2,859 research outputs found

    Exact ground states and correlation functions of chain and ladder models of interacting hardcore bosons or spinless fermions

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    By removing one empty site between two occupied sites, we map the ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless fermions with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion to ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless fermions without nearest-neighbor repulsion respectively, and ultimately in terms of the one-dimensional Fermi sea. We then introduce the intervening-particle expansion, where we write correlation functions in such ground states as a systematic sum over conditional expectations, each of which can be ultimately mapped to a one-dimensional Fermi-sea expectation. Various ground-state correlation functions are calculated for the bosonic and fermionic chains with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion, as well as for a ladder model of spinless fermions with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion and correlated hopping in three limiting cases. We find that the decay of these correlation functions are governed by surprising power-law exponents.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, RevTeX4 clas

    First-order nature of the ferromagnetic phase transition in (La-Ca)MnO_3 near optimal doping

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    Neutron scattering has been used to study the nature of the ferromagnetic transition in single crystals of La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3 and La_0.8Ca_0.2MnO_3, and polycrystalline samples of La_0.67Ca_0.33MnO_3 and La_5/8Ca_3/8MnO_3 where the naturally occurring O-16 can be replaced with the O-18 isotope. Small angle neutron scattering on the x=0.3 single crystal reveals a discontinuous change in the scattering at the Curie temperature for wave vectors below ~0.065 A^-1. Strong relaxation effects are observed for this domain scattering, for the magnetic order parameter, and for the quasielastic scattering, demonstrating that the transition is not continuous in nature. There is a large oxygen isotope effect observed for the T_C in the polycrystalline samples. For the optimally doped x=3/8 sample we observed T_C(O-16)=266.5 K and T_C(O-18)=261.5 K at 90% O-18 substitution. The temperature dependence of the spin-wave stiffness is found to be identical for the two samples despite changes in T_C. Hence, T_C is not solely determined by the magnetic subsystem, but instead the ferromagnetic phase is truncated by the formation of polarons which cause an abrupt transition to the paramagnetic, insulating state. Application of uniaxial stress in the x=0.3 single crystal sharply enhances the polaron scattering at room temperature. Measurements of the phonon density-of-states show only modest differences above and below T_C and between the two different isotopic samples.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stripe phases in high-temperature superconductors

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    Stripe phases are predicted and observed to occur in a class of strongly-correlated materials describable as doped antiferromagnets, of which the copper-oxide superconductors are the most prominent representative. The existence of stripe correlations necessitates the development of new principles for describing charge transport, and especially superconductivity, in these materials.Comment: 5 pp, 1 color eps fig., to appear as a Perspective in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US

    Coulomb blockade and quantum tunnelling in the low-conductivity phase of granular metals

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    We study the effects of Coulomb interaction and inter-grain quantum tunnelling in an array of metallic grains using the phase-functional approach for temperatures TT well below the charging energy EcE_{c} of individual grains yet large compared to the level spacing in the grains. When the inter-grain tunnelling conductance g1g\gg1, the conductivity σ\sigma in dd dimensions decreases logarithmically with temperature (σ/σ0112πgdln(gEc/T)\sigma/\sigma_{0}\sim1-\frac{1}{2\pi gd}\ln(gE_{c}/T)), while for g0g\to0, the conductivity shows simple activated behaviour (σexp(Ec/T)\sigma \sim \exp(-E_c/T)). We show, for bare tunnelling conductance g1g \gtrsim 1, that the parameter γg(12/(gπ)ln(gEc/T))\gamma \equiv g(1-2/(g\pi)\ln(gE_{c}/T)) determines the competition between charging and tunnelling effects. At low enough temperatures in the regime 1γ1/βEc1\gtrsim \gamma \gg 1/\sqrt{\beta E_{c}}, a charge is shared among a finite number N=(Ec/T)/ln(π/2γz)N=\sqrt{(E_{c}/T)/\ln(\pi/2\gamma z)} of grains, and we find a soft activation behaviour of the conductivity, σz1exp(2(Ec/T)ln(π/2γz))\sigma\sim z^{-1}\exp(-2\sqrt{(E_{c}/T)\ln(\pi/2\gamma z)}), where zz is the effective coordination number of a grain.Comment: 11 pages REVTeX, 3 Figures. Appendix added, replaced with published versio

    A Novel Dielectric Anomaly in Cuprates and Nickelates: Signature of an Electronic Glassy State

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    The low-frequency dielectric response of hole-doped insulators La_{2}Cu_{1-x}Li_{x}O_{4} and La_{2-x}Sr_{x}NiO_{4} shows a large dielectric constant \epsilon ^{'} at high temperature and a step-like drop by a factor of 100 at a material-dependent low temperature T_{f}. T_{f} increases with frequency and the dielectric response shows universal scaling in a Cole-Cole plot, suggesting that a charge glass state is realized both in the cuprates and in the nickelates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dark states of dressed Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We combine the ideas of dressed Bose-Einstein condensates, where an intracavity optical field allows one to design coupled, multicomponent condensates, and of dark states of quantum systems, to generate a full quantum entanglement between two matter waves and two optical waves. While the matter waves are macroscopically populated, the two optical modes share a single photon. As such, this system offers a way to influence the behaviour of a macroscopic quantum system via a microscopic ``knob''.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering from Valence Excitations in Insulating Copper-Oxides

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    We report resonant inelastic x-ray measurements of insulating La2_2CuO4_4 and Sr2_2CuO2_2Cl2_2 taken with the incident energy tuned near the Cu K absorption edge. We show that the spectra are well described in a shakeup picture in 3rd order perturbation theory which exhibits both incoming and outgoing resonances, and demonstrate how to extract a spectral function from the raw data. We conclude by showing {\bf q}-dependent measurements of the charge transfer gap.Comment: minor notational changes, discussion of anderson impurity model fixed, references added; accepted by PR

    Evidence for magnetic clusters in BaCoO3_3

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    Magnetic properties of the transition metal oxide BaCoO3_3 are analyzed on the basis of the experimental and theoretical literature available via ab inito calculations. These can be explained by assuming the material to be formed by noninteracting ferromagnetic clusters of about 1.2 nm in diameter separated by about 3 diameters. Above about 50 K, the so-called blocking temperature, superparamagnetic behavior of the magnetic clusters occurs and, above 250 K, paramagnetism sets in.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Lattice dynamics of mixed semiconductors (Be,Zn)Se from first-principles calculations

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    Vibration properties of Zn(1-x)Be(x)Se, a mixed II-VI semiconductor haracterized by a high contrast in elastic properties of its pure constituents, ZnSe and BeSe, are simulated by first-principles calculations of electronic structure, lattice relaxation and frozen phonons. The calculations within the local density approximation has been done with the Siesta method, using norm-conserving pseudopotentials and localized basis functions; the benchmark calculations for pure endsystems were moreover done also by all-electron WIEN2k code. An immediate motivation for the study was to analyze, at the microscopic level, the appearance of anomalous phonon modes early detected in Raman spectra in the intermediate region (20 to 80%) of ZnBe concentration. This was early discussed on the basis of a percolation phenomenon, i.e., the result of the formation of wall-to-wall --Be--Se-- chains throughout the crystal. The presence of such chains was explicitly allowed in our simulation and indeed brought about a softening and splitting off of particular modes, in accordance with experimental observation, due to a relative elongation of Be--Se bonds along the chain as compared to those involving isolated Be atoms. The variation of force constants with interatomic distances shows common trends in relative independence on the short-range order.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.