117 research outputs found

    Sergei Radlov and European Theatre

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    Ground state EIT cooling of 171^{171}Yb+^+ ion

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    The work propose a scheme of deep laser cooling of 171^{171}Yb+^{+}. The cooling is based on the effect of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a polychromatic field with three frequency components are resonant to optical transitions of the ^2S_{1/2} \to \, ^2P_{1/2} line. The deep cooling down to the ground motional state in a trap allows for a significant suppression of the second order Doppler shift in frequency standards. Moreover, there is no need to use a magnetic field, which is required for Doppler cooling of 171^{171}Yb+^{+} in a field with two-frequency component. The cooling without use of magnetic field is important for deep suppression of quadratic Zeeman shifts of clock transitions from uncontrolled residual magnetic fields


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    Intensive farming and application of mineral fertilizers result in loss of organic components, reduces the number of microflora and worsens soil fertility. Due to this fact, application of natural organic fertilizer – decay ooze – can serve as the most appropriate and effective solution. In recent years, investigation of this almost unlimited resource is increasingly significant and relevant in agronomic practices and research. The great number of publications highlight that application of decay ooze leads to increasing of plants productivity and for improving soil fertility for longer period of time. The authors explore the impact of decay ooze from the lake Maloe Minzelinskoe in Kolyvan district of Novosibirsk region on productive features of spring wheat sown at the experimental plot of Research Institute of Cytology and Genetics. The soil where the experiment was conducted, is grey and forest, poor in organic components. When applying decay ooze in 2 dozes, the authors show its significant and statistically proved effect on productivity of spring wheat samples and its components.Интенсивное использование земель с внесением минеральных удобрений приводит к обеднению их органическими компонентами, снижает численность микрофлоры и в итоге падает плодородие. В этой связи использование естественного органического удобрения – сапропеля может представлять наиболее оптимальное решение существующей проблемы. В последние годы исследование этого практически неограниченного ресурса находит все большее использование в агрономической практике и исследовательской работе. В большом числе опубликованных работ показано, что внесение сапропелей приводит к увеличению продуктивности растений и на значительное время улучшает плодородие почв. В данной работе было изучено влияние сапропеля из озера Малое Минзелинское Колыванского района Новосибирской области на продуктивные качества яровой пшеницы, высеянной на экспериментальном участке ИЦиГ СО РАН. Почва поля, на котором проводился эксперимент, является серой лесной, обедненной органическими компонентами. При внесении сапропеля в двух дозах показан его значительный статистически достоверный эффект на продуктивность образца яровой пшеницы и ее компоненты

    Клинико-лабораторные особенности исследования височно-нижнечелюстного сустава в норме и при его патологии

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    Проведенные исследования показали, что МРТ на сегодня, является наиболее информативным и доступным методом исследования ВНЧС; Проведені дослідження показали, що МРТ на сьогодні, є найбільш інформативним і доступним методом дослідження СНЩС; The carried out researches have shown, that MRT for today, is the most informative and accessible method of research of TMJ


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    Pollution of water basins caused by the elements of mineral fertilizers removed from the soil by precipitation and floodwaters is a relevant environmental problem. In this regard, the aim is to minimize application of fertilizers and their propping in the soil. Application of NPK fertilizers in the mixture with natural organic fertilizer sapropel is seen as one of the possible approaches and solutions. This component of organomineral mixtures is extracted from the lakes in Novosibirsk Region; its reserves are estimated as 600 million tons. The paper highlights that sapropel contains chelate agents that take the molecules of fertilizers and keep them from moisture removal, and at the same time do not prevent their assimilation by plants. The researchers outlined a significant effect of sapropel on the productivity of spring wheat when it is applied on grey forest soils. When presowing application of sapropel dosed as 4 and 8 kg/m2, the researchers observed significant increase of crops individual productivity in comparison with that in the control group, and gradual growth caused by higher dose applied. The paper highlights the experimental results of the impact caused by sapropel when growing three forms of corn. These are C4-photosynthetic crops, with much more intensive assimilation of CO2 per unit of time in comparison with wheat, and therefore with a more active consuming of mineral elements from the soil. The experiments revealed genetic polymorphism of the studied samples of corn in response to sapropel applied according to quantitative parameters.Загрязнение водных бассейнов элементами минеральных удобрений, выносимых из почвы осадками и паводковыми водами, является значительной экологической проблемой. Всвязи с этим все активнее ставится задача минимизации количества вносимых удобрений и их физического закрепления в почве. В качестве одного из возможных подходов рассматривается внесение NPK туков в смеси с естественным органическим удобрением сапропелем. Этот компонент органоминеральных смесей добывается из озер Новосибирской области и его запасы оцениваются в 600 млн т. К настоящему моменту выявлено, что в составе сапропеля имеются хелатные агенты, которые активно захватывают молекулы удобрений и удерживают их от выноса влагой, а вместе с тем не препятствуют их усвоению растениями. Ранее мы показали существенный эффект сапропеля на продуктивность яровой пшеницы при его использовании на серых лесных почвах. При предпосевном внесении сапропеля в дозах 4 и 8 кг/м 2 было выявлено значительное увеличение индивидуальной продуктивности растений в сравнении с контролем, а также ее градуальный рост с увеличением вносимой дозы. В предлагаемой работе представлены результаты изучения влияния сапропеля при выращивании трех форм кукурузы. Это растения С4-пути фотосинтеза с гораздо более интенсивным усвоением СО2 в единицу времени в сравнении с пшеницей, а следовательно, и с более активным потреблением минеральных элементов из почвы. Проведенные эксперименты позволили выявить генетический полиморфизм в ответ на внесенный сапропель по количественным признакам среди изученных образцов кукурузы

    Development of Information Support for Researches of Enterprise Networks: System-Dynamic Model and Local Payment System

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    The article describes a set of applications that reflects the activities of an entrepreneurial network, consisting of two parts: a highly functional application prototype for assessing the economic efficiency of an entrepreneurial network and a web application of a local payment system (FSC), where an entrepreneurial network is created using experimental economics methods, therefore transaction is readily available for subsequent analysis.В статье описан комплекс приложений, позволяющий исследовать деятельность предпринимательской сети, состоящий из двух частей: высокофункционального прототипа приложения для оценки экономической эффективности функционирования предпринимательской сети и веб- приложения локальной платёжной системы (ЛПС). В ЛПС предпринимательская сеть создается методами экспериментальной экономики, что делает всю информацию о транзакция легкодоступной для последующего анализа

    Extended defects in natural diamonds: Atomic Force Microscopy investigation

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    Surfaces of natural diamonds etched in high-pressure experiments in H2O, CO2 and H2O-NaCl fluids were investigated using Atomic Force Microscopy. Partial dissolution of the crystals produced several types of surface features including the well-known trigons and hillocks and revealed several new types of defects. Besides well-known trigons and dissolution hillocks several new types of defects are observed. The most remarkable ones are assigned to anelastic twins of several types. The observation of abundant microtwins, ordering of hillocks and presence of defects presumably related to knots of branched dislocations suggests importance of post-growth deformation events on formation of diamond microstructure. This work confirms previous reports of ordering of extended defects in some deformed diamonds. In addition, the current work shows that natural diamonds deform not only by dislocation mechanism and slip, but also but mechanical twinning. The dominant mechanism should depend on pressure-temperature-stress conditions during diamond transport from the formation domain to the Earth surface.Comment: Submitted to special issue (1st European Mineralogical congress, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2012) of European Journal of Mineralogy. 21 page, 9 figure

    The change of Fe-Ni alloy inclusions in synthetic diamond crystals due to annealing

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    The influence of annealing under high P-T parameters on the inclusions of Fe-Ni alloys in synthetic diamond crystals was studied. The experimental annealing of the grown diamond crystals was held under a pressure of 6.5-7.0 GPa, at temperatures of 1700-2200 degrees C and the duration of the experiments was 1-30 h. Depending on the annealing temperature, the color of diamonds changed, along with the corresponding variations of their IR spectra, i.e. diamond of Ib type transformed into Is type. The form of metal inclusions, entrapped by diamonds, varied, they experienced change of their faces with their orientation in one direction, in accordance with the temperature gradient in the reaction cell. Besides, the migration of the inclusions of the Fe-Ni alloy within diamond volume in the direction of higher temperatures took place. The mechanism of metal inclusions' migration in diamond as a result of recrystallization in the gradient field of temperatures is considered. The assumption about possible participation of carbon-containing melt of transition metals at the early stage of natural diamonds crystallization with further recrystallization and self-purification of diamonds from the transition metals' inclusions during the long period of their existence in the Earth's mantle at high temperatures and pressures was made. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

    How do diamonds grow in metal melt together with silicate minerals? An experimental study of diamond morphology

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    The origin and evolution of metal melts in the Earth's mantle and their role in the formation of diamond are the subject of active discussion. It is widely accepted that portions of metal melts in the form of pockets can be a suitable medium for diamond growth. This raises questions about the role of silicate minerals that form the walls of these pockets and are present in the volume of the metal melt during the growth of diamonds. The aim of the present work was to study the crystallization of diamond in a complex heterogeneous system: metal-melt–basalt–carbon. The experiments were performed using a multianvil high-pressure apparatus of split-sphere type (BARS) at a pressure of 5.5&thinsp;GPa and a temperature of 1500&thinsp;∘C. The results demonstrated crystallization of diamond in metal melt together with garnet and clinopyroxene, whose chemical compositions are similar to those of eclogitic inclusions in natural diamond. We show that the presence of silicates in the crystallization medium does not reduce the chemical ability of metal melts to catalyze the conversion of graphite into diamond, and, morphologically, diamond crystallizes mainly in the form of a cuboctahedron. When the content of the silicate material in the system exceeds 5&thinsp;wt&thinsp;%, diamond forms parallel-growth aggregates, but 15&thinsp;wt&thinsp;% of silicate phases block the crystallization chamber, preventing the penetration of metallic melt into them, thus interrupting the growth of diamond. We infer that the studied mechanism of diamond crystallization can occur at lower-mantle conditions but could also have taken place in the ancient continental mantle of the Earth, under reducing conditions that allowed the stability of Fe–Ni melts.</p

    The theft of happiness: new Russian drama and the theatre

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    The Russian theatre has undergone several phases of development since the demarcation from the past, as represented by Alexander Vampilov. To begin with, the theatre preferred dramatization of modern literature, but this gave way to consideration of the paradoxes of life, often absurdist. Then, with the end of the Soviet system, there were the chernukha, black plays, particularly of Shipenko, Ugarov and Knjazev. More recently still, the scenic reading of plays explored the suitability of various life-conflicts for drama. August by Timophei Khmeljev concerned the inhabitants of an old dacha near Moscow. The pattern was related to Chekhov and Nietzsche. Kazantsev s That this world and Razumovskaya s Biography concerned life after death. Alexander Stroganov s Ornithology relates human and bird life. Russian drama is in a very active and explorative phase, trying to catch a lost happiness.