукомой, состоящих на диспансерном учете. В крае выявлен рост хирургической активности у пациентов с глаукомой. Инвалидность вследствие глаукомы по СК занимает второе место (2016) и составляет 21,5%.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. За десять лет в России ухудшилась эпидемиологическая ситуация по глаукоме. Доля общей и первичной заболеваемости глаукомы среди всей патологии органа зрения в России за выбранный период постоянно возрастала. Наименьшая заболеваемость глаукомой среди всех исследованных федеральных округов России в СКФО. Показатели заболеваемости глаукомой по Ставропольскому краю носят непостоянный, скачкообразный характер

    Fhysiopuncture and its efficacy in the treatment of children with Erosive ulcer damage of the upper gastro intestinal chambers

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    The objective of the research is to show the efficacy of physiopuncture applied in patients with erosive ulcer damage of the upper gastro intestinal chambers. Materials and Methods: 198 patients at the age of from 7 to 10 (15,6%) and from 11 to 15 years old (78,9%) with the diagnosis of chronic gastroduodenitis CEG (128 children) and the diagnosis of ulcer UD (70 patients). The gastroduodenoscopy was conducted with the biopsy of mucosa coating of antral stomach chamber. The H. Pylori was assessed with the help of hystobacterioscopic method of gimza; intraventricular ph measurements using REG were administered. Gastroscan-24 and Ultra Sound Examination of digestive organs were used. The electro skin resistance in the biologically active points of meridians was analyzed: stomach (e-36), pericardium (MC-6), triple (Tr-5), frontal medium (VS-12). Case histories and family histories of children were studied and non effectiveness of previous therapy was established. With the help of the analysis of electro skin resistance in the biologically active points of meridians it was established that in patients with CEG and UD the majority of BAP (98,4% and 100% respectively) was not ready for the short wave frequency (SWF) therapy and required their adjusting to the normal levels on the SCANER. All the patients were administered the eradicative triplex and quadric therapy in accordance with intra atrium ph measurements and the following SWF therapy after the electro skin resistance were leveled in the active points. In 6-8 weeks all the patients were discharged from the hospital with the condition of clinical endoscopic remission and normal ph ratio. The secondary examination was conducted in 95 children with CEG and 45 patients with UD in the 1-1,5 year period of time. The clinical endoscopic remission, normal ration of PH and H. Pylori absence were registered. In children with CEG and UD the majority of BAP had normal indexes of electro skin resistance. Children with morphological features of superficial gastritis were given SWF therapy as a mono therapy. The following conclusion was made: it’s reasonable to administer SWF therapy during the rehabilitation of patients that will allow reducing the drug load in the long term patients with CEG and UD.Цель: показать эффективность применения физиопунктуры у больных с эрозивно-язвенным поражением верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта.Материалы и методы: обследовано 198 больных в возрасте от 7 до 10 (15,6%) и от 11 до 15 лет (78,9%) с диагнозом хронический эрозивный гастродуоденит ХЗГ (128 детей) и язвенная болезнь ЯБ (70 больных). Проводили ЭГДС с биопсией слизистой оболочки антрального отдела желудка и определяли Н. Pylori гистобактериоскопическим методом Гимзы, назначали внутрижелудочную рh-метрию аппаратом РЗГ, Гастроскан - 24, проводили УЗИ органов пищеварения. Анализировали электрокожное сопротивление (ЭКС) в биологически активных точках (БАТ) меридианов: желудка (Е-36); перикарда (МС-6); тройного обогревателя (Тг-5); передне срединного меридиана (VC-12). Изучали анамнез жизни и болезни у обследуемых детей и установили не эффективность ранее проводимой терапии. Анализом ЭКС в биологически активных точках заинтересованных меридианов установили, что у больных ХЭГ и ЯБ большинство БАТ (98,4% и 100% соответственно) были не готовы к проведению КВЧ - терапии и требовали приведения их к нормальным значениям на аппарате СКЭНАР. Всем больным назначали эрадикационную триплекс или квадротерапию в соответствии с данными внутрижелудочной ph-метрией и КВН - терапию после выравнивания ЭКС в биологически активных точках. Через 6-8 недель все больные были выписаны в состоянии клинико-эндоскопической ремиссии и нормальными показателями ph-метрии.Результаты: повторный осмотр провели через 1-1,5 года 95 больным с ХЭГ и 45 детям с ЯБ. Зарегистрирована клинико-эндоскопическая ремиссия, отсутствие Н. Pylori и нормальные показатели ph-метрии. У детей с ХЭГ и ЯБ большинство БАТ (96,0% и 93,3% соответственно) имели нормальные показатели ЭКС. У детей с морфологическими признаками поверхностного гастрита назначали КВЧ-терапию в виде монотерапии. Заключение: назначение КВЧ-терапии больным ХЭГ и ЯБ позволяет уменьшить лекарственную нагрузку на этапах реабилитации